1169 to 1170 Statement re
sighting in Egypt |
Thanks to Skeptical |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1169 and 1170 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1169 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1170 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 10-11 )....Pages 1169 to 1170?"Statement
re sighting in Egypt"
Page 1169 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 3
Incident Message : M1344 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 29th May 2007 : Time : 1645 : Priority : M
Type : Phone In
Code : MADE : Description : Madeleine Beth McCANN to include
possible sightings
Message From/To : FROM
Title/Rank/ID Number : Mrs
Surname : OAKES
Forename(s) : Angela
Sex : Female
Telephone Number(s) : HOME : 013037xxxxx
Address : HOME : xx, Lxxxxx Cxxxxxxx, Folkestone, Kent, United
Kingdom, CTxx xxB
Information :
Caller was on holiday in EGYPT 17th May, Sham al Shiek, and went
on a boat trip, Sharks Bay, did a dive, then she stayed on board
on the top deck. She saw a boat come alongside with foreign
looking men, possibly Morrocan, one holding a child and two
others. Another one came up from the lower deck, ran towards the
man holding the child. She screamed. The man who was holding her
took her down below. Boat was called 'Galaxy Sharm'. Did not
appear to be anyone else on board. The child's hair was shorter
than Madeleine's but very messy, unbrushed. Boat went towards
Nama Bay. This all happened on 23rd May approximately.
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 8 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 29th May 2007, which refers to a boat
named 'Galaxy Sharm', and a reported sighting in Egypt on 23rd
May 2007. This entry may have overwritten part of this report)
Page 1170 (Page 2 of 2 ) |
1172 Email from DC Hughes re
Egyptian sighting |
05-06 Apensos
V, Vol 6, Page 1172 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1172 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 12 )....Page 1172?"Email from DC Hughes
re Egyptian sighting"
Page 1172 (Page 1 of 1 )
Hughes John (DC)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 5th June 2007 15.03
To :
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Egyptian
Attachments : Leics enquiry form Egyptian sightings.doc
Can we ask the Egyptian Authorities to look into these two
possible sightings please.
Dc John Hughes |
1173 to 1775 Email and
statement re sighting on
beach in Mallorca |
05-06 Apensos
V, Vol 6, Pages 1173-1175 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1173 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1174 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1175 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 13-15 )....Pages 1173 to 1175?"Email and
statement re sighting on beach in Mallorca"
Page 1173 (Page 1 of 3 )
OP Task
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 13th June 2007 17.01
Attach : Ovs. CM.doc
Subject : Interpol Information - poss sighting Mallorca - please
We have received this information from Interpol Sweden. It is
brief information about a possible sighting on a beach in
Mallorca. I don't think there is sufficient detail re
location/time/date to initiate an Interpol enquiry with Spain.
Can it be brought to the attention of the Incident Room for
assessment. Please advise if they wish us to make further
Dc John Hughes
_______________Original Message_________________
From : jane.whiting@soca.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 12th June 2007 10.31
To : Operation Task
Subject : FW : 4H-2395710-07-OP Task
STOP - Please reply to : (no entry indicated)
Your ref :
(Note : Here, is a handwritten
entry of 6 lines, in the Portuguese Language, which refers to a
reported sighting on 23rd or 24th May 2007. This entry appears
to have obscured part of this report)
Page 1174 (Page 2 of 3 )
_______________Original Message_______________
Sent : 11th June 2007 14.57
Subject : IP 2007-008801
STOCKHOLM No. 002695 11th June 2007 13.56 gmt
IP London
IP Lisbon
Our ref : IP 2007-08801 CHP
Your ref : -
Subject : McCann Madeleine
For your information.
Please find enclosed information from a private person in
Sweden. There is information againstthe missing girl.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Interpol Stockholm
Page 1175 (Page 3 of 3 )
Interview :
Police Authority : Gavleborg County Police
Person Interviewed : NATTERLUND Marie : Capacity : Witness : ID
Confirmed : Yes
Suspicion/Reason for the Interview : Marie NATTERLUND heard
concerning the missing 4-year-old girl that disappeared in
Interviewing Officer : Kalju POLTRAGO : Date of Interview : 31st
May 2007 :
Interview started at : 18.30 : Interview closed at : 18.45
Place of Interview : Police Quarters in Gavle.
Type of Interview : Code of Judicial Procedure 23:6
Interview Mode : Telephone
Report :
Marie was on vacation last week in MALLORCA together with 2
girl-friends. When she arrived home she read about the missing
girl in Portugal and then there was an incident last week that
Marie observed that can be connected to the disappearance of the
A man was sitting on the beach and he had dug a large pit in
which he himself was sitting. He was sitting in a chair and was
making sand pies to himself. A little girl that according to
Marie could have been about 4 years old was sitting in a buggy
close by, completely apathetic. She was only wearing bikini
trousers. After a while the girl fell asleep and her head was
hanging and everything, according to Marie, looked very
abnormal. After a while a man came from their hotel and told the
man in the pit that he had to cover the girl against the sun.
Marie then saw that the man in the pit sprayed the girl's face
and body with sun-factor.
When the girl woke up she staggered for a while around the man
in the pit.
The girl in the buggy looked exactly like the girl Madeleine
that disappeared in Portugal. She has her age, hair colour and
size of body. She was about 4 years old, ash-coloured hair that
was tied into a bun at the back. She was sitting in a pink
buggy. Marie reached to the fact that this did not seem to be
normal. The man did not seem to be the father of the girl. They
never bathed.
Marie saw them for about 1-2 hours and then they disappeared.
Marie was on the beach of PALMA NOVA in Mallorca and it was
probably in the afternoon of May 23rd or 24th May. It was the
hottest part of the day.
The man appeared to be tall - he was sitting the whole time, on
the top of his head he had no hair, but otherwise he had hair.
He had ash-blonde hair and he looked European. Language not
known. About 50-55 years old and he only wore bathing trunks.
Slender build.
Transcript was read out and approved. |
1176 Statement re sighting
in Vilamoura |
V, Vol 6, Page 1176 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1176 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 16 )....Page
1176--"Email re sighting in
Page 1176 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 1
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 31st May 2007 11.18
Attach : A1009.pdf ; D577.pdf
Subject : Priority 1 - IMPORTANT
: Here, is a handwritten entry of 9
lines, in the Portuguese Language,
dated 31st May 2007, which refers to
a reported sighting, on the 23rd May
2007, in Vilamoura, and to a witness
named Susan Ann HOWELL. This entry
may have obscured part of this
1178 to 1187 Statement re
sighting in Vilamoura |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1178-1187 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1178 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1179 |
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apenso5_vol_6_p1183 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1184 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1185 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1186 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1187 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 18-27 )....Pages 1178 to 1187 ?
"Statement re sighting in Vilamoura"
Page 1178 (Page 1 of 10 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A1009 : Priority : M
Text :
TST Susan HOWELL N884 re her sighting of a girl who looked like
Madeleine in Portugal.
Contact - 019224xxxxx - xx, Sxxx Cxxxx, Walsall, West Midlands,
WSx xxF.
Please use good English in statement with no slang or
Allocated To : (Name illegible)
Originating Document No. : M1269
Result of Action (Please write clearly) :
30th May 2007 - Wittnes statement obtained from Susan Ann
Howell, (dob-5th April 1959), a housewife of xx, Sxxx Cxxxx,
Cxxxxxx Wxx, Walsall, WSx xxF, (019224xxxxx).
She stated that on 21st May 2007 she went on holiday to the
Algarve with her husband and stayed at Dom Pedro Portobelo
Hotel, Avenida Tivoli, Lote HS, Vilamoura 8125410.
About 13:45hrs on 23rd May 2007 she was walking back to the
hotel from the beach when she saw a child in a pushchair and
immediately noticed her eyes. The child's left eye was so
dilated as to almost completely cover the colour of the eye. The
child's right eye was not so much dilated and the witness
clearly saw a small mark on the bottom left of the coloured part
of the eye (as you look at it). Child's face looked long and
pale, arms and legs appeared thin. Child was about 3 years old,
shoulder length, mousy blonde hair.
See Attached FAX copy for full details.
Page 1179 (Page 2 of 10 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A1009 (Cont)
Reporting Officer(s) : DC1578 GIERC
Date Returned : 31st May 2007 : Time : 10.30
Receiver's Instructions :
Fully resulted - Please E-mail to Portugal
Receiver : (Name illegible) 1377 : 31st May 2007
Page 1180 (Page 3 of 10 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A1009 (Cont)
Incident Message : M1269 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary
Date : 28th May 2007 : Time : 1549 : Priority : M
Type : Phone In
Code : MADE : Description : Madeleine Beth McCANN to include
possible sightings
Message From/To : FROM
Title/Rank/ID Number :
Surname : HOWELL
Forename(s) : Susan
Sex : Female
Telephone Number(s) : HOME : 019224xxxxx
Address : HOME : xx. Sxxx Cxxxx, Walsall, West Midlands, WSx xxF
Information :
At approx. 1400hrs on 23rd May 2007 you saw a woman with a child
in a pushchair who looked like Maddy, she was wearing a white
summer hat which looked too small, something in her mouth which
was black. Small T-shirt and shorts on.
The pushchair red with a red hood, slightly reclined, her legs
were crossed in lotus position and both were up on the seat.
I could see a tiny bit of hair sticking out from the hat and it
was mousy blonde in colour.
The woman with her was 5'6" to 5'8" tall, very thin, white, did
not have any tan and her hair was blonde bob, shoulder length.
She was wearing similar to the child which were pastel in
colour. (I think that they were both dressed in the same
Photographs I have seen looked fatter than the child.
Page 1181 (Page 4 of 10 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A1009 (Cont)
On a crossing in Vilamoura, Portugal, there is a road with a
Casino on it and there are several crossings around the area. As
my husband and I were crossing they were waiting to cross in the
other direction and another couple.
My husband went to help her down with the pushchair and she
refused and looked very angry, crossed directly in front of me
and I was unable to get onto the pavement.
That is when I saw the child's eyes and they looked black, the
child was very thin and pale.
I did not hear the woman speak and she went off down the side of
the road near a hotel Villa Gayl (not sure of the spelling(sic)
). Hotel is next door to the Casino.
As the child seemed so thin I did not link this to Madeleine as
she looked too thin from the photo's I had seen.
The iris on the eye with marking on it they(sic) eye that did
not have the marking on was completely dilated.
On the other eye only had a dash on it.
I had reported this to the Police in Portugal, Vilamoura, on
Friday 26th May. They gave me some numbers to ring if I saw
anything again and they took all the information that you (sic)
(copy of my notes).
Person receiving/sending : Receiving:
Title/Rank/ID Number :
Forename(s) : Anne
Surname : McCULLOCH
Page 1182 (Page 5 of 10 )
Hilton CID
30th May 2007 23.29 01785218803
Witness Statement
Statement of : Susan Ann HOWELL
Age : Over 18
Occupation : Housewife
This statement (consisting of 6 page(s) each signed by me) is
true to the best of my knowledge and bleief and I make it
knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable
to prosecution if I have wilfully stated anything in it, which I
knoe to be false, or do not beleive to be true.
