to 1924
Sighting document from South
Wales Police |
Thanks to Skeptical |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Pages 1923 and 1924 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1923 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1924 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
09)....(PDF Pages 3-4 )....Pages 1923 to 1924?"Document from
South Wales Police re reported suspicious incident in La Canada,
Marbella, Spain"
Page 1923 (Page 1 of 2 )
South Wales Police
Force Intelligence Bureau
Central Police Station
CF10 3NN
Priority 2
For Action : Intelligence Only
CrimeStoppers Ref : D1657/07
Crime Type : Other Crime
Receiving Officer : 52707 karen Boobier
Date Received : 18th June 2007 : Time Received : 12:55 : Eval :
Police Force : Other
Information :
Suspicious Incident outside La Canada, Marbella -
A male described as approx 6ft, thin, dark complexion and a
shaven head with a dark regrowth starting to show was seen to
drag a 4 year old girl along the car-park and into a vehicle.
The little girl was wearing long pink trousers and a pink top
with white sleeves. She had brown hair with a fringe which had
grown out and was hanging in her eyes.
The little girl was crying and saying, "No, no, please. I don't
want to", as the male took her to the car. He was seen at the
rear door of the vehicle for about 5 minutes and then he got
into the passenger seat and sat there for a while.
The vehicle was an old style black Range Rover, Index 'xxxxxxx'
with tinted glass.
No other details available.
Action taken
(Note :
Here, is a handwritten entry of 9 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, which refers to a report, by a Sue Daughtrey, Tel :
017538xxxxx, of a suspicious incident in La Canada, Marbella,
together with details of a Range Rover's registration number.
This entry appears to have overwritten part of this report)
Page 1924 (Page 2 of 2 )
Warning : If the caller has chosen to remain anonymous caution
should be exercised in any further action. This information may
contain material relevant.
(Note : The
remainder of the Page contains only general advice and
information regarding CrimeStoppers) |
1925 to 1926
Email and statement re
sighting in Santa Ponsa,
Mallorca |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Pages 1925 and 1926 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1925 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1926 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 09)....(PDF Pages 5-6 )....Pages 1925 to 1926?"Email and
statement re reported sighting in Santa Ponsa, Mallorca,
Page 1925 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
Op Task
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 26th June 2007 09:53
Attach : 1. Intelligence Report From A.doc
Subject : FW : CrimeStoppers Intelligence Report ref : 065-FF :
"Restricted" poss sighting in Majorca priority 2
From : Crimestoppers
Sent : 26th June 2007 09:44
To : Task
Subject : FW : CrimeStoppers Intelligence Report ref : 065-FF :
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 9 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 27th June 2007, which refers to a
reported sighting in Santa Ponsa, Majorca, on the 18th June
2007. This entry may have obscured part of this report)
The report then continues thus :
From : crimestoppers@staffordshire.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 24th June 2007 14:13
To : crimestoppers@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : CrimeStoppers Intelligence Report ref : 065-FF :
Page 1926 (Page 2 of 2 )
5x5x5 Information Intelligence Report Form A
Organisation and Officer : Staffordshire Police, George Simpson
Date/Time of Report : 24th June 2007 14:00
Information/Intelligence Source : 065-FF
Evaluation : E 41 (Note : i.e. Unproven Source and Cannot be
Report :
Person Record : Madeleine McCann
Information suggests a possible sighting of Madeleine McCann in
Santa Ponsa, Majorca on Monday night 18th June 2007.
A girl bearing a strong resemblance to her description seen in
company with a male & female (both dark haired) approx 40yrs
old. Described as "Polish looking".
The girl described as small having short 'bob' style hair which
has been dyed a dirty grey colour. When she was walking she
appeared to be unsteady on her feet.
No further information. |
1936 to 1937
Emails re sighting in
Guernsey/Weymouth |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Pages 1936 and 1937 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1936 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1937 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 09)....(PDF Pages 10-11 )....Pages 1936 to 1937?"Emails re
reported sighting on Guernsey - Weymouth Ferry"
Page 1936 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Burrows Caroline" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 24th July 2007 16:20
Attach : D2441.pdf
Subject : D2441.pdf
(Note : Here, is a handwritten
entry of 6 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated 24th July
2007, which refers to a reported sighting, by a Mrs Rita Hughes,
on the 19th June 2007, on the Guernsey - Weymouth Ferry)
Page 1937 (Page 2 of 2 )
Newton Martin
From : Kennedy Geraldine (
Sent : 26th June 2007 22:05
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : Madeleine McCann - Um reference 1455 26/06/07
Have received a phone call from a Mrs Rita Hughes who lives at,
x, Wxxxxxxx Cxxxxxxx, Ketley, who had contacted her local Police
Force who gave her the number for Thames Valley Police number
0845 8505505.
On the 19th June 2007 caller was travelling on the Ferry from
Guernsey to Weymouth and she noticed a white male, approx age
45, 6ft tall, large build, wearing a black mac that looked too
big for him.
Caller states that the man was sitting outside on the deck for
at least 2 hours with the weather being very bad.
She noticed a little girl's arm drop out of his coat.
"I got a look at the girl as he stood her down at one point just
as we were getting nearer to Weymouth. She had shoulder length
blonde hair, she looked very fragile looking, her legs were very
red, either sunburnt or due to the cold".
Caller couldn't remember what the little girl was wearing.
The last stop on the Ferry was Weymouth. It docked at 1645hrs on
the 19th June 2007. The male was still on the Ferry but not sure
where he went as he seemed to disappear.
Mrs Hughes didn't report it sooner as she wasn't sure what to
do. She can be contacted on, '019522xxxxx' and '079742xxxxx'.
Windsor Pec
27/06/2007 |
Email re sighting in Croatia |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Page 1938 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1938 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 09)....(PDF Page 12 )....Page 1938?"Email re reported
sighting in Dubrovnik, Croatia, Southeast Europe"
Page 1938 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Op Task
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 23rd June 2007 16:40
Attach : mail0623153430.txt
Subject : FW : (From STORM) poss sighting Croatia priority 2
___________Original Message_________
From : Nicola PARSONS PSE 56011 (
Sent : 23rd June 2007 15:35
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : (From STORM)
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 15 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
27th June 2007, which refers to a reported sighting in
Dubrovnik, Croatia, on the 18th or 19th June 2007. This entry
may have obscured part of this report) |
1939 to 1943
Kent Police Report |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Pages 1939-1941 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
09)....(PDF Pages 13-15 )....Pages 1939 to 1941?"Kent Police
Report re reported sighting in Dubrovnik, Croatia, Southeast
Page 1939 (Page 1 of 3 )
Kent Police : Restricted
23rd June 2007 15:34
Requested By : 56011 : Incident Report / KP-20070623-1155 /
23/06/2007 : 15:08 Information / Madeleine McCann
Priority : (6) Non Attendance Public
Address Information :
Kent Police, Force Communications Centre, Maidstone, ME15 9BZ
Complainant Details :
Surname/First Name : ANDERSON Janet, Tel : 0132222xxxxx
Address : x, Kxxxx Cxxxxxxx, Wilmington, DA2 7AH Witness
Page 1940 (Page 2 of 3 )
Comments :
Inft states she has just returned from a holiday in Croatia -
Inft returned 22nd June 2007.
Inft thinks she saw a girl matching the description of Madeleine
Inft was in Dubrovnik - Croatia.
Inft saw a girl matching the description of Madeleine McCann on
the 18th or 19th June 2007 in the old City part of Dubrovnik.
Inft and her husband had just finished an evening meal at a
restaurant in the old City. This was at 22:30hrs.
Inft states she and her husband went for a walk - heading
towards the harbour.
Inft states she saw and heard a girl screaming, "I want to see
them again, I'm never going to see them again".
Inft states she saw a young girl laying on the floor, "kicking
and screaming, very upset".
Page 1941 (Page 3 of 3 )
Inft states a male was with the young child and wasn't able to
control the girl's screaming - A female then walked over to the
young girl and picked her up.
Inft states the male and female ran with the child up an alley.
Inft states she and her husband ran after them.
Inft states the male and female waved to a passing cab and got
Inft states she went over to the cab to ask what was wrong with
the child.
Inft states she put her head into the cab and saw the young
girl, "sobbing".
Inft states she asked the male, "What's wrong with her ? She's
not very happy". The male didn't answer Inft - The female in the
cab next to the child replied, "She doesn't........
(Note :
Here, the Incident Report ends abruptly. The following 2 Pages,
Pages 1942 and 1943, appear to be "Missing or Misplaced" pages.