(signed : S. A. Howell Date : 30th May 2007
I am the above named person and I reside at the address
On Monday 21st May 2007, I flew out with my husband, Shaun
Christopher Howell, dob 19th May 1958, to the Algarve. We were
spending 7 days at the Dom Pedro Portobelo Hotel, Avenida
Tivoli, Lote HS, Vilamoura 8125410, Portugal.
The hotel is situated on a one-way road, which allows two cars
to travel side-by-side, very similar to a dual carriageway. The
beach is situated on the opposite side of this road, and down a
road with a small island at the bottom. The beach is
approximately 400 yards at the bottom of this road. Directly
opposite the road that leads to the beach, is the driveway that
leads to our hotel. The Dom Pedro Portobelo Hotel is on your
righthand side as you walk up this driveway, the sister hotel,
Dom Pedro Marina is on your lefthand side. On the corner of this
driveway, the Dom Pedro Marina side, is a pedestrian crossing
that goes across.....
(signed) S. A. Howell
Page 1183 (Page 6 of 10 )
Continuation of statement of : Susan Ann Howell
........the main road.
At about 1345hrs on 23rd May 2007, the Wednesday, myself and
Shaun were walking back to our hotel from the beach. We were
walking along the road on the righthand side, that leads from
the beach to our hotel. As we got to the top of this road, I do
not know it's name, we crossed over it in order to use the
pedestrian crossing. As we waited for a break in the traffic,
Shaun was stood to my left. The road is extremely busy with
traffic, and unlike the United Kingdom, the traffic does not
stop to allow pedestrians to cross at a crossing. When a gap in
th etraffic presented itself, I began to cross with Shaun. Shaun
is a faster walker than myself, and therefore was slightly ahead
of myself to my left. When across the road, I became aware of a
female with a pushchair in front of me to my right. She was on
the corner of the road and driveway to the hotels. At this point
I was still focusing on the road, and getting across safely.
When I was almost across the road, I became aware that Shaun had
(signed) S. A. Howell
Page 1184 (Page 7 of 10 )
Continuation of statement of : Susan Ann Howell
.........to someone. When I looked up at this point, the woman
with the pushchair was in front of me. I looked at the child
first, and I could see that it was a young girl sat in the chair
with her legs crossed, and she had her hands together holding
them close to her chin. She was holding something in her hands
which was black in colour, and she was biting onto it. The child
looked straight at me, and immediately her eyes caught my
attention. Her left iris was so dilated, it almost completely
covered the colour of the eye. The child's right eye was also
dilated, but not as much as the left eye. I could clearly see a
small mark on the bottom left part of the coloured part of the
eye as you look at it. The child's face also looked long and
pale, and her arms and legs appeared to be thin. The child
looked about 3 years old, and was wearing a white summer hat
that appeared small. I could see hair under the hat that was
mousy blond in colour. The bits that I could see were shoulder
length. She was wearing pastel coloured shorts, either lemon or
pink, and a T-shirt that was also either lemon or pink. The
T-shirt was the one colour and the shorts the other.
(signed) S.A. Howell
Page 1185 (Page 8 of 10 )
Continuation of statement of : Susan Ann Howell
The child's eyes were the thing that caught my attention, and I
could see them as the front wheels of the pushchair were raised
off the road. And even though the pushchair had it's hood up, I
could clearly see into it.
I then looked up, and for a........................
(Note : Here, the continuation of the line has not been
reproduced properly...((May have continued as perhaps, "moment I
thought")) )
...the child was Madeleine McCann. I then looked at the woman,
and could see that she was white with the same complexion as the
child. The female had blonde hair that was cut into a shoulder
length bob. She appeared to be in her mid-20's, around 5'7" -
5'8" in height. She was slim in build, and was wearing the same
coloured clothing as the child, a T-shirt and shorts. The female
may also have been wearing small rimmed spectacles.
I then thought the child looked like the mother, and again
looked down at the child. This time the child was either looking
down, or the pushchair was now down on all wheels. But I could
still see the child was chewing on something.
The demeanour of the child seemed neutral(sic), she wasn't upset
or seemed scared, but she didn't appear happy. She appeared
The woman's demeanour seemed to be that of...................
(signed) S. A. Howell
Page 1186 (Page 9 of 10 )
Continuation of statement of : Susan Ann Howell
...........someone who was not happy. I felt as if I was in her
It was at this point that Shaun pulled me out of the way and
onto the pavement. At which point we converged with another
couple, we both apologised to each other for being in each
other's way. Myself and Shaun have then walked off.
I looked back and could see the back of the woman, walking away
from me.
The pushchair wa sred in colour, with 4 wheels, with a red hood.
The child's seat was forward facing. The hood was curved as
opposed to a square appearance. When the woman was walking away,
I could see a carrier-bag either on the left handle or left arm.
The incident lasted for only 3 seconds, and I was only 3 feet
from the child, the distance from my face to her face.
Visibility was very good, it was a nice sunny day, and there
were no obstructions to my view. I do not know this female and
had not seen her before.
I am not sure I would recognise the woman if I saw her again.
For the remainder of the day, I was constantly thinking about
the child, so we began to try to call the Madeleine McCann
Hotline. For..................
(signed) S. A. Howell
Page 1187 (Page 10 of 10 )
Continuation of statement of : Susan Ann Howell
...............reasons unknown, we could not get through.
Therefore on the 25th May 2007, I reported the incident to the
local Police Station.
Upon my return to the United Kingdom, I again reported the
incident to the Police.
I am prepared to assist the Police in their investigation if
required to.
(signed) S. A. Howell |
1198 Email re sighting at petrol station |
V, Vol 6, Page 1198 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1198 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 38 )....Page
1198? "Email re sighting at petrol
station in Earlston, Scotland"
Page 1198 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Burrows Caroline" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 24th July 2007 16.19
Attach : D2434.pdf
Subject : D2434.pdf
: Here, is a handwritten entry of 4
lines, in the Portuguese Language,
dated 24th July 2007, and which
refers to a reported sighting by a
'Margaret Johnston' at a petrol
station in Earlston, (Berwickshire,
Scotland) )
1199 Email with attachment re sightings near Scottish borders |
V, Vol 6, Page 1199 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1199 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 39 )....Page 1199? "Email with attachment
re sightings near Scottish Borders"
Page 1199 (Page 1 of 1 )
Hardy Sophie
From :
Sent : 8th June 2007 12.29
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : Operation Task
Attachments : Operation Task.doc ; pcmccaaaremccann.doc ;
pcgracieremccann.doc ; spinksmccann.doc ; JohnstoneMcCann.doc ;
Images - Rutherford Filling Station.doc ; Notes of Joyce
Operation Task.doc
(21 KB)
(56 KB)
(60 KB)
(50 KB)
(53 KB)
Images - Rutherford Filling Station.doc
( ? KB )
Notes of Joyce Brown.doc
(20 KB)
Please find attached a number of documents relating to reports
received in the G Division (Scottish Borders) area of Lothian
and Borders Police.
DC4038-G Stephen Halls
Hawick Police Station |
1200 Information re Scottish border sightings |
V, Vol 6, Page 1200 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1200 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 40 )....Page 1200? "Information re
Scottish Borders sightings"
Page 1200 (Page 1 of 1 )
Lothian and Borders Police
Divisional Headquarters
Wilton Hill
Operation Task
With reference to the above subject please find attached a
number of documents which have been collated by G Division of
Lothian and Borders Police.
A summary of the circumstances is detailed below :
On 24th May 2007, a forecourt assistant at Rutherfords Filling
Station, Melrose Road, EARLSTON. Scottish Borders, became aware
of a young girl in the company of a male.
She had concerns regarding their behaviour and was of the
opinion that the girl fitted the description of Madeleine.
CCTV images, although poor quality, have been obtained and are
attached. (The disks are held with ourselves should they be
We have carried out searches of ANPR for similar style vehicles
in and around the area of the garage although unfortunately
there are no positive results from this.
The second item of correspondence was handed into Hawick Police
Station by Joyce BROWN, xx, Mxxxx Pxxxx, Hawick, Scottish
Borders. She claims to be a medium and made notes as they came
to her whilst she was holding an image of Madeleine. The
original notes are held at Hawick Police Station but I have
re-created them onto a document (attached) for your information.
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 4 words, in English,
("placed with psychic informant")
Should you require any more information or assistance please
contact me on the numbers below.
Yours Truly
DC 4038-G Stephen Halls
Criminal Investigation Department |
1201 to 1206 Statements and details re Scottish border sightings |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1201-1206 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1201 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1202 |
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apenso5_vol_6_p1205 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1206 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 41-46 )....Pages 1201 to 1206
"Statements and details re Scottish Border sightings"
Page 1201 (Page 1 of 6 )
Witness Statement :
Section 1.
Surname : McCAA
Forename(s) : Gordon
Age : 50
Police Station : Galashiels : Years Service : 29 : Officer URN :
Section 2.
Statement taken or compiled : Compiled
Place : Galashiels Police Station
By : PC 2454 O McCaa : Verified by Officer as his own Statement
Section 3. (Free Text)
I am a uniformed Constable with Lothian and Borders Police and
have completed 29 years Police Service. At present I am a member
of the Borders Area Road Policing Branch, stationed at
I am authorised by the Chief Constable to test and inspect motor
vehicles and have successfully completed the Police Vehicle
Examiners Course, and am qualified to SCOTVEC level.
I have successfully completed the Police Prohibition Officers
Course and am authorised by the Chief Constable in terms of
Section 69 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, to prohibit vehicles
with dangerous defects from use on the road.
I have undergone a course of instruction on the use of the
Police Pilot Time and Distance Speed Detection System and have
passed the prescribed tests of competency. I am authorised by
the Chief Constable to operate the epuipment.
(Note : Here, the statement by PC McCaa, appears to end rather
abruptly. It seems that the two following pages may have not
been sequential, as this report appears to continue on Page
1203, instead of Page 1202)
Page 1202 (Page 2 of 6 )
Witness Statement :
Section 1.
Surname : SPINKS
Forename(s) : Michael
Age : -
Disclosable Address : C/o Lothian and Borders Police, Hawick
Section 2.
Statement taken or compiled : Taken
Date and Time : 30th May 2007
Place : Rhymers Tower Services Station
(signed) M Spinks
Section 3 : (Free Text)
I, Michael Spinks, being a person responsible for the operation
of a video surveillance system and a person who may sign a
certificate under Section 283 of the Criminal Procedure
(Scotland) Act 1995, herebt certify that the camera is located
at Rutherford's Rhymers Tower Service Station, Melrose Road,
Earlston, that the nature and extent of my responsibility for
the system is operator of video recording equipment ; that the
visual images recorded on the video hard-drive 4 CD-R discs are
images recorded by the system of events which occurred at
Rutherford's, Rhymers Tower Service Station, Melrose Road,
Earlston, on 24th May 2007 between 1550 and 1630hrs.
Page 1203 (Page 3 of 6 )
(Note : Here, the statement by PC McCaa appears to continue)
Witness Statement :
Pilot Police is a Time/Distance Speed Detection device, which
has been in general use for many years and is not required to be
type approved. It has however been approved for use by the
Association Chief Police Officers.