This report may well have continued on either one or both of
those pages) |
1944 to 1945 Email e
sighting in Fuerteventura |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Pages 1944 and 1945 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1944 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1944a |
apenso5_vol_9_p1945 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 09)....(PDF Pages 16-17 )....Pages 1944 to 1945?"Email re
reported sighting in Corralejo, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands"
Page 1944 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
Op Task
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 23rd June 2007 17:17
Subject : FW : Query re sighting of Madeleine McCann poss
sighting Canary Islands priority 2
From : Carter, David (
Sent : 22nd June 2007 09:14
Subject : Query re sighting of Madeleine McCann
Call received into Norfolk Police Control Room 0900hrs Friday
22nd June
From David Norris, xx, Bxxxxx Rxx, Dereham, Norfolk
Tel : 013626xxxxx
States he has just returned from a holiday in Corralejo,
Fuerteventura, Canary Islands
States that on Tuesday afternoon, 19th June, he was near to a
restaurant called "El Factory" at around 3 PM, when he is
convinced he saw the missing child, Madeleine McCann. States the
child had a pair of glasses on,
(Note : Next line
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 9 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
27th June 2007, which refers to a reported sighting in
Corralejo, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, at around 1500hrs on
the 19th June 2007. This entry appears to have obscured part of
this report)
Page 1945 (Page 2 of 2 )
Dave Carter
David Carter
Dispatch Centre Agent
Norfolk Constabulary
Force Control Room @ OCC Wymondham
0845 456 4567 |
Email re sighting in Malta |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Page 1946 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1946 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
09)....(PDF Page 19 )....Page 1946?"Email re reported
in Malta"
Page 1946 (Page
1 of 1
Priority 2
From : "Task" (
To : "Task
Sent : 27th June 2007 09:22
Attach : WMP 1279 07.doc
: FW : WMP 1279 07 poss
in Malta priority 2
From : CrimeStoppers (
Sent : 27th June 2007 08:59
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Cc : crimestoppers@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
: FW : WMP 1279 07
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 4 lines, in the
Portuguese Language,
dated 27th June 2007, which refers to a reported
in Malta. The place location, within Malta, of the reported
is included, but I am unable to decipher it's name)
27/06/2007 |
Service information
re sighting in Argentina |
Translation by Ines |
05-09 Apensos V, Vol IX Page
1948 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1948 |
Policia Judiciaria
Service Information
Date: 2007-06-19
To: The Coordinator of the
Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Jorge Vaz
Subject: Information About
Madeleine McCann
I inform you that today a
telephone call was received
from an individual who did
not identify himself and
whose number was impossible
to trace.
The individual in question
claims to have seen a girl
identical to Madeleine
McCann whom he took photos
of. He says that this took
place in Argentina. However,
she was photographed from a
He says that he has the
negative and can provide it
if requested.
The photo can be seen by
accessing an email address
created by him (roloescot@yahoo.com.ar)
which can be accessed using
the password “654321”. We
consulted two messages sent
to Scotland Yard in the
outbox and checked the
enclosed image.
Any contact can be made via
the email account.
That is all I have to
Inspector Vaz |
PJ Service information
re sighting in Edmonton,
Canada |
Translation by Ines |
Apensos V, Vol IX Page 1949 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1949 |
Policia Judiciaria
Service Information
Date: 2007-06-19
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Pedro Nunes
Subject: Possible Information about Madeleine McCann
I inform you that today at about 01.00 a telephone call was
received from Canada in
which Lucinda Ponte
communicates information
related to the whereabouts
of Madeleine McCann.
According to Lucinda Pontes, who speaks in Portuguese, about an
hour earlier in Edmonton in
Canada, in the “Seven foods”
supermarket, she saw a girl
with several similarities to
Madeleine McCann.
A few moments later, she saw this girl enter a Chrysler with
number plate DPA-799 which
was driven by an individual
of Indian appearance.
Lucinda Ponte provided her contact details for any further
Inspector Nunes |
1950 to 1951 Email re
sighting in Morocco |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Pages 1950 and 1951 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1950 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1951 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 09)....(PDF
Pages 23-24 )....Pages 1950-1951?"Email re reported
in Bab Taghzout, Marrakesh,
17th June 2007,Morocco,
reported on Page 1902-)"
(Note :
This is a further copy of a previous report on Page 1902, (which
has been included in the grouped reports contained on Pages
1895-1902, (reference point : Page 40 of
regarding a reported
in Bab Taghzout, Marrakesh,
17th June 2007, by the Dixon-Lloyd's. (Mrs Dixon-Lloyd had used
'lilah.lloyd' in her e-mail on Page 1902, and has signed her
statement on this particular report as Lilah Gibson). As each of
the two reports have a different part missing, each obscured by
a handwritten
entry, I have included a composite of the two reports to show
the complete statement"
Page 1950 (Page 1 of 2)
Priority 3
From : "Task" (
To : "Task
Sent : 20th June 2007 11:30
: FW : Madeleine McCann poss
priority 3
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 9 lines, in the
which refers to a reported
This entry has obscured part of this report)
(Note : The
following e-mail was included in the previous report on Page
1902, but has been obscured by the
entry on this particular report) :
(Composite of the two reports to
show complete statement) :
"From : lilahlloyd@xxx.co.uk
Sent : 20th June 2007 10:43
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
: Madeleine McCann
Dear Task,
I have been advised to contact you regarding Madeleine.
I have just returned from
and have done everything that I could whilst there, but I am
still unsure about the level of knowledge held by the Police
On Sunday night about 2100 I was walking back to my Riad with my
husband, this is in the North area of Marrakech, away from the
tourist areas. There was a street-market of sorts on the alley
which we were walking down, I saw a blonde european girl, who as
we got closer, turned to face something on a stall, I heard her
say about 3 years old, but with a Moroccan lady, quite tall for
a Moroccan female, wearing a pale blue
full length robe,
with her head covered, she was in her early 30's maybe. We
walked past and I discreetly tried to look more closely, not
wanting to draw attention to the fact that we were looking at
her especially, but as we did the girl turned to a stall and
pointed at something on it - facing away from us - but she did
say, "Mamma", and then something I couldn't catch, the woman was
walking slightly ahead of the girl and we couldn't hear what was
said, but it was along the lines of. "Yes, come on, let's go",
but not in any hurried way. They then disappeared down an alley.
As it was in a dark street it was not possible to get a good
look at the face of the girl, she was wearing a peach or pink
coloured dress - western style - with her hair in a ponytail. It
may be of no consequence, she could have been a child of a
European couple who was with a Nanny or Au Par ? I don't think
that her features were broad enough to have been Madeleine, but
it was all very fleeting and dark, so I can't be entirely sure.
We went back to our Riad and......
(Note : Here, the
original report ended abruptly on Page 1902, (obscured by
the Portuguese
Langauge entry then), but has been included on this particular
report. This report contains the missing part which was) :
....spoke to the owners the next morning who put us in touch
with the British Consulate, who then contacted the High
Commissioner - Mr Sriri - who took the information from me. He
said he would contact the Police. That night the Police were
waiting for us to return to our Riad, again we explained what we
had seen, with the help of the translation of a French chap who
was staying there with his English girlfriend. They thought they
had seen the same girl in the daytime, but didn't think it was
Madeleine, but after us bringing it to the attention of the.....
Page 1951 (Page 2 of 2 )
......Authorities, they doubted themselves a little I think. The
Police came back much later that night to take a written
statement from me. What concerned me was that the Policeman
asked me what Nationality Madeleine is - and asked how we knew
about her. He seemed very unaware of the situation. He did say
that they would send people to the area, but again, I am not
100% sure what will be done. We asked if the local people would
not be aware and looking out, but the French owner of the Riad
said that it was not common knowledge ?
If you need to contact me, my mobile no. is 077755xxxxx, however
due to no signal at my place of work, I am not available from
Kind Regards,
Lilah Gibson
20/06/2007 |
Email re sighting in Malta |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Page 1958 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1958 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 9,
Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 09)....(PDF Page 31
)....Page 1958?"Email reported re sighting in Sliema, Malta,
17th June 2007. (Original report on Page 1869)"
(Note :
This reported sighting was previously reported and that original
report is contained on Page 1869. (reference point Page 40 on
this Thread)
Page 1958 (Page
1 of 1
Op Task
From : "Task" (
To : "Task
Sent : 20th June 2007 13:52
: FW : Missing Maddie poss sighting Malta
From : Cadimon03@xxx.com
Sent : 20th June 2007 13:44
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
: Missing Maddie
Further to my phone call I write the information as requested.
My husband and I returned from holiday in Malta last night.
On Sunday night he was finishing his drink in a cafe/taverna
across from our hotel ( Plaza Hotel, Sliema, Malta) and I had
returned to our room - it was about 11.30 in the evening. The
following morning, over breakfast, he seemed pre-occupied and
then said that he had seen something strange after I had left
the previous evening and that it was....
(Note : Here, the report ends abruptly, but in the original
report, Page 1869, it continued thus
((.....playing on his mind. He had seen a man in his 40's of
what he thought was of Arabic or Middle Eastern origin, holding
a little girl's hand, and a woman, quite a bit younger than the
man. As they passed the little girl tripped and the man said
'.......little girl......'. This struck my husband as strange as
we have 2 daughters of our own and he would have said, 'are you
alright Exxx/Dxxxxx.....', as a caring father. Then he noticed
the little girl's hair. It was pitch black and very thick and
cut in an unusual style for a child of that age/size - it was so
unusual that it looked more like a wig than proper hair. They
then seemed to see something and dashed across the road up a
side-street which tourists would not use))
(Note :
Here, is a handwritten entry of 10 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, which refers to a reported sighting, by a Mr Raymond
Roberts and his wife, in Sliema, Malta, on the 17th June 2007.
This entry has obscured part of this report |
re yellow notice -
(bad copy) |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Page 1959 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1959 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 09)....(PDF Page 32 )....Page 1959?"Emails
re yellow notice? (bad copy)". (Note : But the E-mails are
in relation to a reported sighting near Winterhunder
Weg/Beethovenstra? Crossroads, Hamburg, Germany)
Page 1959 (Page 1 of 1 )
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Sent : 29th June 2007 11:53
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann
Importance : High
From : Maria Teresa Nunes Almeida
Sent : 29th June 2007 11:52
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann
Importance : High
(Note : Here, are 3
lines of illegible text, and signed Teresa Almeida)
__________Original Message___________
From : Brigada Central.Gni
Sent : 29th June 2007 11:31
To : Maria Teresa Nunes Almeida
Subject : Madeleine McCann
Importance : High
From : os-ccc (
Sent : 29th June 2007 10:36
To : ncb wiesbaden Gremany
Cc : ncb London Untied Kingdom ; ncb Lisbon Portugal
Subject : TR : Madeleine McCann
Importance : High
(Note : Here, are 9
lines of mostly illegible text, due to faintness of
reproduction. But the E-mails are in relation to a reported
sighting near Winterhunder Weg/Beethovenstra? crossroads,
Hamburg, Germany. This report is featured on the following
two pages of the Files, Pages 1960 and 1961)
1960 to 1961
Email re sighting in Hamburg |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Pages 1960 and 1961 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1960 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1961 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 09)....(PDF Pages 33-34 )....Pages 1960 to
1961?Email re reported sighting near Winterhunder
Weg/Beethovenstra? Crossroads, Hamburg, Germany"
Page 1960 (Page 1 of 2 )
Regards :
Operations Room
IPSG - Command and Co-ordination Centre
Phone : + 33 4 72 44 76 76
E-mail :
From :
Date : 28th June 2007 21:22
Attachment : WEB PRESS
Subject : Madeleine McCann
Dear Sirs,
On June 20th, 2007, in late afternoon I walked over the
cross of Winterhunder Weg and Beethovenstra? in Hamburg. I
saw a child behind a window. A little blonde girl. This girl
wanted to open the window. It was a window over
"pakistanian"(sic) fast food restaurant at the 1th(sic)
floor. I could make a photograph and gave the girl signs
that it could be fall down.
Maybe it is not Madeleine McCann. But the face looks like
You will find my photograph include the meta tags (time,
date) under www.truemedia.de/P6204012.JPG
Please check it !
See also the image in the attachment which I found it today
in a article of www.spiegel.de
Kind regards,
Harald Haack (Journalist)
P.O. Box 76xxxx
22055 Hamburg
Page 1961 (Page 2 of 2 )
(Note : Here, are two
images, one appears as completely blackened, (which may be
the photograph which Mr Haack took), and the other, a
monochrome snip of the alleged "last photograph of Madeleine
McCann at the poolside", featuring Madeleine's head and
shoulder only.) |
Email re sighting in Italy |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Page 1962 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1962 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 09)....(PDF Page 35 )....Page 1962?"Email re reported
sighting in Bergamo, Italy, 20th June 2007"
Page 1962 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Burrows Caroline" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 24th July 2007 12:18
Attach : D2444.pdf
Subject : D2444.pdf
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 3 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
24th July 2007, which refers to a reported sighting by a Mr
George Hope(?), on the 20th June 2007, in Bergamo, Italy) |
PJ Service information
re sighting in Singapore |
Translation by Ines |
Apensos V, Vol IX Page 1969 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1969 |
Policia Judiciaria
Service Information
Date: 2007-06-21
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Nuno Nunes
Subject: Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
I inform you that today at about 18.00 we received a phone call
from a female individual who did not want to identify herself,
who said she was Brazilian and calling from Singapore.
She said that yesterday, a Caucasian couple lunched in the Janki
Sushi restaurant in Singapore and that at 13.10 they paid with
Visa card n**** the sum of 42.71 dollars.
This couple was accompanied by a girl aged four with short hair
and wearing a hat who in all appearance was similar to Madeleine
She does not know where the couple or the girl were heading.
I bring this to your attention.
Inspector Nunes |
1973 to 1975
Letter re sighting in Sete Bicas Shopping Center, Portugal |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Pages 1973-1975 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1973 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1974 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1975 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 09)....(PDF Pages 40-42 )....Pages 1973 to 1975?"Letter re
reported sighting in Sete Bicas Shopping Centre, Portugal"
Page 1973 (Page 1 of 3 )
An Garda S?chana
An Bleachtaire Chigire...............(D/Inspector)
An Garda S?chana....................(Guardians of the
Peace)...i.e. Ireland's National Police Force)
Shraid Mhona..............................(Anglesea Street)
Tel : 021-4522020
Website :
Date : 5th July 2007
Harcourt Square.
Harcourt Street.
Dublin 2.
Re : Sex Offenders Act, Axxxx Gxxxx, Born : xx/xx/xx
Information supplied regarding Holiday in Portugal in June 2007.
Possible sighting of Madeleine McCann.
Further to my report of the 20th June 2007, relative to the
above, I now forward report of D/Garda
Andrew O'Connell of the 3rd July 2007.
Mr Gxxxx is reporting a possible sighting of missing child
Madeleine McCann on the 20th June 2007 at a shopping centre in
Sete Bicas (see attached map). When asked why he did not report
the sighting to the Authorities in Portugal at the time he
states that he didn't think much of it at the time.
I have spoken to D/Garda O'Connell on this date regarding Mr
Gxxxx. D/Garda O'Connell describes him as a strange individual,
very compliant with the requirements of the Sex Offenders
This information is forwarded for your information and with a
request that it be forwarded by you via the appropriate channels
for the information of the Investigating Authorities in
(signed ) : Denis O'Shea, D/Inspector.
Page 1974 (Page 2 of 3 )
An Garda S?chana
Shraid An Bhearic
(Barrack Street)
Cork City
Tel No. : (021) 4311622
D/Sergeant O'Sullivan,
Anglesea Street Garda Station.
Re : Information of Axxxx Gxxxx, Born : xx/xx/xx, of No. xx,
xxxxxx Rx, Cork, and possible sighting of Madeleine McCann.
With reference to the abovementioned Axxxx Gxxxx, I am to report
that he is subject to the Sex Offenders Act 2001. On the evening
of the 29th of June 2007, Axxxx Gxxxx attended at Barrack Street
Garda Station. The main reason for his attendance was that he
had returned from a trip to Portugal on the 21st June 2007. He
informed Garda Andrew O'Connell that during the course of his
trip he stayed at the Andarilho Oporto Hostel, Rua da Firmeza,
No 364, Porto. He also mentioned that while he was on a rail
trip on Tuesday the 20th June 2007, at 5.30pm he saw a girl
which he thought to be Madeleine McCann, (Forga Tora Issue No:
19/07). He had only vague details of the location and returned
to Garda O'Connell at Barrack Street Garda Station on the 3rd
July 2007 to supply more detailed information. While on this
metro/rail journey, he stopped at Sete Bicas, (see attached
map). He stated that while at this stop, he went into a shopping
centre called the Norte Shopping Centre.
While he was walking around this shopping centre, his attentions
were drawn to a middle aged male in the company of a small girl
aged 3-4 years old, with a thin face and long blonde hair. He
thought it unusual that this girl be in the company of this
older male. He stated that both were seated on a wooden bench
outside a clothes shop on the ground floor. When asked if he
thought that the girl was distressed, he stated that she was
not, but she was looking straight ahead. Axxxx Gxxxx was not
able to elaborate on the clothing of the girl other than the
fact that she had pants on. His description of the male was,
55-58 years old, either Spanish or Portuguese National,.....
Page 1975 (Page 3 of 3 )
......with balding hair, black hair to the sides, wearing grey
pants and a grey shirt with a white pin stripe. When asked why
he didn't report it to the Authorities in Portugal, he stated
that he didn't think much of it at the time. Axxxx Cxxxx has
provided a map of the relevant metro system which is attached.
Forwarded for your information, please.
(signed) : Andrew O'Connell, Garda. 26760M.
D/Inspector O'Shea : Forwarded for your information
(signed) : D O'Sullivan, D/Sergeant. |
Email re sighting in Madrid |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Page 1989 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1989 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 09)....(PDF Page 57 )....Page 1989?"Email re reported
sighting in Madrid, Spain, 21st June 2007"
Page 1989 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 25th July 2007 18:39
Subject : A2559-for review
This action links to D1979. It's a possible sighting by a
Portuguese National in Madrid in June. Can the Incident Room
make contact with their National to progress as required. NFA at
this end.