I am trained and authorised to conduct Field Impairment Tests to
assess impairment of drivers under S3A/4 of the Road Traffic
Act. 1988.
On Monday, 28th May 2007 I was working 09:00 to 22:00 hour shift
on mobile patrol duties along with the witness Constable Gracie.
About 16:50 hours, on that date, we called at Rhymers Tower
Service Station, Melrose Road, Earlston, to fuel our patrol car.
Whilst at the pumps I was approached by a member of the car
sales staff who informed me that the witness Margaret JOHNSTONE
would like a word with me regarding an incident in the premises
several days earlier which was playing on her mind.
I entered the shop at the premises and spoke with the witness
Johnstone who told me about a man with an American accent who
had called at the SErvice Station on Thursday, 24th May 2007,
with a small girl who resembled Madeleine McCANN. She thought
the girl spoke with an English accent. She thought the man's
behaviour had been a bit odd especially that he had spent about
15 minutes in the ladies toilet single cubicle with the girl
before buying a carton of Ribena and returning to his car. He
had walked around the car for a while before getting in and
sitting on the forecourt for another few minutes before leaving.
She had not been able to obtain the car registration number.
The witness Johnstone was unable to operate th enew security
system on the premises and could not copy the captured images
for us. We arranged to view and have the images copied by the
Manager, witness Michael Spinks, on Tuesday 29th May 2007.
On Tuesday, 29th May 2007, the witness Constable Gracie and I
attended at the Service Station and viewed the video images that
had been captured on a Computer Hard-Drive Disc System, I noted
a statement from the witness Margaret Johnstone. We arranged
with the witness Michael Spinks to copy the images onto a CD or
DVD. He had not been asked to do this before and requested that
we give him to late afternoon to complete this operation. We
called later in the day and uplifted a CD-R of the captured
images. On returning to our station we were unable to play these
image files.
On Wednesday, 30th May, Constable Gracie and I again called at
the Service Station and waited while the witness Michael Spinks
copied the images onto 4 CD-R Discs in our presence. He signed a
production label for each disc and Cirtificates of
Authentication regarding the Operation of the Camera Security
Surveillance System and a statement was obtained from him.
We then took the 4 CD-R Discs to the TSU at FHQ, Fettes where
the images were reformatted onto video, still CD images and 4
snapshot stills. Due to these images being captured in very
compressed computer file format the quality of image was found
to be very poor and enlarging or enhancing of the images to read
vehicle registration numbers was not possible.
The vehicle in question appears to be a 4-door, silver or grey
coloured, Toyota Corolla hatchback motor car. The child in the
images bares enough resemblance to Madeleine McCANN to warrant
further investigation.
The complete file of statements, Certificates of Aunthenticity,
4 CD-R Discs, video tape, CD stills disc and still snapshots
were handed over to DC Stephen HALLS for further enquiry.
I took no further part in this enquiry.
Page 1204 (Page 4 of 6 )
(Note : Here, it would seem that the following page, Page 1205,
should have been listed before this page. The first part of this
page appears to be the continuation of Margaret Johnstone's
witness statement, and Page 1205 contains the beginning of her
statement. But I will transcribe the pages as presented in the
Witness Statement
He took the girl back to the car and I think, but cannot be
sure, that he put her in the front seat. He sat in the car for a
while before he drove away. I could not see the car registration
number and intended to get it when he drove away. The shop got
busy and I missed him driving off. I checked the toilet after
they left. It was clean, nothing out of place and not even
I do not think I would recognise either of them again.
Section 4.
Home address : Oxx Pxxxxx Hxxxx, Manse Road, Gordon,
Berwickshire, TDx xxS
Telephone : 015734xxxxx
Page 1205 (Page 5 of 6 )
Witness Statement
Section 1.
Forename(s) : Margaret
Occupation : Assistant Manager
Disclosable Address : C/o Lothian and Borders Police, Hawick
Read over and signed by witness.
Section 3. (Free Text)
About 3pm (1500) on Thursday, 24th May 2007 I was working 2pm to
10pm (1400-2200) in Rutherford's, Rhymers Tower Service Station,
Melrose Rose, Earlston, when a man drove onto the forecourt in a
small silver car, there was a small girl in the car with him,
she looked about 4 years old. He came into the shop and led the
girl into the corridor beside the counter and I asked him what
he was looking for. He answered "the toilet" and asked if the
ladies was a single cubicle, I answered "yes" and he said that
was what he was looking for. He took the girl into the toilet,
they were in there for about 15 minutes. I thought this was a
long time and approached the door a few times, I could not hear
anything from within. After what seemed an unusually long time
they came back out into the shop. Neither the child, nor the
man, seemed distressed or flustered. The girl asked for sweets
but he said no and came to the counter with a carton of Ribena.
The man was about 6 feet, dark hair, wore tinted glasses which
he removed when he came into the shop, slim, light skinned,
40-ish, he spoke with an American accent. He was wearing a black
shirt but I can't remember what else. The child was about 4
years old, female, bobbed dirty blonde hair, 3 feet tall, fair
complexion, spoke with what I thought was an English accent
although she only said "sweets". The man paid cash, did not buy
anything else and did not bring anything in with him.
Page 1206 (Page 6 of 6 )
(Note :
This page contains only 3 very poor quality images of the
interior of the Petrol station's shop) |
1207 to 1208 Statement re sighting in Colwyn Bay, Clywyd |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1207-1208 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1207 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1208 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 47-48 )....Pages 1207 to 1208?"Statement
re sighting in Colwyn Bay, Clwyd"
Page 1207 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 5
Leicestershire Constabulary
To : North Wales Police
From : PC702 Esther Allday, Major Crime Unit, Specialist Crime
Investigation Dept, OP TASK
Date : 29th May 2007
Message :
Priority of Action : HIGH
Action for Officer to contact Rxxxxx Oxxx, x, Cxxx Bxxx, Colwyn
Bay, Clwyd, LLxx xxE : Contact : 014925xxxxx
Please obtain detailed statement from Oxxx re : Possible
sighting of Madeleine McCann on the 24th May 2007.
Please forward statement to OP Task, Leicestershire.
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 5 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, which refers to a reported sighting by a
Rxxxxx Oxxx, and which also refers to a car registration plate
number. This entry may have overwritten part of this report)
Page 1208 (Page 2 of 2 )
5th June 2007 09.55
Colwyn Bay
North Wales Police
To : MCU Leicestershire Constabulary OP Task
From : PS2456 Response, Colwyn Bay
Re : Request from Leicestershire Police re statement from Rxxxxx
Regarding your request re the above, I have the following to
report :
Officer's have made coontact with Rxxxxx Oxxx, x, Cxxx Bxxx,
Colwyn Bay, and have attended to take a statement.
It is Officer's opinion that Oxxx suffers from Mental Health
issues. She was extremely difficult to communicate with and
constantly digressed from the issue. She has refused to give a
statement without her solicitor being present, and says that she
fears reprisals from the criminal underworld. She has given a
different VRM to that initially provided, she has now given
'xxxx xxx'. This comes back to a local keeper approximately 10
miles from Oxxx's home address.
Throughout the time Officer's were speaking to her, she
displayed signs of Mental Health issues.
We have been unable to establish if this is a genuine sighting,
but in light of the above, suspect it is false or misguided
I can be contacted on 0149251xxxx if you have any queries.
PS2456 Tony Harvey
Date : 5th June 2007 Time : 09.45 |
1209 Email re sighting Dublin |
V, Vol 6, Page 1209 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1209 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 49 )....Pages 1209 to 1210?"Email re
sighting Dublin, Ireland"
Page 1209 (Page 1 of 1 )
From : Brigada Central.Gni
Date : 28th May 2007 11.16
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : FW : 8505J
Annexes : McCann 1.3gp ; McCann 2.3gp
Note : Here, is a typewritten entry of 3 lines. Impossible, for
me, to decipher as it has been reproduced extremely faintly)
From : ncb dublin IRELAND
Date : 26th May 2007 14.08
To : ncb lisbon PORTUGAL
Subject : 8505J
IP Dublin 26th May 2007
IP Lisbon
Our ref : ICPO/1523/07/NB
Your ref : 7519/07/MIN/PREV and 1806 / 2007 - MIN
Subject : Missing child - Madeleine McCANN - reported sighting
in Dublin
On the evening of 24th May 2007 a woman reported to Police in
Dublin stating that she beleived that she may have seen the
missing child, Madeleine Beth McCann. The witness stated that
she saw the child with an unknown male in Dublin City Centre. We
have now managed to obtain the attached video clip images which
were taken by the witness from her phone.
If the attached video clips do not open for you, can you advise
if there is another external Police E-mail address we can send
these clips to, as we are having minor technical difficulties at
this end.
Please advise if any further assistance is required.
IP Dublin |
1210 to 1215 Statement re sighting in Spain |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1210-1214 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1210 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1211 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1212 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1213 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1214 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1215 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 51-55
)....Pages 1210 to 1215?"Statement
re sighting in Spain"
Page 1210 (Page 1 of 5 )
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Date : 6th September 2007 10.19
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Old sighting - Spain.
From : Hughes John (DC) (
Date : 5th September 2007 08.49
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : Old sighting - Spain.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Leicestershire Constabulary
Page 1211 (Page 2 of 5 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A2997 : Priority : M
Text :
Arrange Interpol enquiries re
possible sighting of Madeleine in
Spain by the witness David PINCHIN
N3970. At 1830hrs on 25th May 2007,
he was in Bar Taco Loco in PUETO
BANUS, Spain, when he saw a girl
with a middle aged female. His
contact details are, xx, Pxxxxxxxxxx
Rxxx, Tatsfield, Westerham, Kent,
Tel : 019595xxxxx and 077128xxxxx.
Allocated To : HUGHES DC443
Originating Document No. : M2082
Linked Actions : A2996
Result of Action (Please write
clearly) :
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry
of 4 lines, in English, but has been
very faintly reproduced and
therefore it is difficult to
decipher all of the words written. I
shall indicate with a '?' any
indecipherable words in the text)
Poor quality sighting,
to Portugal for information only.
Scanned and E-mailed with M2082. It
has not been possible to obtain a
statement from PINCHIN.
Page 1212 (Page 3 of 5 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A2997 (Cont)
Reporting Officer(s) :
Date Returned : 5th September 2007 :
Time : 08.30am.
Page 1213 (Page 4 of 5 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A2997 (Cont)
Incident Message : M2082 : Security
Level : 4
Date : 25th May 2007 : Time : 2005 :
Priority : MEDIUM
Type : Phone In
Code : MADE : Description :
Madeleine Beth McCANN to include
possible sightings
Message From/To : FROM
Title/Rank/ID Number :
Surname : PINCHIN
Forename(s) : David
Sex : Male
Telephone Number(s) : Mobile :
077128xxxxx, Contact : 019595xxxxx.
Address : HOME : xx, Pxxxxxxxxxx
Rxxx, Tatsfield, Westerham, Kent.