Dc John Hughes
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 4 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 25th July 2007, which refers to a
reported sighting by a Ms. Sara Maciel, in Madrid, on the 21st
June 2007)
27/07/2007 |
Message to Crime stoppers re Madrid sighting |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Page 1994 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1994 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 09)....(PDF Page 58 )....Page 1994?"Message to
Crimestoppers re reported Madrid sighting, 21st June 2007"
Page 1994 (Page 1 of 1 )
Message from Contact Us form CrimeStoppers - Communications
Title : Madeleine - Praia da Luz
First Name : Sara
Surname : Maciel
E-mail :
Query type : Communications
Receive further information : No
Comments :
I'm trying to call for the Portugal Police cause I'm Portuguese.
Cause I'm not sure but I think that I saw Madeleine McCann here
in Spain today, 21st of June 2007, about 18:00 in Madrid. Barrio
usera street marcelo usera. P.O. baox 28026. I'm not sure but it
looks like her.
CrimeStoppers is a registered Charity Number 1108687
26/06/2007 |
1996 to 1997
Letter from Dutch
police re sighting in beach with picture |
05 09 Apensos V, Vol 9, Pages
1996 and 1997 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1996 |
apenso5_vol_9_p1997 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 09)....(PDF
Pages 60-61 )....Pages 1996 to 1997?"Letter from Dutch
police re reported sighting in beach at Scheveningen, The
Hague, The Netherlands, with picture (a reproduction of very
poor quality)"
(Note : This is a copy of the report
contained on Pages 1866 to 1868 of Apensos V, Vol 8.
Reference point is on Page 30 of this Thread)
Page 1996 (Page 1 of 2 )
Korps landelijke politiediensten
Europaweg 45
2711 EM Zoetemeer / NL
Unit : SIRENE the Netherlands
Case Officer : Manuela van Lith Kool
Your ref : P 1G00000186619 00001
Subject : Madeleine McCann
Re our telephone conversation of Saturday 16th June 2007.
A witness statement was taken by the Police of Rotterdam of
a person who thought to have seen Madeleine on a beach in
Scheveningen. She was able to take a picture.
We made several attempts to mail the picture to your office
without result.
Please find encluded in this letter a copy of the picture
taken by a witness at the beach of Scheveningen/NL.
Please note that this picture has also been sent to the
Police of Portimao after being advised by Mr Gomes and Mr
Tavares. We have had contact with Antonio of the Team on
Saturday and he informed that all angles are looked at but
that due to the amount of tips the workload is enormous.
We comprehend that so we will leave any answers in this case
at your convenience.
Above-mentioned has been responded by us to the Police of
Rotterdam but they insist to contact the Team in Portimao
themselves. We have not been able to convince them to leave
the matter at the convenience of the Portuguese Authorities.
For your information.
SIRENE The Netherlands
(Signed) : Manuela van Lith Kool
On behalf of : Head of SIRENE, The Netherlands.
Page 1997 (Page 2 of 2 )
(Note : On this Page is a very poor
reproduction of a monochrome (Right-side-profile) photograph
of what appears to be a young girl)
1999 to 2002
Email re sighting in North Ibiza |
05 09 Apensos V, Vol 9, Pages
Table of Contents
Volume 9,
Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 09)....(PDF
Pages 62-65 )....Pages 1999 to 2002?"Email re reported
in Port Initch, North Ibiza, 21st June 1007"
Page 1999 (Page 1 of 4 )
Priority 2
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry
of 4 lines, in the
Portuguese Language,
dated 5th July 2007, with a further date reference of 9th
July 2007, which refers to a reported
sighting in Port Initch, North Ibiza, on the 21st
June 2007, together with a
car registration number.
provided was via the PSNI, (Police Service Northern
___________Original Messgae___________
From : STROUD Lynn
Sent : 3rd July 2007 14:24
To :
Subject : 3. Confidential : re Madeleine McCann Enquiry
For Information
Message received to CrimeStoppers on 3rd July 2007 at
Caller claimed he was holidaying with his wife in North
Ibiza - Port Initch approx 2 weeks ago and whilst outside
the Delrey Apartments having a coffee and toast they
witnessed a male dragging a
young girl
screaming and who looked to be approx 4/5 years old and who
also looked similar to Madeleine.
The male was dragging her forcefully to the car which was a
KIA car VRM 'xxxx xxx'. Possibly
the registration could have been the other way round. Caller
not 100%.
It was Thursday 21st June at approx 11:30am.
Caller wanted to pass on information
just in case it would be of any help to Police.
Lynn Stroud
Crime Stopper
Page 2000 (Page 2 of 4 )
(Note : This page only contains the date 06/07/2007, and
general information regarding
E-mail security etc)
Page 2001 (Page 3 of 4 )
(Note : This page is, for the most
part, a copy of Page 1999, and is a further ForWarding of
the E-mail therein)
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 09th July 2007 10:00
Subject : FW : 2. Restricted : FW : 3. Confidential : re
Madeleine McCann Enquiry Poss sighting
Ibiza priority 2
_____________Original Message________
From :
Sent : 04th July 2007 12:22
To :
Subject : FW : 2. Restricted : FW : 3. Confidential : re
Madeleine McCann Enquiry
___________Original Message___________
From : STROUD Lynn
Sent : 3rd July 2007 14:24
To :
Subject : 2. Restricted : FW : 3. Confidential : re
Madeleine McCann Enquiry
For Information
Message received to CrimeStoppers on 3rd July 2007 at
Caller claimed he was holidaying with his wife in North
Ibiza - Port Initch approx 2 weeks ago and whilst outside
the Delrey Apartments having a coffee and toast they
witnessed a male dragging a young girl
screaming and who looked to be approx 4/5 years old and who
also looked similar to Madeleine.
The male was dragging her forcefully to the car which was a
green KIA car VRM 'xxxx xxx'.
Possibly the registration could have been the other way
round. Caller not 100%.
It was Thursday 21st June at approx 11:30am.
Caller wanted to pass on information
just in case it would be of any help to Police.
Lynn Stroud
CrimeStopper Office
Page 2002 (Page 4 of 4 )
(Note : This page only contains the
date 09/07/2007, and general
information regarding E-mail security etc)
2003 to 2005
Email re sighting in Madeira |
05 09 Apensos V, Vol 9, Pages 2003-2005 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2003 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2004 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2005 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed
Sightings and Locations (FILE 09)....(PDF Pages 67-69 )....Pages
2003 to 2005?"Email re reported sighting
in Funchal, Madeira, 22nd June 2007"
Page 2003 (Page 1 of 3 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Cc : (
Sent : 17th July 2007 15:37
Attach : Captured image.tif
Subject : Madeira sighting-priority 2
For your information, a possible
sighting in Madeira by the wife of
one of the Officers from Interpol. If any further action is
required, please advise.
Dc John Hughes
From : jane.whiting@soca.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 17th July 2007 15:26
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
; john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : FW : 4h-2395710-07
STOP - Please reply to london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 10 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 22nd
June 2007, which refers to a reported
sighting by a Mrs Pamela Davis, in Madiera. This entry
may have obscured part of this report)
The report then continues thus : At 2pm on Friday 22nd June, a
witness who is a British National on holiday in Madiera,
spotted, in Funchal old town, a young girl
who bore a remarkable resemblance to Madeleine McCann. The
young girl was alone and sat on the
pavement in a small street which was directly behind the.....
Page 2004 (Page 2 of 3 )
.....Evangelical building near the main market. The street is
not far from the main cable-car Terminal.
Witness :
Pamela Davies
x, Qxxxxx Cxxxx
Page 2005 (Page 3 of 3 )
(Note : This is a handwritten statement, prepared by the
Interviewing Officer, and then signed by the witness)
At 2pm on Friday 22nd June, a witness who is a British National
on holiday in Madiera, spotted, in Funchal old town, a
young girl who bore a remarkable
resemblance to the MisPer Madeleine McCann. The
young girl was alone and sat on the
pavement in a small street which was directly behind the
Evangelical building near the main market. The street is not far
from the main cable-car Terminal.
(signed) : by witness : Pamela Davies, x, Qxxxxx Cxxxx, Newport,
Gwent, 016326xxxxx. |
Email re sighting in beach in Portugal |
05 09 Apensos V, Vol 9, Page 2007 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2007 |
Table of Contents :
Volume 9,
Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 09)....(PDF Page 70
)....Page 2007?"Email re reported
on a boat near Limanki Beach, Cyprus, 22nd June 2007"
(Note : This report refers to a reported
near Limanki Beach, Cyprus, and not in Portugal as was indicated
in the TOC List)
Page 2007 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Burrows Caroline" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 21st July 2007 12:31
Attach : D2184.pdf
Subject : D2184.pdf
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 7
lines, in the
dated 21st July 2007, which refers to a reported
by an Eileen Russell, near Limanki Beach, Cyprus, on the 22nd
June 2007) |
2010 to 2012
Statement re sighting in Cyprus |
05 09 Apensos V, Vol 9, Pages 2010-2012 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2010 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2011 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2012 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 09)....