Information :
Rec By : TPHONE : Serial : 881 Ident
: BC26 -7073 2005 25/05/07
Phone : 077128xxxxx Not a TK
Location : Out of Force Area
Text :
Male is in Spain on holiday - Req a
Telephone call re information he has
to pass on regarding INC..has been
online to CrimeStoppers who has
advised to call Police.
Title : Info re Missing
Inc type : P Safety Grade : 4 Occ
Time : 2005 Date : 25th May 2007 Ras
: OFA Sect : OFA
Result : OOM : QII
OIC : 7768 : CIV : SE : JENNEY : BC
: : : Call Management
Page 1214 (Page 5 of 5 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A2997 (Cont)
Rec By : TPHONE : Serial : 881 Ident
: BC26 -7073 2005 25/05/07
2008 7073 - BC26 Incident confirmed
2009 " " Incident linked to 57
" " " Will liaise with FCR Team
Leader as caller is in Spain and
wants a call asap.
2010 " " Team Leader advised
2037 7768 - BC04 Rang Mr Pinchin
back - his H/A is, xx, Pxxxxxxxxxx
Rxxx, Tatsfield, Westerham,
Kent-019595xxxxx-077128xxxxx- Will
be home from holiday next Monday or
happy to be contacted whilst abroad.
2040 7768 - BC04 He is on holiday in
the village of PUETO BANUS which is
a well known port where there are
several private yachts and boats
moored-he states that today at
approx. 1830hrs (Spanish time) he
was sitting in the Bar Taco Loco
near the harbour when he saw a
middle aged female carrying a child
who was almost completely covered
with some form of blanket or
clothing. This also covered her head
and face-Caller felt this was a
female child and could see the legs
and feet which he thinks may
2042 7768 - BC04 ...had pink shoes
on-the female looked very odd and
suspicious as he describes it-
states she was walking along very
quickly carrying the child-Thinks
this odd and the fact the child was
so covered as it was a warm sunny
day-The female went along a walkway
toward the boats then
disappeared-Caller did not see which
boat she went to-Caller just felt he
should pass this info on as he
states that it is very close to the
Portugal coast.
2044 7768 - BC04 Incident Result OOM
: Message only. Not incident
related. QII : Qual Intell ; Infor
2044 7768 - BC04 Incident closed
Rec By : TPHONE : Serial : 881 Ident
: BC26 -7073 2005 25/05/07
0811 7809 - HE361 Full Incident
printed : Printed for 7809 : Printed
all pages to WNP2
Receivers Instructions :
(M) (RA) TI/TST Pinchin re
suspicious incident SPAIN.
(M) (RA) Arrange Interpol enquiry re
suspicious incident - SPAIN.
DS1377 WATTS 19th July 2007
Person receiving/sending : Receiving
Title/Rank/ID Number : CIV 7768
1221 Email |
V, Vol 6, Page 1221 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1221 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 60 )....Page 1221?"Email (re multiple
Spanish sightings)"
Page 1221 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 5
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 19th June 2007 19.27
Attach : BC4spanish19.6.doc ; Leics enquiry form Spanish
Subject : FW : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Spanish
Just for info re the latest batch of enquiries sent to Spain.
Dc John Hughes
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 19th June 2007 19.24
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Spanish sightings
As discussed with John Davies, we have multiple Spanish
sightings here, all put onto one report form for forwarding to
the Spanish Authorities please.
Dc John Hughes |
1222 to 1223 Statements re multiple sightings in Spain
Statements in Portuguese Language re multiple sightings in Spain
1224 Page 1224, is an English Language report of above |
05-06 Apensos
V, Vol 6, Page 1224 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1222 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1223 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1224 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 06)....(PDF Page 63
)....Page 1224?"Statements re
multiple sightings in Spain"
Page 1224 (Page 1 of 1 )
Leicestershire Constabulary
From : Dc443 J. N. Hughes, Major
Crime Unit, Ref : Operation Task
Date : 19th June 2007
To : Interpol London
Subject : Multiple Spanish
The reports we ask for assistance
with from the Spanish Authorities
are as follows :
Ref A1469.
A possible sighting has been
reported at BARCELONA Airport on
25th May 2007 at 11.30hrs. A girl
looking like Madeleine was seen
boarding a flight to MADRID or
VIENNA with a man and a woman, both
described as of Mediterranean
It is requested that CCTV be checked
for this sighting.
Ref A1702.
A possible sighting has been
reported at ALICANTE Airport on 8th
May 2007, about 10.00hrs. Further
details are being collated.
It is requested that CCTV be
preserved for this time.
Ref A738.
A possible sighting has been
reported at PALMA Airport on 11th
May 2007, about 21.30hrs. A white
woman with blond hair was seen with
a girl at the Gate A area.
It is requested that CCTV be checked
for this sighting.
Ref A1837.
A call has been received by Martin
Bxxxx, of Pxxxxxx dx Dxxxxxx, pol x,
number 164xxxxx, Eche, Alicante,
Spain. He reports his son Jxxxxx
Bxxxx, 15 years old, was at the
Terra Mitica Fun Park in BENIDORM on
15th June 2007. About 3pm. he saw a
Moroccan looking man about 35yrs
old, 1.70m tall, stocky or chubby
build, was seen carrying a child
looking like Madeleine. The girl was
wearing a pink/white top and pink
shorts. They called to this man and
he ran off with the girl, exiting
over a bridge and the exit by the
Tizona Ride.
It is requested that CCTV be checked
for this sighting and contact be
made with the caller for any more
information he may have.
Ref D1644.
A report has been made of a possible
sighting in a red colour Ford
Galaxy, 'xxx xxx', seen in HEULVA at
10.45hrs 28th May 2007, with a girl
looking like Madeleine in it.
It is requested that the vehicle
owner be traced and interviewed.
Ref A1835 / A1386
A call has been received from
Christine WELLARD, Tel :
00349681xxxxx, Lxx,Sxxx Dx
Txxxxxxxxxx, xx 307xx, San Javier,
MURCIA. She reports that her
grandchildren live with her and on
14th June 2007 they were on their
way to school. They saw a silver
Peugeot, xxxxxxx, in....
: Here, the communication ends
abruptly. The following page, Page
1225, is a "Missing or Misplaced"
page, and the communication may well
have been continued thereon.
However, the fuller transcript is
within Pages 1222 and 1223 of the
File, (which are a copy of the same
communication), but they are written
in the Portuguese Language)
1229 to 1230 Statement re
sighting in Marrakesh |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1229 and 1230 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1229 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1230 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
06)....(PDF Pages 64-65 )....Pages 1229 to 1230?"Statement re
sighting in Marrakesh"
Page 1229 (Page 1 of 2 )
Statement : Number : S215
Surname : WILLIAMS
Forename(s) : Christine
Age : -
Date of Birth : -
Address : -
Occupation : -
Telephone No. : -
Statement Date : 12th June 2007
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 11 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 3rd July 2007, and which refers to a
reported sighting in Marrakesh, MOROCCO, on the 25th May 2007.
This entry has overwritten quite a large portion of this
Page 1230 (Page 2 of 2 )
Here, Mrs. WILLIAMS' statement continues thus :
............face, at this point the young girl then hit the old
woman with her right hand, connecting with the old woman's left
shoulder. She did this twice, could be three times and did it as
if to push her off. It looked as if the old woman and the young
child were annoyed with each other.
There was also another younger woman with them who, while this
was happening, was talking to some other people who I didn't
notice. She had very dark hair, quite short, coming down to the
top of her neck, she was dressed in European clothing, again I
wouldn't be able to recognise her. On seeing what was happening
she turned around quickly, her hand came up and she pushed the
older woman away from the child, it would appear that she was
protective of the child. This woman then took the child by her
hand and walked off, the older woman followed behind. I didn't
see where they went as they walked underneath the balcony of the
restaurant I was in and the surrounding buildings.
My husband then returned but I didn't say anything to him at the
time. Following our meal, while outside the restaurant, I
noticed that there was a small lane leading to backstreets and
various shops, I don't know if they walked down in that
That night I woke up as the incident was playing on my mind, it
did cross my mind about the missing girl Madeleine MCCANN, and
as a result I told my husband in the morning.
Also the following morning I was speaking to some other British
tourists in the hotel and they mentioned that Madeleine may have
been sighted previously in MARRAKECH, as a result I phoned a
friend back home who gave me the number to the Incident Room and
I reported what I had witnessed.
While at the restaurant on the night in question I took some
photograph's of the square which I am willing to give to the
I also have a photograph of the restaurant but this was taken on
a different day.
With regards to my location when I saw this incident, I would
say I was about 10 foot up on the balcony and the child was
about 10 foot away from me. I will support the Police in
whatever action they wish to take.
With regards to the photograph's taken, I have put them on a
disk which I now produce : Police Ref : C.W.1 (EXHIBIT NO.)
I would also like to add that to my knowledge there was no CCTV
covering the square in Marrakech.
(signed) C. Williams
Signature Witnessed By : - |
1231 to 1234 Statement re
sighting in Gale |
05-06 Apensos
V, Vol 6, Pages 1231-1234 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1231 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1232 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1233 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1234 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 06)....(PDF Pages
66-69 )....Pages 1231 to
1234?"Statement re sighting in Gal?
Page 1231 (Page 1 of 4 )
Priority 1
: 25th May 2007
Title : Copy of Exhibit GAW/1-
Letter from Sharon BOOTH.
Summary :
Sharon BOOTH saw on 3 occasions in
the resort of GAL? Portugal a green
old style Renault car, xx xx xx.
Contained a man, a woman and a
little girl who was not allowed out.
Seen twice at Alisupermarket.
Instructions :
Register and scan.
E-mail to Portugal.
(HP) (RA) TST Sharon Booth re
1...(word illegible)
(??viable)...sighting in GAL?
Registered/Action Raised : A859 :
Indexer : (illegible)
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry
of 7 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 25th May 2007, which
refers to a reported sighting in
GAL? Portugal. This entry may have
overwritten part of this report)
Page 1232 (Page 2 of 4 )
(Note : Here, a "Form" format
addition, (English text), has
obscured the lefthand side of this
Leicestershire Constabulary
Identification Ref. No. : GAW / 1
Description :
Letter from Sharon BOOTH.
Time/Date Seized/Produced
:..........................a weeks
family holiday in the resort of
1500 : 25th May
old style Renault Car on board were
looked to have short blond hair,
they had in
with the lady and not allowed out of
the car
twice at the local Alisupermarket in
Where Seized/Produced
again the little girl had to look at
the sea
or they drove off. I have finally
after 2 days
New Parks
car number on, xx xx xx.
feel I have to write.
Seized/Produced By :
Page 1233 (Page 3 of 4 )
(Note : Here : Is the Letter from
Mrs. Booth, (as typed)
xx, Cxxxx Gxxx
BLx xxJ
Dear Sir,
I have just returned from Portugal
after a weeks family holiday in the
resort of GALE.
I noticed on 3 different occasions a
green old style Renault Car on board
were two occupants a man and a
woman. the woman looked to have
short blonde hair. they had in the
car a little girl who was kept in
the front with the lady and not
allowed out of the car
I saw the car on three different
occasions twice at the local
Alisupermarket in the morning. at
Gale and once at the beach were
again the little girl had to look at
the sea from inside the car. I never
got too close or they drove off. I
have finally after 2 days found the
small piece of paper I wrote the car
number on xx xx xx.