(PDF Pages 71-73 )......Pages 2010-2012?"Statement re reported
sighting on a boat near Limanki
Beach, Cyprus, 22nd June 2007"
(Note : Reference point : See previous report re this reported
sighting by the same persons,
(without indicating the actual Limanki Beach location), is
featured in Apensos V, Vol 5, Pages 1152 and 1153, on Page 3 of
this Thread)
Page 2010 (Page 1 of 3 )
29th June 2007 17:23
Lanark Police Office
Strathclyde Police
'QC' Sub Division
Address : 27 Westport, Lanark, Scotland, ML11 9HD
From : PC Gary Milligan
To : Incident Room
Date : 29th June 2007
Statements : (Ticked "Yes")
I have attached a statement from a witness who has possibly had
a sighting of Madeleine McCann.
Any further information required :
Please contact : PC Gary Milligan, Q205, Group 4, Lanark,
(signed) : Gary Milligan
Page 2011 (Page 2 of 3 )
29th June 2007 17:23
Lanark Police Office
Attached is the statement of Eileen Russell with references to
possible sighting of Madeleine McCann.
Eileen Russell
Age : 57 (dob : 1st March 1952(sic)
Born : Douglas
Occupation : Team Leader
x, Cxxxxxxx Vxxx,
MLxx xxR
"On 9th June 2007, myself and my husband William Russell went on
holiday to Napa Plaza Hotel, Aiya Napa, Cyprus.
On 22nd June 2007 between 1400 and 1500 hrs we were sitting on
the beach-front on Limanki Beach, situated near the water-sports
jetty, when I observed a large black 4-seater Jet Ski, which I
now know to be a SEADOO sports boat, ( after checking it on the
Internet), come ashore from an unknown direction.
The words "BAD MAN" were painted on the rear of the boat.
I noted at this time there were....two adult males(sic).... and
one child on board.
The male describes as approx mid-30 in age with long dark wavy
hair tied in a ponytail. He had what I would describe as a
Mediterranean skin tone. He was of normal build and was wearing
a black T-shirt and black swim-shorts. I could see no obvious
distinguishing marks.
The female(sic) also was approx mid-30 in age with long dark
hair. She too had what I would describe as a Mediterranean skin
tone. She was heavily pregnant and wearing a black two-piece
The child was described as approx 4 years old with blonde
shoulder length hair with a fringe. She had fair skin with no
obvious marks. She was wearing only what I would describe as
underpants, it wasn't a bathing suit.
The sports boat was stopped a short distance from the shore and
all 3 persons got off and stayed within the shallow-water edge.
They were approx 20 feet from myself and my husband.
I thought it rather strange that the two very dark skinned
adults had with them a light-haired, light-skinned child.
The child did seem comfortable in their presence.
Neither myself or my husband could get a close enough look at
the young gitl to see if she had any identification marks, for
example, her eye.
Page 2012 (Page 3 of 3 )
29th June 2007 17:23
Lanark Police Office
All three stayed on the waterfront for approx 45 minutes, then
got back on the sports boat and made their way out to sea. They
headed in the direction of Larnaka, which is the main harbour in
the area. I lost sight of them soon after.
It wasn't until after they had left that I really started to
wonder if this child was possibly Madeleine. I have not been
able to stop thinking about it since I returned home, and on
seeing the daily newspapers where a yacht had been mentioned, it
troubled me even more and so I contacted Police".
The witness, William Russell, age 57, (dob: 17th February 1950),
Occupation : Paramedic, who resides at the same address
corroborates events. |
2021 to 2025
Statement re sighting in Cadiz |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Pages 2021-2025 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2021 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2022 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2023 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2024 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2025 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 09)....(PDF Pages 83-86 )....Pages 2021 to 2025?"Statement
re reported sighting in Vejer de la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain"
Page 2021 (Page 1 of 5 )
Priority 1
Assessor/Receiver's Summary
Date : 28th June 2007 : Time : 1846 : Priority : MEDIUM
Type : Phone In
Code : MISC : Description : Miscellaneous
Message From/To : FROM
Surname : COLLINS
Forename(s) : Barbara
Sex : Female
Telephone Number(s) : HOME : 012464xxxxx
Address : HOME : xxx, Gxxxx Lxxx, Dronfield, Derbyshire,
England, Sxx xxJ
Information :
Rec By : TPHONE : Serial : 731 : Ident : BC13-7910 1846 28th
June 2007
Phone : 012464xxxxx Not a County Exchange
Location : Vejer de la Frontera, Cadiz / Out of Force Area
Origin : Barbara COLLINS, xxx, Gxxxx Lxxx, Dronfield,
Derbyshire, England, Sxx xxJ / Witness
Text :
Caller and her husband were at the location on Saturday 23rd
June 2007. There was a Festival taking place and the caller was
following a male with two small girls - The caller(sic) spoke to
the older girl in foreign tongue and was holding the
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 10 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
28th June 2007, which refers to a reported sighting in Vejer de
la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain, on the 23rd June 2007. This entry has
overwritten part of this report)
Page 2022 (Page 2 of 5 )
Caller felt that they had just come out of a house and would be
able to point out the street.
1852 7910-BC13 Incident linked to 209 26th June 2007
1852 7910-BC13 Incident Result OOM : Message Only - Not Incident
Related - QGI : Qual Call Made Good Intent
1852 7910-BC13 Incident closed
Receivers Instructions :
Pass to Portugal re Cadiz enquiry underway
(R/A) Enquiries with Interpol re possible sighting of McCann NI
in Cadiz
29th June 2007
Person receiving/sending : Receiving
Title/Rank/ID Number : 7910
Forename(s) : S
Surname : BURDETT(sic)
Page 2023 (Page 3 of 5 )
(Note : This Page is a
"Missing or Misplaced" page within the Files)
Page 2024 (Page 4 of 5 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 26th July 2007 09:46
Subject : A2587-for review.
(Note : On this page there is a handwritten entry of 4 lines, in
the Portuguese Language, dated 26th July 2007, which refers to
the reported sighing in Vejer de la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain, on
the 23rd June 2007, by a Barbara Collins. This entry has been
placed diagonally across the page and has obscured the righthand
side of the report)
The report is thus shown as :
This seems to be a weak possible sig(hting?).........
British holidaymaker when they go.....
to send an Interpol enquiry. Can th(e?).....
require further action on this one.
Dc John Hughes
Page 2025 (Page 5 of 5 )
Incident Message : M1984 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary
Date : 28th June 2007 : Time : 1846 : Priority : MEDIUM
Type : Phone In
Code : MISC : Description : Miscellaneous
Message From/To : FROM
Surname : COLLINS
Forename(s) : Barbara
Sex : Female
Telephone Number(s) : HOME : 012464xxxxx
Address : HOME : xxx, Gxxxx Lxxx, Dronfield, Derbyshire,
England, Sxx xxJ
Information :
Rec By : TPHONE : Serial : 731 : Ident : BC13-7910 1846 28th
June 2007
Phone : 012464xxxxx Not a County Exchange
Location : Vejer de la Frontera, Cadiz / Out of Force Area
Origin : Barbara COLLINS, xxx, Gxxxx Lxxx, Dronfield,
Derbyshire, England, Sxx xxJ / Witness
Text :
Caller and her husband were at the location on Saturday 23rd
June 2007. There was a Festival taking place and the caller was
following a male with two small girls - The caller(sic) spoke to
the older girl in foreign tongue and was holding the smaller
one's hand - As the caller walked past she remarked to her
husband that>>
(Note : Here the statement
ends abruptly)
The report then continues thus :
Inc type : ADMIN : Grade : 4 : Time : 1846 : Date : 28th June
2007 : Ras : OFA : Sect : OFA
Result : OOM QGI :
OIC : 7910 : CIV : S : BURNETT(sic) :BC : : Call Management |
2031 to 2032
Email re sighting in Mexico |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Pages 2031 and 2032 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2031 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2032 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 09)....(PDF Pages 94-95 )....Pages 2031 to 2032?"Email re
reported sighting in Mexico City, 25th July 2007"
Page 2031 (Page 1 of 2 )
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Sent : 27th July 2007 11:20
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann - From Mexico City
From :
; On behalf of : pnmpb.enquiries@met.police.uk
Date : 27th July 2007 10:11
To : Dic.Portimao
Cc : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : Madeleine McCann - From Mexico City
Please see below e-mail received from a member of the public in
Mexico for your reference.
Alan Blackburn (Intelligence Officer)
UK Police National Missing Persons Bureau ( PNMPB)
Room 209
New Scotland Yard
10 Broadway
_____________Original Message_________
From : Gxxxxxxx G. Bxxxxxxxxx (
Sent : 26th July 2007 19:15
To : pnmpb enquiries - SCD26
Dear sirs,
My English isn't good, but I hope you can understand it.