(Note : Here, next line illegible)
Yours faithfully,
Sharon Booth
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry
of 11 lines, in English, which seems
to be a summary of the original
letter's/witness statement contents)
Had to stay in the car.
Didn't hear them speak.
On each occasion (?1) minute
About 70 yards away.
Male stayed in car.
Never seen them before.
A few days.
Supermarket - No CCTV.
Odd behaviour.
Stood in the front footwell.
4 yrs old.
Page 1234 (Page 4 of 4 )
(Note : This page only contains a
reproduction of the Envelope,
containing her Letter, which Mrs.
Booth sent to the Leicestershire
Constabulary, furnished with a 1st
Class Stamp)
Leicestershire Constabulary
Force Headquarters - Re Maddie
St Johns
LE19 2BX
1236 to 1237?Email re Malta
sighting |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1236 and 1237 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1236 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1237 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 70-71 )....Pages 1236 to 1237?"Email re
Malta sighting"
Page 1236 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 5
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 10th July 2007 08.41
Attach : Daughter of Kramersmeier.jpg
Subject : Info re Maltese sighting-Priority 5.
This relates to D1974. For info of Incident Room/Malta. No
further action being taken at this end.
Dc John Hughes
______________Original Message_____________
From : Newton Martin On Behalf Of Task
Sent : 9th July 2007 16.08
To : Hughes John (DC)
Subject : FW : 4H-2395710-07 Madeleine McCann non-urgent
______________Original Message_____________
From : jane.whiting@soca.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 3rd July 2007 09.16
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
; john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : 4H-2395710-07 Madeleine McCann non-urgent
STOP : Please reply to :
To : Operation Task
Your ref : -
Our ref : 4H-2395710-07
Concerning : Madeleine McCann
Please note the attached message from WIESBADEN with attached
This refers to previous from Germany concerning a visitor to
MALTA who thought that his daughter may appear similar to
Jane Whiting
Intelligence Officer
SOCA - International Division
Multilateral Operations
Page 1237 (Page 2 of 2 )
______________Original Message_____________
From : ZV35-Interpol Wiesbaden (BKA) (
Sent : 3rd July 2007 07.44
To : London
Subject : wiesba29765
Wiesbaden 29765 3rd July 2007 0643 gmt
Interpol London
SO 11 - 302 V2007-000168233 (29765)
Subject : missing child MCCANN, forename : Madeleine, born 12th
May 2003 report concerning the German National, Kramersmeyer,
forename : Jens
Ref. : your r/m dated 25th June 2007, file no. 4H-2395710-07.
Please find enclosed a picture of the daughter of German
National, Kramersmeyer, as she appeared during the holidays in
Malta. Regards, - END -
Interpol Wiesbaden
<<Daughter of Kramersmeier.jpg>> |
1239 to 1240 Email re tip
from Toronto Crimestoppers |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1239 and 1240 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1239 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1240 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 72-73 )....Pages 1239 to 1240?"Email re
tips from Toronto Crimestoppers"
Page 1239 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 3
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 25th May 2007 11.08
Subject : FW : Kidnapped Child Madeleine McCANN priority 3
From : crime@toronto-crimestoppers.com
Sent : 24th May 2007 16.24
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : Kidnapped Child Madeleine McCANN
The following tips was(sic) received by Toronto Crime Stoppers
on Thursday 24th May 2007 regarding the above kidnapping.
Toronto Tip Number : tps07-2963
Date/Time occurred : Unknown
How is caller aware : Observed
Danger to tipster : Unknown
Suspect #1 :
Name-First : Unknown
Middle name : Unknown
Last name : Unknown
Race- White
Sex- Male
Age : Late 30's to...(illegible)
Height - 5'10"
Weight - 150lbs...(illegible)
Clothing - ...(illegible)
Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 3 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 10th July 2007, which refers to a
'Jens Kramersmeyer' and to a reported sighting in Malta. This
entry has obscured part of this report. Furthermore, considering
that the following part of the report, on the immediately
following page, Page 1270, refers to a reported sighting in
PARIS, France, it would suggest that the obscured portion of
this page may have also referred to a further 'tip' re 'suspect
Page 1270 (Page 2 of 2 )
The report then continues thus :
Description of Resident : Unknown
Prior Criminal History - Unknown
Weapons - Unknown
Dogs/Animals - Unknown
Gang Activity - Unknown
Employer/Work Schedule - Unknown
The tipster states while they were a tourist in Paris, France,
they believe they saw the recently kidnapped girl form Portugal
- Madeleine McCann.
Their attention was drawn to a couple walking with a little girl
at the intersection of Rue Du Commerce and the Boulevard De
Grenelle near the McDonalds Restaurant.
The reasons that they watched this small group of three was that
the little girl looked exactly like the kidnapped Miss McCann
and that the adults were acting in a suspicious manner towards
the little child.
No further information at this time.
Note : Please delete this report as soon as received and copied.
Thanks from Toronto Crime Stoppers. |
1242 to 1243 Leicestershire
constabulary re Jane
Tanner's mobile phone usage |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1242 and 1243 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1242 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1243 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 74-75 )....Pages 1242 to
1243 "Leicestershire constabulary re Jane Tanner's mobile phone
(Note :
Page 1243 does indeed refer to an investigation, by LP and OP
Task, into Jane Tanner's SMS texts to a particular mobile number
on the 3rd of May 2007 and also the 4th of May 2007. However,
Page 1242, refers to a reported sighting of Madeleine, on the
25th May 2007, at VARMA Airport, BULGARIA, and the witness
further refers to the presence of Jane Tanner and Russell
O'Brien there as well)
Page 1242 (Page 1 of 2 )
(Note :
Here, is a handwritten entry of 7 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 23rd August 2007, which refers to a reported
sighting of Madeleine, by a Mrs Jennifer CONROY at VARNA
Airport, Bulgaria, on the 25th May 2007, together with a
reference re Jane Tanner and Russell O'Brien. It also refers to
a Daily Express article of the 22nd August 2008. Unfortunately,
this entry has been placed diagonally across the page, and
therefore obscures most of the left-hand side and central portion
of the report)
Leicestershire Constabulary
Subject : Mrs Jennifer CONROY (N1309
Date : 23rd August 2007
Thi........................................(Jenn?)ifer CONROY
She......................................(r?)elation to a
sighting of
Ma(d?)...................................She is adamant that she
Ma(d?)...................................a male and two females
She......................................per concerning the
enq......................................d as Russell O'BRIEN
and Jane
TA.......................................(w?)ith Madeleine at
Varna Airport,
with.....................................(d?)er only
reservations are that if
Rus.....................................(m?)ale at the Airport
obvi....................................it could not have been
Mrs......................................(ex?)pert at portraits,
emp.....................................(t?)o detail most of her
working life.
She......................................Airport and supported
this by
conf.....................................o had a mannerism of
biting her
lip, (a?)...................................
I hav(e?)................................es to a message taken
from Mrs.
CON(ROY?)...........................(r?)efers to the Airport
sighting but
puts.....................................(s?)poken to at length
by DC 317
LAN......................................(st?)ating, This is a
well meaning
call.......................................(val?)idity in the
Jane Tanner - Questionnaire
Apensos V, Vol VI
Page 1243
Leicestershire Constabulary
Jane TANNER's Questionnaire states that she returned to the UK
from Praia Da Luz on 17th May 2007. The Additional Family Member
Questionnaire, for Russell O'BRIEN, gives his height as 6'6".
The raw telecom data provided to OP TASK shows that the mobile
phone attributed to Jane TANNER (0780854191) was in contact with
mobile number 07949731844 at 20:30:21 hrs on 3rd May 2007 and
again at 09:04:46 hrs on 4th May 2007. Each contact was an 'SMS'.
Enquiries are underway to subscribe the '1884’ number.
For your reference I have obtained a copy of the Daily Express,
dated Wednesday 22nd August 2007, and I attach pages '1' and '7'
detailing the Madeleine coverage.
I have E-mailed a copy of this report to Task Portugal for the
attention of DI Mick GRAHAM.
Respectfully submitted for your attention / consideration.
Andy Gierc
DC 1578
(No date) |
1244 to 1245 Email re
sighting in Turkey |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1244 and 1245 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1244 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1245 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 76-77 )....Pages 1244 to 1245?"Email re
sighting in Istanbul, Turkey"
Page 1244 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
OP Task
From : "Gierc Andrew" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 11th June 2007 14.36
Subject : FW : E-mail through the Website
Priority 2.
For your information.
_____________Original Message_______________
From : Cameron MacRae (
Sent : 10th June 2007 12.58
To : (addressee illegible)
Subject : E-mail through the Website
Thank you for your support to the Find Madeleine Appeal.
Cameron MacRae
Infohost Ltd
Let's Find Madeleine McCann !
Bring Madeleine Home !
_____________Original Message___________
From : nebile guneysu (
Sent : 9th June 2007 23.48
To : (addressee illegible)
Subject : -
y(sic) saw a girl look like madeleine mccann on 25th,last
month.and y(sic) saw her one more time in the same area .she was
talking english.
my email : (address illegible)
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 3 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 11th June 2007, which refers to a
reported sighting in ISTANBUL, Turkey, on 25th May 2007)
Page 1245 (Page 2 of 2 )
Priority 2
Gierc Andrew
From : Gierc Andrew
Sent : 11th June 2007 14.36
To : Task Portugal
Subject : FW : Email through the web site
For your information.
_____________Original Message_______________
From : Cameron MacRae (
Sent : 10th June 2007 12.58
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : E-mail throiugh(sic) the Website
Thank you for your support to the Find Madeleine Appeal.
Cameron MacRae
Infohost Ltd
Let's Find Madeleine McCann !
Bring Madeleine Home !
_____________Original Message___________
From : nebile guneysu (
Sent : 9th June 2007 23.48
To : Information@Infohost
Subject : -
y(sic) saw a girl look like madeleine mccann on 25th,last
month.and y(sic) saw her one more time in the same area .she was
talking english.
my email :
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 7 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
2nd July 2007, which refers to a reported sighting on the 25th
May, in ISTANBUL, Turkey) |
1247 to 1254 Statement re
sighting in East Midlands |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1247-1254 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1247 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1248 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1249 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1250 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1251 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1252 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1253 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1254 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 78-85 )....Pages 1247 to 1254?"Statement
re sighting in Streetly, East Midlands"
Page 1247 (Page 1 of 8 )
Leicestershire Constabulary
To : Control Centre, Walsall Police Station
From : DC139 BARTHORPE, MCU, Specialist Crime Investigation
Dept, Operation Task.
Date : 3rd July 2007
Message : MisPer - Madeleine McCann
Could an Officer please conduct house to house enquiries either
side of : xxxa Thornhill Road, STREETLY, West Midlands with
regards to a possible sighting of Madeleine McCann in that area.
Please see attached information sheet, and upon completion
please FAX an Officer's Report to myself on below FAX Number and
post original for my attention to : New Parks Police Station, St
Oswalds Road, New Parks, Leicester, LE3 6RJ.