Yesterday I saw something unusual. I was visiting friends when I
heard a scream asking for help. A little girl was screaming,
"Help me, help me !", from a department in the first floor of an
old building. Two things got my attention : her look (a girl
between 5 and 7 years, she wasn't speaking Spanish and she had
blond hair), in her voice there was fear. I found one Police
Patrol and I said to Policeman what I saw and heard. They asked
help to another Policeman, but they didn't enter the building.
When they were on the street, the child was in silence and we
could see a young man there.
Page 2032 (Page 2 of 2 )
The Policemen didn't do anything. Today in the morning, I asked
a grocery owner who lives in that building. He told me that
there are bad people living there, that they are a band
protected by Mexican Policemen and I shouldn't say nothing about
that because they are dangerous.
Of course, I'm not sure that this little girl could be
Madeleine, but I felt that I have to say you about that.
The address is Union 133, Col. Escand?, Mexico 11800, Mexico,
D.F. This building is on Union Street between Progreso Street
and Jose Marti Street. The apartment is on the first floor.
There aren't windows.
My name is Gxxxxxxx G. Bxxxxxxxxx
My mobile is 52 044 55 13 3 xxxxx
27/07/2007 |
2036 to 2037
Email re sighting in Malta |
0509 Apensos V,
Vol 9, Pages 2036 and 2037 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2036 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2037 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
09)....(PDF Pages 98-99 )....Pages 2036 to 2037?"Email re
Statement of reported sighting at the Palm Court Hotel, Qawra,
near Bugibba, in Malta, (Statement date : 25th June 2007)"
Page 2036 (Page 1 of 2 )
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 6 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 25th June 2007, and which refers to
"Statement of Malcolm Adrian Telford, date 25th June 2007",
regarding a reported sighting at the Palm Court Hotel, Qawra,
near Bugibba, Malta. There is also a numbered page reference to
Page 2035, which is a "Missing or Misplaced" page within the
Files. This entry has been inserted diagonally across the page
and thus obscures part of the report's contents)
The report continues thus :
Surname : Telf(ord?)
Forename(s) : Mal(colm?) (Adrian?)
Age : Ov(er 18?)
Address : 3(??)
Statement Da(te) : (25th June 2007?)
I am the
I was
to eat.
and a small child sitting at a
child resembled MADELEINE
The lights in the restaurant were sligh(tly?).........the room
was quite dark, however
I can describe the woman as follows :
She was between 35 and 40 years old, and although sitting down I
would estimate her to be about 5'8" tall. The female had dark
brown hair with highlights, and her hair was straight. She
looked quite plump and appeared to have a black jacket or dark
jacket on.
Page 2037 (Page 2 of 2 )
The child had a very similar hair style to MADELEINE MCCANN, and
also a round face.
She did not appear to be distressed, and in fact appeared quite
happy. As well as the straight collar length blonde hair, she
appeared to have a fringe. I do not recall any specific clothing
other than light clothing. She was aged about 5 years old. I did
not hear any conversation between the woman and the child.
I did not see the woman and child prior to this occasion, nor
did I see them after.
I had them in my view for about 20 minutes, and although I was
tempted to go across and speak, I did not. I did not see them
leave the restaurant.
I do recall the female having a European appearance. |
2038 to 2039
Email re sighting in Mallorca |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Pages 2038 and 2039 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2038 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2039 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 09)....(PDF Pages 100-101 )....Pages 2038 to 2039?"Email
re reported sighting in Santa Ponsa, Mallorca, 25th June 2007"
(Note : Reference : Please see
also, Pages 1925 to 1926?"Email and statement re reported
sighting in Santa Ponsa, Mallorca, (Majorca), 18th June
2007"...on Page 41 of this Thread)
Page 2038 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 28th June 2007 11:16
Subject : FW : madeleine poss sighting majorca priority 2
From : Press (
Sent : 27th june 2007 17:55
To : tasking@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Cc : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : FW : madeleine
CEOP Press
Child Exploition and Online Protection Centre
Tel : ++44 (0)870 000 3344
From HANCOJUL@xxx.com
Sent : Wed 27th June 2007 12:47
To : Press
Subject : madeleine
(Note : Next line illegible)
(Note : Here, is a handwritten
entry of 6 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated 2nd July
2007, which refers to a reported sighting in Santa Ponsa,
Majorca, on the 25th June at around 20:45hrs.
This entry has obscured part of this report)
Page 2039 (Page 2 of 2 )
i caught up with my mum and husband and we all agreed it was the
image of her - but was too short !! - I wanted to chase after
her with my camera, but they convinced me it couldn't be her as
she was too small - I cant believe it may now be her and cannot
rest until i know i have reported this possible sighting.
Julie Hancock - tel 01782 5xxxxx or 078844xxxxx
29/06/2007 |
Email re sighting in Corfu |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Page 2046 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2046 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
09)....(PDF Page 104 )....Page 2046?"Email re reported
near Louis
Beach Hotel,
Gouvia, Corfu, 26th June 2007"
Page 2046 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 3rd July 2007 11:07
Subject : FW : Restricted : Unconfirmed
of Madeleine McCann poss
Corfu priority 2
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 11 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 3rd July 2007, which refers to a
on the 26th June 2007, near the Louis
Beach Hotel
in Gouvia, Corfu. There is also a numbered page reference to
Page 2045, which is a "Missing or Misplaced" page within the
Files. This entry has obscured part of this report)
The report then continues thus :
The female was heard to say something like "You've got to stop
doing this".
They found it difficult to locate any local Police and as a
result we are the first people they have told.
The girl was described as : small with thick black hair and
wearing all dark clothing.
The female was also wearing dark clothing. She was short and of
stocky build.
was around the area of the Louis
Beach Hotel
in Gouvia.
03/07/2007 |
2056 to 2057
Email re sighting in Menorca |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Pages 2056 and 2057 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2056 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2058 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed
Sightings and Locations (FILE 09)....(PDF Pages 108-109
)....Pages 2056 to 2057?"Email re reported
sighting in bar in Cala Bosh,
Minorca, (??Mid??) June 2007"
Page 2056 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
Op Task
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 23rd June 2007 16:27
Subject : FW : Possible
sighting of Madeleine Mccann
Poss sighting Minorca priority
_____________Original Message_____________
From : Call-Handling (
Sent : 22nd June 2007 12:02
To :
Subject : Possible
sighting of Madeleine McCann
We have received a call from a member of the public re the
above, please see below :
My Dad is 100% certain he saw Madelina(sic) McCann on
holidays last week, I have reported this to the Spanish
Police and they have taken all the details from him - I now
wish to make yourselves and Leisceter(sic) Police aware.
Caller states her father, Robert John SMITH, was on holiday
with his partner Jean Smith in Minorca, in Cala Bosh and was
in a bar when he......
(Note : Next line illegible)
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 11 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 27th June 2007, which
refers to a reported sighting
in Minorca. This entry has obscured part of this report)
Page 2057 (Page 2 of 2 )
He heard the female ask the girl if she was OK - and caller
heard her English accent.
He also stated that the girl had a short hair - shoulder
length hair and looked older than she was.
The couple kept playing with her fringe. The reason that he
thought something was suspicious was that they kept her at
arms length and leaned over to tickle her with a feather
under her chin. She was over-dressed and was in the bar at
midnight. The couple were drinking long drinks in tall
glasses - he could not see if the girl had a drink. He has
been informed that Leics Police will be informed, and that
he may be contacted for further confirmation - Caller happy
Initial caller was Louise GASKELL, xxx xxxxx, Pxxx Lxxx,
Caerwent, Gwent, Wales, tel : 012914xxxxx
LOG NUMBER : 162 22/6/7
Please feel free to contact us directly on 01633838111 for
any clarification.
Nisha Patel
Call Handling
Email re sighting in Italy |
05 09 Apensos V, Vol 9, Page
2061 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2061 |
of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 9,
Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 09)....(PDF Page 110
)....Page 2061?"Email re reported sighting in Viale Pasitea,
Positano, Italy, 27th June 2007"
Page 2061 (Page
1 of 1
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Sent : 20th August 2007 11:32
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Italian
From : Hughes John (DC) (
Date : 20th August 2007 10:27
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Cc : Dic.Portimao
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Italian
Can we ask the Italian Authorities to look at this possible
sighting please.
Dc John Hughes
Thank you for your co-operation.
Leicestershire Constabulary.
20/08/2007 |
SOCA statement re
sighting in Positano, Italy |
05 09 Apensos V, Vol 9, Page
2062 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2062 |
of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 9,
Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 09)....(PDF Page 111
)....Page 2062?"SOCA Statement re reported sighting in Viale
Pasitea, Positano, Italy, 27th June 2007"
Page 2062 (Page
1 of 1
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email - london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 -
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person -
Destination Countries : Italy
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc. :
A possible sighting of
McCann has been reported in Positano, Italy. This was
reported via CrimeStoppers by an Irish Citizen at a later date.
He reports that on Wednesday 27th June 2007, about 5:30pm, he
was in Viale Pasitea, Positano. He saw a child looking like
McCann. She was with two adult black women and four black
children. She was the only one of the group speaking English.