Please treat as URGENT and reply withing 24/48 hours.
Please FAX Statement to me on below number before posting on
(Please ensure full FAX Package is forwarded to Officer dealing
before carrying out detail)
Thank you.
Page 1248 (Page 2 of 8 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A1192 (Cont)
Incident Message : M1127 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 26th May 2007 : Time : 1027 : Priority : M
Type : Phone In
Code : MADE : Description : Madeleine Beth McCANN to include
possible sightings
Message From/To : FROM
Title/Rank/ID Number : BALL9794
Surname : GREEN
Forename(s) : Claire
Sex : Female
Telephone Number(s) : -
Address : -
Information :
Claire telephoned to say that she was jogging last night and
when she jogged past a house she saw 2 blonde women and 1 male
holding a child who looked very much like Maddy. The child was
crying. This occurred on 25th may 2007 at 1945 (hrs) and the
location was : xxxa, Thornhill Road, Streetly, West Midlands.
Person receiving/sending : Receiving:
Title/Rank/ID Number :
Forename(s) : -
Surname : BALL
Page 1249 (Page 3 of 8 )
Leicestershire Constabulary
(Note :
This page appears to contain the contact information referred to
on Page 1247 but not quoted on that page)
Contact me on 01152222222 Ext xxxx
FAX No. : 01162312190 or 2191
Page 1250 (Page 4 of 8 )
Leicestershire Constabulary
Allocate Action
Action No. : A1192 : Priority : M
Text :
Arrange for an Officer to conduct enquiries at : xxxa, Thornhill
Road, Streetly, West Midlands and the surrounding premises.
There has been a sighting of a girl who looked like Madeleine
outside : xxxa, Thornhill Road 25th May 2007 1945 hrs.
Allocated To : BARTHORPE DC139
Originating Document No. : M1127
Previous Results :
PENDED to 30th June 2007 : pend in the short term due to vague
nature of sighting.
Result of Action (Please write clearly) :
xxa - No Answer. (Occupant Mr Gxxxx Rxxxxxx, approx age 50 yrs)
(Lives alone)
xxxb - Mr Kxxxx Mxxxxx (son), Pxxx Mxxxxx(father).
------- - Nothing to report.
------- - Dxxxx Mxxxxx (dob : 21st October 1978) Daughter.
------- - Exxxx Mxxxxx (dob : 10th September 2004) Daughter of
Dxxxx Mxxxxx.
( (illegible) ) Female approx 3 yrs light coloured hair)
xxxa - Mrs Pxxxxxx : Nothing seen
xxxb - Mrs Exxxxx Fxxxxxxxx : Nothing seen - Gave detail of Mr
xxx - Mr Bxxxx : Nothing seen
xxx - No Answer
xx - No Answer
Page 1251 (Page 5 of 8 )
For the attention of HM2 to view please.
Brief Incident Details :
Can Officer attend below address and possibly adjacent address
to make enquiries into the sighting of a young child fitting the
description of Maddy the missing girl from Portugal.
Location of Incident :
xxxa, Thornhill Road, Streetley, Walsall, West Midlands.
Beat : H131 : OSGR 408560298269 : Location Ref : 4/30/1/95
Caller : Staff on Duty, DC139 Barthorpe, MCU, Leicestershire
Constabulary, Tel. No. 0116222222 : Confirmed.
Title : Police
Time and Date of Incident : 1121 3rd July 2007.
Classification : Miscellaneous
Graded Response : Routine
Resources Dealing with this Incident :
20058 HM2 Peters PC 14.57
7358 HM2 Guest PC 14.57
Page 1252 (Page 6 of 8 )
Op. Time Text
6532 1122 HACB1 Maddy the missing girl from Portugal
3057 1130 HACB4 View Incident 886, 03/07/07
3057 " " No VSI
6532 1125 HACB1 The Officer is part of the Unit based at New
" 1126 " Police Stn, St Oswalds Road, Leicester, who are dealing
" 1127 " with the Operation Task to try and locate Madeleine
" " " MCCANN.
" 1128 " They have had a report from a Claire Green who was
" 1129 " jogging past addrsss on the 25th May and saw 2 x
" 1131 " females (blonde) and 1 x male who was holding a
" " " young girl matching description of Maddy who was
" " " crying.
" 1132 " Officer's to attend address and make relevant enqs.
" 1133 " If no one in or any suspicion/disatisfaction with
" " " response of occupants then the neighbouring
" " " are to be visited.
" " " Result has got to be Faxed back to Officer in the
" 1134 " form of a REport and then the original posted to the
" " " address on the Fax.
" 1135 " Fax held in Ops Centre for Officer dealing to
" " " View/Action.
" 1136 " Incident Transferred by Terminal HACB1 to H1R1
" " " For Action please.
" " " Incident Transfer.
8434 1137 H1R1 Incident Transfer accepted by Terminal H1R1
6352 1143 HACB1 Resources Dealing with this Incident Enquiry
8434 1200 H1R1 View Incident 886, 03/07/07
" 1201 " Search Qas Voters / Location Database
Syscon 1302 SYSCON2 Overdue Time Reached
8806 1302 H1R1 NOTED..
Syscon 1403 SYSCON2 Overdue Time Reached
8806 1403 H1R1 OD NOTED..
51608 1457 H1R1 HM2 Allocated to Incident
Page 1253 (Page 7 of 8 )
(Note :
This page is a repetition of Page 1251)
Page 1254 (Page 8 of 8 )
(Note :
This page is a repetition of Page 1252) |
1255 to 1256 Email re
sighting in Spain |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1255 and 1256 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1255 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1256 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 86-87
)....Pages 1255 to 1256?"Email re
sighting in San Pedro, Spain"
Page 1255 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 12th July 2007 09.40
Subject : FW : 2. RESTRICTED :
Possible sighting of Madeleine
McCann poss sighting Spain priority
From : Pauline.Crompton@psni.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 11th July 2007 15.18
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : 2. RESTRICTED : Possible
sighting of Madeleine McCann
The following Information was
received by PSNI, (Note : 'Police
Service Northern Ireland'), on the
CrimeStoppers line at 2.30pm on 11th
July 2007.
I have just returned home from a
holiday in Spain on Monday past.
Last Saturday a friend took me to a
beach in a wee place called SAN
The beach we went to was a small
cove where locals go and the main
beach runs off this. It is on the
other side of Alicante and is beside
where all the big yachts are. There
were three of us and we were lying
on sun-loungers when a very well
dressed man, wearing cream chino
shorts, cream shirt and sandals came
onto the beach with a young child.
The child was a wee girl about 3-4
years old and she was wearing a wee
bikini and a hat. Her hair could not
be seen under the hat. He was about
50-53 years old. The child did not
speak but she seemed comfortable
with the man. All he had with him
was a hand-towel which he put on the
sand and the wee girl lay down on
it. He began rubbing her tummy and
arms but he had no sun-cream with
him. They were just about 50 yards
in front of our sun-loungers. All I
could think of was Madeline(sic)
McCann. I'm not sure if this was her
but it seemed very strange. If it
was her father, uncle or whatever
they would have had something for
her to play with, food and
sun-cream. I have been thinking
about it ever since and can't get it
out of my mind. I think I should
have rang earlier but didn't know
what to do. It might not have been
her but I wanted to pass this on
The incident happened in the early
afternoon, it was daylight and
sunny, the view was not obstructed,
no photographs were taken. The
caller did not wish to be
: Here, is a handwritten entry of 3
lines, in the Portuguese Language,
dated 12th July 2007, which refers
to a reported sighting in San Pedro,
Page 1256 (Page 2 of 2 )
: Nothing on this page apart from
some general information regarding
1257 - Note re sighting in
Maputo, Mocambique |
Translation by Ines |
Apensos V, Vol VI Page 1257 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1257 |
Handwritten note
English police 07-07.20
Herbert Hacha, from Mozambique alleges having seen Madeleine in
Maputo on 26-05-2007,
travelling in a Suzuki
Vitara with number plate
MMFY3-26. |
1258 Email re Mocambique
sighting |
V, Vol 6, Page 1258 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1258 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 90 )....Page 1258?"Email re Mozambique
Page 1258 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 3
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 20th July 2007 18.31
Attach : Leics enquiry form A1762.doc
Subject : Poss sighting Mozambique-priority 3.
Interpol enquiry sent.
Dc John Hughes
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 20th July 2007 18.29
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Mozambique
Can we ask the Authorities in Mozambique to investigate this
possible sighting please.
Dc John Hughes |
1261 Email re Bulgarian sightings |
V, Vol 6, Page 1261 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1261 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 91 )....Page
1261?"Email re Bulgarian, (Sunny
Beach), sighting"
Page 1261 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
OP Task
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 20th June 2007 16.43
Attach : Leics enquiry form
Subject : FW : Case ref 4H2395710/07
Operation Task-Bulgarian sighting.
For info re Interpol request.
Dc John Hughes
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 20th June 2007 11.59
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07
Operation Task-Bulgarian sighting.
Can we ask the Bulgarians to check
for CCTV at this hotel please. If
there is any, once it is preserved
I'll have to ask the Garda to
contact the complainant as the call
taker didn't take times or proper
details, but we'll cross that one
only if there's some CCTV there.
Dc John Hughes
: Here, is a handwritten entry of 11
lines, in the Portuguese Language,
which refers to a report of a
possible sighting at Hotel Manuel,
Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, on the 26th
May 2007, with a reference to Page
1260, which is a "Missing or
Misplaced" page in the Files)
1262 SOCA International enquiry form re Bulgaria sighting |
V, Vol 6, Page 1262 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1262 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 92 )....Page 1262?"SOCA International
enquiry form re Bulgaria, (Sunny Beach), sighting"
Page 1262 (Page 1 of 1 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Bulgaria
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc. :
A visitor to the Hotel Manuel, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, reports
that on the evening of 26th May 2007 they saw a girl looking
like Madeleine McCann getting into a hotel lift with a male,
described as white, slim and 30 years old. The girl was wearing
sun-glasses and when she took them off, he told her to put them
back on. Caller thinks this is suspicious and relevant because
of Madeleine's distinctive eye.
We request that the hotel be contacted and any CCTV for that
area and date preserved.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
1263 Email re sighting in Nice |
V, Vol 6, Page 1263 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1263 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 93 )....Page
1263?"Email re sighting in Nice,
Page 1263 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 17th July 2007 15.09
Attach : Leics enquiry form
Subject : Poss sighting in France.
Enq sent to Interpol re possible
sighting in Nice.
Dc John Hughes
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 17th June 2007 15.07
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07
Operation Task-French enquiries.
Can wwe ask the French Authorities
to look into this possible sighting
at a hotel in Nice.
Dc John Hughes
: Here is a handwritten entry of 4
lines, in the Portuguese Language,
which refers to a report of a
possible sighting at the Hotel Le
Meridien, Nice, on the 26th May
1264 SOCA International enquiry form re hotel sighting in Nice |
V, Vol 6, Page 1264 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1264 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 94 )....Page
1264?"SOCA International enquiry
form re hotel sighting in Nice,
Page 1264 (Page 1 of 1 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National
Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your
International Liaison Officer
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) :
0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) :
4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR : A1378
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to
life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) :
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing
person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : France
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles /
Companies etc. :
A possible sighting of Madeleine
Mccann has been reported at Le
Meridien Hotel, Nice, overnight on
Saturday 26th May 2007. The girl was
with a man and woman in their 40's.
They were described as of Eastern
appearance and stayed in either Room
256, 260 or 262.
It is requested that the hotel be
checked for details of people
staying in one of these rooms with a
child of that age and for the
identity details of those people.
This section MUST be graded as per
the National 5x5x5 Intelligence
system. The request will be rejected
1266 Email re sighting in Jerez, Spain |
V, Vol 6, Page 1266 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1266 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 96 )....Page 1266?"Email re sighting in
Jerez, Spain"
Page 1266 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 19th June 2007 19.39
Attach : Doc1.doc
Subject : Poss sighting Jerez-priority 2.
This is a possible sighting in Jerez, Spain. The part number has
been checked by Interpol London and if it is a UK plate and has
4 possibles, one being a scrapped vehicle. No owner enqs have
been initiated. Please advise what further action Portugal would
like us to take.
Dc John Hughes
From : jane.whiting@soca.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 8th June 2007 14.54
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
; john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : RE : 4H-2395710-07 : McCann Madeleine
Importance : High
STOP - Please reply to : london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
To : Operation Task
Your ref : (ref illegible)
Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 11 lines, in the Portuguese Language, which
refers to a reported sighting in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain.
This entry appears to have overwritten part of this report) |
1267 to 1273 Email re SOCA information |
V, Vol 6, Page 1267 - 1273 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1267 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1268 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1269 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1270 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1271 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1272 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1273 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 97-103 )....Pages 1267 to 1273?"Email re
SOCA information, (Re sighting in Jerez,Spain)"
Page 1267 (Page 1 of 7 )
Intelligence Officer
SOCA - International Division
Multilateral Operations
(Note : The above entry is
usually the title associated with Jane Whiting, so it would seem
that this part may be a "tailpiece" of an E-mail from her which
does not show on the page. As this report refers further to the
reported sighting in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, it is
certainly associated with the previous page/report on Page 1266)
The page continues thus :
________________Original Message____________
From : Whiting.Jane
Sent : 1st June 2007 11.05
To : Operation Task (
Subject : 4H-2395710-07 : McCann Madeleine
STOP - Please reply to : london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
To : Operation Task
Our ref : 4H-2395710-07
Concerning : Madeleine McCann
Please note the attached message from Interpol Madrid to Lisbon
copied to us.
Page 1268 (Page 2 of 7 )
Jane Whiting
Intelligence Officer
SOCA - International Division
Multilateral Operations
E-mail : london@SOCA.x.gsi.gov.uk
GA Translation
1st June 2007 : Time shown : 10.10
IP Madrid to IP London, Lisbon, Wiesbaden
Our ref : EXP 10682/35/BGM/46699/MADELEINE
Your ref : 4H-2395710-07
Page 1269 (Page 3 of 7 )
With regard to the disappearance of the minor Madeleine Beth
McCann, born 12th May 2003, please be advised that a woman who
lives in JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA, (Spain), has advised us that at
1800 on Saturday (26th) as she was coming out of the supermarket
'Mediamark' in Jerez, she saw a girl that could be
Melani(sic)(sic), who was abducted in Portugal, in a vehicle
(possibly a red Ford) with foreign registration, which she took
down : 'x-xxx-x'.
She does not know if there is any link but when she was inside
the shop she saw a man who was around 40 years old, tall with
glasses who spoke in English but she could not confirm that it
was him driving the vehicle.
The above is for your information and any relevant action you
deem necessary. Please note that the registration could be in
transit from Germany.
______________Original Message__________
From : OCN MADRID G5 (
Sent : 1st June 2007 10.01
Subject : EXP 10682/35/BGM/46699/MADELEINE
(Note : What follows is
the Spanish Language original text of the above report)
Page 1270 (Page 4 of 7 )
(Note : What follows on
this page is the continuation of the Spanish Language original
text of the above report)
Page 1271 (Page 5 of 7 )
(Note : What follows on
this page is the continuation of the Spanish Language original
text of the above report)
Page 1272 (Page 6 of 7 )
(Note : On this page are 3
reports of a UK vehicle check on three different 5 Door Saloon
cars, colour Red, and of Ford make, i.e. Ford (Europe) Fiesta
Encore Diesel (No reports present), Ford Mondeo LX (No reports
present), and a Ford (Europe) Mondeo GLX (Scrapped 18th October
2006, No reports present), and their owners)
Page 1273 (Page 7 of 7 )
(Note : On this page is 1
report of a UK vehicle check on a 3 Door Saloon car, colour Red,
and of Ford make, i.e. Ford (Europe) Escort Encore (No reports
present), and it's owner) |
1274 Email re Malta sighting |
V, Vol 6, Page 1274 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1272 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 104 )....Page 1274?"Email re, St Juliens,
Malta, sighting"
Page 1274 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 26th June 2007 11.31
Subject : Info for SIO part2
From : john.davies@soca.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 25th June 2007 10.55
To : john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
; task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
; robert.waddington@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : 4H/2395710/07 - new possible sighting of Madeleine
MCCANN in Malta by German Tourist.
Importance : High
Your Reference : OP TASK
Our Reference : 4H/2395710/07
Please see the following new possible sighting in Malta recieved
from Interpol Wiesbaden this morning :
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 7 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
27th June 2007, which refers to a reported sighting on the 26th
or 27th May 2007, at ST. JULIENS, Malta. This entry appears to
have overwritten part of the above report) |
1275 to 1276 Email from Weisbaden IP |
V, Vol 6, Page 1275 and 1276 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1275 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1276 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 105-106
)....Pages 1275 to 1276?"Email from
Weisbaden IP, (re sighting in St
Juliens, Malta)"
Page 1275 (Page 1 of 2 )
Interpol Wiesbaden
Please note that Interpol Wiesbaden
also sent this information to
Interpol Lisbon.
John Davies
International Crime
Serious and Organized Crime Agency
(Note : 'SOCA')
From : London
Sent : 25th June 2007 07.44
To : 4H
Subject : 4H/2395710/07
Page 1276 (Page 2 of 2 )
From : ZV35-Interpol Wiesbaden (BKA)
Sent : 25th June 2007 07.41
To : Lisbon, London, Floria - Malta
Subject : wiesba 28320
Wiesbaden 28320 25th June 2007 06.40
Interpol : Malta, Lisbon, London
SO 11 - 302 V2006-168233 (28320)
Subject : missing child McCann,
forename : Madeleine, born 12th May
2003. We got information from a
witness who was on holidays in Malta
in May. She stayed at the Hotel
Dragonara Resort in ST. JULIENS. On
26th or 27th May 2007, she saw a
little girl accompanied by an
Italian couple and a baby. The girl
looked like the missing Madeleine.
The witness gave the statement after
she heard about the search in Malta
in the news. A detailed description
of the little girl is not available.
Regards. - END
Service information
re sighting in Maputo, Mocambique |
Translation by Ines |
Apensos V, Vol VI Page 1285 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1285 |
Policia Judiciaria
Service Information
Date: 2007-05-26
To: The Coordinator of the Criminl Investigation
From: Inspector Fernandes
Subject: Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
I inform you that today at about 13.30 a telephone call was
received from Maputo – Mozambique from a male individual who
expressed himself in English, who said that he had seen the girl
missing from Portugal today, in the company of a Caucasian
individual, who was tall and had some upper teeth missing. The
girl was accompanied by a black woman and two children of the
same origin. But he said that the girl spoke English and that
the group was travelling in a Suzuki Vitara with number plate
That is all I have to inform you.
Inspector Fernandes |
1286 - Service information
re sighting in Swiss hotel |
Translation by Ines |
Apensos V, Vol VI Page 1286 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1286 |
Policia Judiciaria
Service Information
Date. 2007-05-26
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Sérgio Almeida
Subject: Missing girl sighted near to Sardona Hotel, in Switzerland
I inform you that today at 17.10 this PJ station reveiced a phone
call from Switzerland, by a person who wanted to remain
anonymous, saying that another person had said the following:
Having seen a male individual, Caucasian, with short dark hair,
apparanetly aged between 25 and 30, about 1.70 to 1.80 m in
height, near to the Sardona hotel, in Canton Glarus, in
Switzerland, who was accompanied y a girl aged about 5 with fair
hair, presuming this could be the missing Madeleine Beth McCann.
The informant was told that he/she should immediately conact the
local authorities, in order to inform them of the situation.
These elements were immediately transmitted to Portimao DIC.
That is all that I have to inform you.
Inspector Almeida
1291 to 1292 Statement re sighting in Offenburg, Germany |
05 06-Apensos
V, Vol 6, Pages 1291 and 1292 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1291 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1292 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 116-117 )....Pages 1291 to
1292?"Statement re sighting in Offenburg, Germany"
Page 1291 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
Incident Message : M1483 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 31st May 2007 : Time : 1416 : Priority : L
Code : MADE : Description : Madeleine Beth McCANN to include
possible sightings
(Note :
Here, is a handwritten entry of 10 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 31st May 2007 and with other dates, 3rd July
2007 and 5th July 2007, (possibly related to follow-up
enquiries), referred to. Indicates a reported sighting in
Offenburg, Germany. his entry has overwritten the central
portion of this page and may have obscured part of the report)
The report then continues thus :
In Offenburg in a car park near MediaMarket Shopping Centre but
not the car park of the Shopping Centre.
Child with a man and woman.
Child Desc : About 2.5' tall, shoulder length hair, looked very
much like Maddy.
Woman Desc : 5'8"
What were the circumstances of the sighting ?
Evening around 1700hrs Saturday 26th May. In a car park in
Offenburg, not far from the Shopping Centre, but not the
Shopping Centre car park.
How long was the child under observation ?
I was on my bike, so circled around a few times, probably about
5 - 10 mins.
Page 1292 (Page 2 of 2 )
At what distance and in what lighting ?
Lighting quite good. About 40 metres.
Was the observation impeded ?
Nothing, they were standing next to a car. Silver Opel, Reg :
Has the witness seen the adult or child before and in what
circumstances ?
What is the time gap between the sighting and the contact to us
5 days. I wanted to check image again.
Are you aware of any CCTV cameras in the area of the sighting or
do you have any relevant photographis evidence in relation to it
I'm not sure. Normally reserved to underground car parks.
Any other information the witness has that makes them now
believe the child was or was not Madeleine ?
Checked photo on website.
Does the call-taker have any comments in relation to the person
passing the information ?