The black woman she was with was described as heavy build and
about 40 years old. They were first seen playing on the beach
and then went to a coffee shop next door to the pharmacy in
Viale Pasitea.
We request any local enquiries that may be possible to trace or
identify the child in this group.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise. |
Email re sighting
on flight to Brussels |
05 09 Apensos
Vol 9,
Page 2063 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2063 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 9,
Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 09)....(PDF Page 112
)....Page 2063?"Email re reported
flight from
JFK Airport, New York, USA, to Brussels, Belgium, 27th June
Page 2063 (Page 1 of 1 )
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Sent : 9th August 2007 17:31
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Madeline(sic)
From : Davinia.Darch@met.police.uk
: On Behalf of : pnmpb.enquiries@met.police.uk
Date : 9th August 2007 16:56
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : Madeline(sic)
________Original Message__________
From : ann abbeel (
Sent : 8th August 2007 12:46
To : pnmpb enquiries - SCD26
Subject : Madeline(sic)
Dear...Mister, Madame,
At June 27, I took the plane AA 172 , take off time 18.05 in New
York JFK to Brussels. I arrived at the airport at 16:00 , and i
had to wait for a very long time to check in.
So , I did take the check in for people who need assistance. It
was a wrong choice , because I had to wait there for more than
1.30 hours. That because of a young lady had problems to check
in : she needed more than one hour .
Description : Nearly 30 years old , 1.70 , 65 kg , hair braun/blond.
At this time she was alone with her luggage .( The lady who was
helping her was Afro-American. She had to make a lot of tel.
calls .)
I was sitting in the plane next to the toilets. Nearling
reaching Brussels , the lady went to the toilet hand in hand
with a young child, followed by two other children. I was
astonished to recognised her , because at the check in she was
alone. The child who was with her just looked like Madeline. The
lady also was speaking English to the child and said that the
girl had to hold her mothers hand.
Coming home I checked the website of Child focus , and did see
again that the little girl was for sure a look alike of
Madeline. So I did send a email to Child focus in Belgium, but
they even didn't read my mail.
I'm not sure if the girl was Madeline l but , seeing the picture
of Madeline , wearing a red shirt , it seems to me the same girl
Sorry , because of my English is not so well.
Ann Abbeel
Ann Abbeel Everdijkruis
xx xxxx
tel : 00 32366xxxxx
09/08/2007 |
Email re DNA taken from straw in Dutch snack bar/restaurant |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Pages 2077 and 2078 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2077 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 09)....(PDF Pages 123-124 )....Pages 2077 to 2078?"Email
re DNA taken from straw in Dutch snack bar/restaurant"
(Note : Although Page 2078 is
listed in the TOC as being a "Missing" page, it does appear to
be present in the Apensos V, Vol 9 File, (the Page reference
number is indeed difficult to decipher), and is directly
associated with Page 2077. Therefore I have included both Pages
in this report)
Apensos V, Vol 9, Pages 2077 and 2078
Page 2077 (Page 1 of 2 )
Goncalo Sousa Amaral
From : Luis Antonio Numes Neves
Date : 1st August 2007 19:34
To : Goncalo Sousa Amaral
Subject : FW : Investigation (in Belgium) for McCANN Madeleine
Peco-te que des seguimento a este assunto
Contactos do M P do caso
(Note : This communication (above) in the Portuguese Language,
has been most kindly translated for me, by astro, as meaning :
"I ask/request you to follow up on this matter
Public Ministry contacts for the case
Thank you
LN" )
From : Cel Vermiste Personen (
Date : 31st July 2007 14:16
From : Luis Antonio Nunes Neves
Cc : lobees@gmail.com
Subject : FW : Investigation (in Belgium) for McCANN Madeleine
Dear Sir,
During the further Investigation of the DNA-profile mentioned in
our E-mail below, the Professor who is in charge of this
Investigation has signalled us that the found DNA-profile in
Belgium, is only from a male person.
Our question may be cancelled !
Even though we would like to be informed about the name, address
and phone number of the "Procureur" who is in charge of the
dossier of Madeleine McCann in Portugal.
Best regards,
Federale Juidicial Police in Belgium
DGJ/DJP/Cel Vermiste Personen
Tel : 00.32.2 642.66.19
__________Original Message___________
From : Cel Vermiste Personen
Page 2078 (Page 2 of 2 )
To : luis.neves@pj.pt
Sent : Tuesday, July 31st 2007 1:49 PM
Subject : Investigation (in Belgium) for McCANN Madeleine
Dear Sir,
The Investigation for the missing girl McCANN Madeleine,
kidnapped in Portugal, is co-ordinated by our services in
Last weekend we had a witness who had very serious informations
in this case.
Investigation for the people involved, resulted in a double
DNA-profile. DNA from a man and DNA from a girl.
To complete our Investigation in this matter, we would like to
have the material of the DNA of McCANN Madeleine to compare the
results of our tests.
Our Liaison Officer in Madrid sent you his best regards and
recommended your name to get these results ASAP.
Best regards,
Federale Juidicial Police in Belgium
DGJ/DJP/Cel Vermiste Personen
Tel : 00.32.2 642.66.19
03/08/2007 |
Email with cover information re crime stoppers information |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Page 2081 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2081 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 09)....(PDF Page 125 )....Page 2081?"Email with cover
information re Crimestoppers information re reported sighting in
Page 2081 (Page 1 of 1 )
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 2nd July 2007 10:35
Attach : CBL660012007-Leicestershire-OP TASK-Madeleine
Subject : FW : CrimeStoppers Information Log. Please do not
reply. CBL/66001/2007 poss sighting Malta priority 2
__________Original Message_______
From : csbureau@btconnect.com
Sent : 28th June 2007 16:05
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : CrimeStoppers Information Log. Please do not reply.
Please see attached Information Log from the CrimeStoppers
If you have any enquiries or would like to feedback results,
please contact Julie Black on 01883 731 300 or by E-mail :
Please do not reply to this E-mail.
02/07/2007 |
Email re sighting in Cadiz |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Page 2082 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2082 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 09)....(PDF Page 126 )....Page 2082?"Email re reported
sighting in the Dockyard Car-Park area, in Cadiz, Spain,
(Tuesday 26th June 2007)"
Page 2082 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 2nd July 2007 10:20
priority 2
__________Original Message___________
From : Call-Handling (
Sent : 28th June 2007 19:30
We have received this evening from a member of the public
stating that she may have seen Madeleine McCann on Tuesday at
around lunch time - caller could not give a more accurate time.
Caller is Mrs Doreen BUTLER - 016332xxxxx - xx, Fxxxxxxx Cxxxx,
Newport, Gwent, Wales, NPxx xxP
Caller stated that she has been on a Cruise and on
1917 28/06....
Tuesday...(Note : Tuesday
was the 26th June)....when
the ship docked at Cadiz - Caller was on deck and saw a large
cream coloured camper van in the
1918 28/06....
dock car-park. Inside was a woman with blonde hair aged in her
30's and next to her was a young blonde haired little girl aged
about 5 yrs and fitted Madeleine's description.
1919 28/06...
The woman got out of the camper van and took the little girl
into the rear of the van out of sight of caller.
Gwent Police Log Number is 548 28.06.07...
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 6 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
2nd July 2007, which refers to a reported sighting in the
dockyard car-park area, in Cadiz, Spain on Tuesday 26th June
(Note : Report rendered to
Police Authorities on Thursday 28th June 2007)
02/07/2007 |
2086 to 2087
Fax cover page |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Pages 2086 and 2087 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2086 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2087 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
09)....(PDF Pages 132-133 )....Pages 2086 to 2087?"Follow-up Fax
Cover Page re reported sighting on beach near Scheveningen, The
Hague, Netherlands, (Mid June 2007) "
(Note :
Reference point re the earlier report concerning this reported
sighting is on Pages 1996-1997, which are located on Page 41 of
this Thread)
Page 2086 (Page 1 of 2 )
(Note :
This Page report is repeated on the following page, Page 2087.
However, the report on Page 2087 is a much better quality
reproduction of the contents)
Page 2087 (Page 2 of 2 )
Priority 2
29th June 2007 10:35 FAX +31704244798 Politie Haaglanden
29, Jun, 2007 9:43 Pol. Haaglanden 070 4245143
Post-Box 264
2501 CG Den Haag
Telephone 070-424 5011
Bericht voor- (Message to) : Jose DeFreitas
Bestemd voor - (Destined to) : Detective Sergeant, New Scotland
Fax number : 00351-282 412 763
Afkomstig van - (Coming from (sender)) : Leon Cramer
Onderdeel- (Department) : Chef Opsporing - (Chief (Criminal)
Bureau - (Desk) : Scheveningen, Regiopolitie Haaglanden
Mobile : 0031-6.5282.8729
Date : 29th June 2007
Onderwerp - (Subject) : Missing M. McCann.
Detective Sergeant DeFreitas,
Hereby I send you by Fax :
* The two written statements of the witnesses ; pages 1-4 and
pages 5-7.
* And an Investigation Report of the place where the girl was
seen , including pictures, pages 8-12.
* Picture of Madeleine McCann website.
* Picture made by the witness, pages 14 and 15.
* The witnesses made their statements at two different moments,
which are written by two different Detectives of Regiopolitie
Rotterdam Rijnmond.
The girl is seen at the beach Scheveningen. The Investigation I
started Bij Regiopolitie Haaglanden, Bureau Schreveningen.
The Detectives are at this moment recording all the camera
views, surroundings along the beach.
Further, there is a possibility that probably the man and woman
have paid by Credit Card.
I hope I informed you in the proper way and I would like to make
my excuse because of the bad language.
Leon Cramer.
Chef Opsporing - (Chief (Criminal) Investigation)
Bureau Scheveningen,
Politie Haaglanden.
(signed) : Leon Cramer |
2100 to 2101
Email re sighting in McDonalds in California |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Pages 2100 and 2101 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2100 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2101 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 09)....(PDF
Pages 147-148 )....Pages 2100 to 2101—"Email re reported
sighting in McDonalds in Monrovia, Los Angeles County,
California, USA, (30th June 2007)"
Page 2100 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 3
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 2nd July 2007 07:59
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann, possible sighting in America
priority 3
From : Chris leo Leo (
Sent : 1st July 2007 20:15
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : Madeleine McCann, possible sighting
My wife is convinced that she saw Madelaine(sic) McCann on the
morning of.....
(Note : Here, is a handwritten
entry of 7 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated 2nd July
2007, which refers to a reported sighting, on the 30th June
2007, in a McDonalds Restaurant in Monrovia, California, USA.
This entry has overwritten part of this report. However, on
Pages 2103 and 2104, (to follow), there is a full report
regarding this reported sighting)
The report then continues thus :
The weather was very hot, (probably 85F - 90F). The only reason
we were sitting outside the McDonalds, (under shade), was
because we had our dog with us. No other person was sitting
outside, (all patrons inside enjoying the air-conditioning),
until this man and the little girl arrived.
The little girl first asked if our dog would bite. The man did
not speak, would not make eye contact and he was rather terse,
(sharp), towards the little girl, (not the usual caring that a
father would show).
While eating, the man told the girl to get something out of his
car - shouting for her to hurry up on the way back. While the
girl was at the car my wife asked the man how old she was. He
completely ignored her, even though we were sitting at a table
right next to his.
He was a fat man, around 5' 9" tall, dark hair, aged in his
Driving a dark coloured saloon car.
Page 2101 (Page 2 of 2 )
We are an English couple living in California. With the odd
behaviour of this man we later thought that perhaps he was
worried that we might recognise the girl and therefore did not
want us to talk to the child.
My wife is extremely good at recognising people - but this is
the very first time we have ever made a report like this.
Our Contact Information :
Chris & Patricia Leo
Telephone (USA) +626-35x-xxxx ; Office (USA) +626-29x-xxxx
Sxxxxx Mxxxx, California, 91024
P.S. : Incidentally, we had difficulty in obtaining contact
information to be able to report this incident. Telephone
numbers shown on various 'web' sites provide "Free" numbers such
as 0800 555 111 that will not work from the USA, (or even from
outside of the UK). And the Police Department over here could
only give us similar "Free" numbers.
Chris Leo
Chris leo Leo
02/07/2007 |
2103 to 2106
Further info re
California McDonalds sighting |
05 09 Apensos
V, Vol 9, Pages 2103-2106 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2103 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2104 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2105 |
apenso5_vol_9_p2106 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 9, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
09)....(PDF Pages 149-151 )....Pages 2103 to 2106—"Further Info
re reported sighting in
in Monrovia,
Los Angeles County,
California, USA, (30th June 2007)"
(Note : Page 2105 is
a "Missing or Misplaced" page within the Files)
Page 2103 (Page 1 of 3 )
Priority 3
Task Portugal
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 6 lines, in the
Portuguese Language,
dated 4th July 2007, which refers to a reported sighting, from a
Mr Chris Leo, in a
Restaurant, in Monrovia,
Los Angeles County,
California, on the 30th June 2007. There is also a numbered
reference to Page 2102, which is a "Missing or Misplaced" page
within the Files)
The report then continues thus :
Dear Sir or Madam :
I sent an E-mail to your special Department set-up to handle the
Madeleine McCann case (attached).
My wife is
convinced she recognised Madeleine on Saturday June 30.
Please would you acknowledge or confirm that you have received
our E-mail.
Chris Leo
________Original Message____________
From :
Chris leo Leo
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 1st July 2007 12:15 PM
Subject : Madeleine McCann, possible sighting
My wife is
convinced she saw Madelaine(sic) McCann on the morning of
Saturday June 30.
On Saturday June 30, around 10:30 AM, my wife and I visited a
in California,
located in a city named "Monrovia" (
Los Angeles County).
We saw a
little girl
with a rather rough looking, fat man (guess age in his 40's).
Much later that same day, my wife saw pictures of Madelaine(sic)
McCann in a magazine - and immediately told me that
the girl
we saw at
the restaurant
looks exactly like her !
It is the circumstances of our encounter with the
little girl
that caused us to remember the incident.
The weather was very hot, (probably 85F - 90F). The only reason
we were sitting outside the
(under shade), was because we had our dog with us. No other
person was sitting outside, (all patrons inside enjoying the
air-conditioning), until this man and the
little girl
Page 2104 (Page 2 of 3 )
little girl
first asked if our dog would bite. The man did not speak, would
not make eye contact and he was rather terse, (sharp), towards
little girl,
(not the usual caring that a father would show).
While eating, the man told
the girl
to get something out of his car - shouting for her to hurry up
on the way back. While
the girl
was at the car my wife asked the man how old she was. He
completely ignored her, even though we were sitting at a table
right next to his.
He was a fat man, around 5' 9" tall, dark hair, aged in his
Driving a dark coloured saloon car.
We are an English couple living
in California.
With the odd behaviour of this man we later thought that perhaps
he was worried that we might recognise
the girl
and therefore did not want us to talk to the child.
My wife is
extremely good at recognising people - but this is the very
first time we have ever made a report like this.
Our Contact Information :
Chris & Patricia Leo
Telephone (USA) +626-35x-xxxx ; Office (USA) +626-29x-xxxx
Sxxxxx Mxxxx, California, 91024
P.S. : Incidentally, we had difficulty in obtaining contact
information to be able to report this incident. Telephone
numbers shown on various 'web' sites provide "Free" numbers such
as 0800 555 111 that will not work from the USA, (or even from
outside of the UK). And the Police Department over here could
only give us similar "Free" numbers.
Chris Leo
Page 2105
(Note : This Page is a "Missing or
Misplaced" page within the Files)
Page 2106 (Page 3 of 3 )
From : Chris leo Leo
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 1st July 2007 12:15 PM
Subject : Madeleine McCann, possible sighting
My wife is
convinced she saw Madelaine(sic) McCann on the morning of
Saturday June 30.
On Saturday June 30, around 10:30 AM, my wife and I visited a
in California,
located in a city named "Monrovia" (
Los Angeles County).
We saw a
little girl
with a rather rough looking, fat man (guess age in his 40's).
Much later that same day, my wife saw pictures of Madelaine(sic)
McCann in a magazine - and immediately told me that the girl
we saw at
the restaurant
looks exactly like her !
It is the circumstances of our encounter with the little girl
that caused us to remember the incident.
The weather was very hot, (probably 85F - 90F). The only reason
we were sitting outside the
(under shade), was because we had our dog with us. No other
person was sitting outside, (all patrons inside enjoying the
air-conditioning), until this man and the little girl
little girl
first asked if our dog would bite. The man did not speak, would
not make eye contact and he was rather terse, (sharp), towards
little girl,
(not the usual caring that a father would show).
While eating, the man told
the girl
to get something out of his car - shouting for her to hurry up
on the way back. While
the girl
was at the car my wife asked the man how old she was. He
completely ignored her, even though we were sitting at a table
right next to his.
He was a fat man, around 5' 9" tall, dark hair, aged in his
Driving a dark coloured saloon car.
We are an English couple living
in California.
With the odd behaviour of this man we later thought that perhaps
he was worried that we might recognise the girl
and therefore did not want us to talk to the child.
My wife is
extremely good at recognising people - but this is the very
first time we have ever made a report like this.
Our Contact Information :
Chris & Patricia Leo
Telephone (USA) +626-35x-xxxx ; Office (USA) +626-29x-xxxx
Sxxxxx Mxxxx, California, 91024
P.S. : Incidentally, we had difficulty in obtaining contact
information to be able to report this incident. Telephone
numbers shown on various 'web' sites provide "Free" numbers such
as 0800 555 111 that will not work from the USA, (or even from
outside of the UK). And the Police Department over here could
only give us similar "Free" numbers.
Chris Leo
(Note : Here, a handwritten entry is included by Mr or Mrs Leo)
Quote : "We are praying for you all at this terrible time. And
hope that your baby girl will be home with you both soon".
Chris leo Leo
Priority 3
7/7/2007 |