Tel. No. : 004978112xxxxx (Offenburg German Number)
Person receiving/sending : Receiving:
Title/Rank/ID Number:
Forename(s) : Janet
Surname : DOWBENKO |
1294 to 1295 Statement re sighting in children?s playground |
V, Vol 6, Page 1294 and 1295 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1294 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1295 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 118-119 )....Pages 1294 to
1295?"Statement re sighting in children?s playground"
Page 1294 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
Kent County Constabulary
Date : 26th May 2007 : Neighbourhood Police Unit
To : DC 4198 HICKS, Leicestershire Police, Operation Task, Our
Ref CAD 25/1219 & 21/507
From : PC 9710 Kim BURGESS, Kent Police, Police Station, Fort
Hill, Margate, Kent, CT9 1HL
(Note :
Here, is a handwritten entry of 16 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 26th May 2007, which makes reference to several
names, i.e. Colin Saunders, Jane Almond and Ian Butler. I am
though, unable to glean where this reported sighting actually
took place. This entry has obscured most of this page and
thereby this report also)
Page 1295 (Page 2 of 2 )
....informant thought this was not unusual for a child not to
talk to an adult.
However within an hour of this occurrence the informant states
she was in the ladies toilet at the rear of the Club area when
she heard a female speaking on a mobile phone from within a
She states she heard the female say something about being
stopped in a garage just before the Border and that she was
worried that they would find the child. At this point another
female unknown to informant came into the toilets and said a
name to the person in the cubicle (unknown name) and said
loudly, "Other people are in the toilet and stop talking on the
The female in the cubicle was not seen by informant but the
person who had just entered is described as Skinny, aged 25-30,
Dark skinned, described as a size 8, posh voice and long dark
hair. Informant never saw the Blonde lady or the little girl
before she left the park later that evening.
Informant was staying with a friend known as GINGE, (Possibly
Further enquiries to be made by myself after 11.00hrs Saturday
26th concerning this male & the CCTV at the Arcade area.
(signed) K Burgess PC9710 |
1299 to 1300 SOCA International enquiry form re US sightings |
V, Vol 6, Page 1299 and 1300 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1299 |
apenso5_vol_6_p12300 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 120-121
)....Page 1299 to 1300?"SOCA
International enquiry form re USA
Page 1299 (Page 1 of 2 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National
Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your
International Liaison Officer
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) :
0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) :
4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR : American
enqs 4/6/7
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to
life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) :
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing
person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : USA
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles /
Companies etc. :
In relation to the Madeleine McCann
case, we have 4 possible sightings
within the USA,
1. Saturday 26th May 2007. At the
County Recycling Depot, HALLS,
Knoxville, Tennessee. Girl seen
sitting in the rear of a red Honda
Station Wagon, registered number,
'xxx xxx'. The car was driven by a
white female, about 30 years old,
with fair hair.
2. 10th May 2007. At unknown
location, SANTA CRUZ, California.
Seen in a white van with Californian
registration, 'xxxxxxx'. This
information was passed to Don Austin
at Thursday's Child Charity, Los
Angeles, Tel. : 001-81886xxxxx, by a
Reporter named Susan at the Santa
Cruz Sentinel Newspaper.
3. 18:00hrs Friday 1st June 2007.
Drive, Rapid City, South Dakota.
Seen with blond female and a group
of 7 - 8 men.
4. 14th May 2007. Seen walking with
a man and woman in the town of
TAHOA, Hawaii. Caller was a Jana
RAINEY and there are no further
details. We request that this
sighting be passed for information
only should any other sightings be
reported in Hawaii.
As these enquiries are received by
UK CrimeStoppers lines, there are no
further details available.
It is requested that enquiries be
made to confirm or eliminate these
sightings, in premises where CCTV is
present it is requested that be
preserved and checked.
It is requested that vehicle owners
be traced in relation to these
This section MUST be graded as per
the National 5x5x5 Intelligence
system. The request will be rejected
Page 1300 (Page 2 of 2 )
: Nothing else on this page apart
from a 1/2 single smudged line which
is illegible)
1301 Email from DC Hughes re US sightings |
V, Vol 6, Page 1301 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1301 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 122 )....Page 1301?"Email from DC Hughes
re USA sightings"
Page 1301 (Page 1 of 1 )
Hughes John (DC)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 4th June 2007 13.23
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk'
Subject : Leics enquiry form American sightings 4.6.7
Attachments : Leics enquiry form American sightings 4.6.7.doc
We have 4 sightings within the USA that we request the local
Authorities to check for us.
Dc John Hughes |
1302 Email from DC Hughes re Belgian sightings |
05-06 Apensos
V, Vol 6, Page 1302 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1302 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 124 )....Page 1302?"Email from DC Hughes
re Belgian sighting"
Page 1302 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
OP Task
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
To : "Task Portugal" (Task.Portugal@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 20th June 2007 16.43
Attach : Leics enquiry form A967.doc
Subject : FW : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Belgian
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 20th June 2007 16.47
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk'
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Belgian sighting.
Can we ask the Belgian Authorities to look into this for us
Dc John Hughes
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 13 lines, in the Portuguese Language, which
refers to a reported sighting on a train from BRUSSELS to
ANTWERP, Belgium, on 27th May) |
1303 SOCA International enquiry form re Brussels sighting |
V, Vol 6, Page 1303 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1303 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 125 )....Page 1303?"SOCA International
enquiry form re Brussels sighting"
Page 1303 (Page 1 of 1 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email - london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Belgium
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc. :
A British National was on a train from Brussels to Antwerp on
27/5/6(sic). It departed Brussels at 20.26hrs. There was a girl
who looked like Madeleine on the train asleep. The caller thinks
she may have been drugged. The man with her was white, about 40
years old and 6' tall, balding, wearing sports clothing. He got
off at Mechelen about 21.20hrs, carrting the child.
Can the relevant train stations and surrounding areas be checked
for CCTV footage in an effort to trace this man and child..
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
1308 SOCA International enquiry form re Spanish sightings |
V, Vol 6, Page 1308 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1308 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 126 )....Page
1308?"SOCA International enquiry
form re Spanish sightings"
Page 1308 (Page 1 of 1 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National
Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your
International Liaison Officer
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) :
0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) :
4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR : D908
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to
life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) :
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing
person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Spain
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles /
Companies etc. : Following the
disappearance of Madeleine McCann in
Portugal, there have been 2 further
sightings reported in Spain.
1. At 15:00hrs 27th May 2007, at
GALAMAL , Banalmadena Costa, Malaga,
it is reported that a male and
female were being rough with a child
before throwing her into the back of
a large grey 4x4 vehicle,
registration number,
'xxxxxx'(Portuguese?) and driving
away. This is a CrimeStoppers call
with no caller contact information.
2. A caller named Elizabeth SCHULTZ
from Spain, Tel : 6372xxxxx, reports
that she may have sighted the
missing girl 3 weeks ago on the
beach at LA ZENIA BEACH, Costa
Blanca, Spain.
We request in all cases that any
possible witnesses be traced, local
enquiries be made to trace any
further witnesses, and any CCTV be
In respect of Incident 1., can the
vehicle be circulated via the SIRENE
Network to be traced, and any
keepers to be interviewed.
In respect of Incident 2., can the
caller be contacted for any further
details that may assist the enquiry.
All documents listed above are
attached for individual
This section MUST be graded as per
the National 5x5x5 Intelligence
system. The request will be rejected
1309 Email from DC Hughes re Spanish sighting |
05-06 Apensos
V, Vol 6, Page 1309 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1309 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 127 )....Page 1309?"Email from DC Hughes
re Spanish sightings"
Page 1309 (Page 1 of 1 )
Hughes John (DC)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 6th June 2007 18.47
To :
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Spanish sightings
Attachments : Leics enquiry form D853.D908.doc
Can we ask the Spanish Authorities to look into these 2 reports
please. There is one vehicle we would like circulating on the
SIRENE Network.
Dc John Hughes |
1316 to 1318 Email re sighting in Spain |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1316-1318 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1316 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1317 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1318 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 130-132 )....Pages 1316 to 1318?"Email
re sighting in
Mil Palmeras, Spain"
Page 1316 (Page 1 of 3 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 31st May 2007 14.48
Attach : Captured Image.tif
Subject : FW : 4H2395710-07 : Madeleine McCANN poss sighting in
Spain Priority 2
From : jane.whiting@soca.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 31st May 2007 14.37
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : 4H-2395710-07 : Madeleine McCANN
Importance : High
STOP - Please reply to : london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
To : Operation Task
Your ref : -
Our ref : 4H-2395710-07
Concerning : Madeleine McCann
Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 13 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 31st May 2007, which refers to a
reported sighting in MIL PALMERAS, Spain, on the 27th May 2007.
This entry appears to have overwritten part of this report)
Page 1317 (Page 2 of 3 )
____________Original message_________
From : Desk, Nordic
Sent : 31st May 2007 14.12
To : Whiting.Jane
Subject : Madeleine McCANN
Our ref : 131/07-S
We have just received the following information from
IP-Stockholm, who have received it from the Police in
"Lukas HERMANSSON (LH) has been to MIL PALMERAS, in Spain. Mil
Palmeras is approximately 60 km south of Alicante. On Sunday
27th May 2007 he went to an English pub there. He got talking to
an English couple there who had a little girl with them. While
they are talking, LH notices that the girl is very quiet and
appears to be very shy. He is not allowed to speak to her. She
sits quietly on a chair in a corner the whole time.
The man, approximately 170-180 cm tall, has a 'common' dialect.
He has blond hair and is about 40 years old. The woman is about
20 years old, approximately 170 cm tall and has a nice, slim
figure. LH does not think that she has carried a child.
Page 1318 (Page 3 of 3 )
LH thinks they are an odd couple, and they are nasty to each
other. The man is loud, as if he grew up in a pub. The woman is
only half his age, and does not 'suit' the man. The man does not
act as if he is the father of the child, and LH has a feeling
that he does not like her.
The little girl speaks English and is about 4 years old. She is
very pretty and is dressed in a long, pink dress. LH never
catches her eyes. She appears to be afraid.
After some time, LH accompanies the couple to their
apartment/house. They claim to have stayed there for 2 weeks. LH
notices that the beds are not made, and it looks like they have
just arrived.
LH does not know the exact address, but he himself stayed in
Playa 23, about a minute's walk away. It is close to the Olympic
Pool area.
The couple claimed to have arrived at Murcia Airport. LH is not
sure if Murcia has an Airport. They say that they are going away
for a couple of days, but are keeping the apartment/house until
Sunday 27th May 2007."
Randi |
1322 to 1323 Email re Stockholm Interpol information |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1322 and 1323 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1322 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1323 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 136-137 )....Pages 1322 to 1323?"Email
re Stockholm Interpol information"
Page 1322 (Page 1 of 2 )
Newton Martin
From :
Sent : 31st May 2007 14.37
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : 4H-2395710-07 : Madeleine McCANN
Importance : High
Attachments : Captured Image.tif
STOP : Please reply to : london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
To : Operation Task
Your ref : -
Our ref : 4H-2395710-07
Concerning : Madeleine McCann
Please note the attached message from Interpol Stockholm
(Translation of the 2nd
Page is below).
The number of the caller Lukas HERMANSSON is 00457350xxxxx.
Jane Whiting
Intelligence Officer
SOCA - International Division
Multilateral Operations
_______________Original Message_________
From : Desk,Nordic
Sent : 31st May 2007 14.12
To : Whiting, Jane
Subject : Madeleine McCANN
Our ref : 131/07-S
We have just received the following information from
IP-Stockholm, who have received it from the Police in
"Lukas HERMANSSON (LH) has been to MIL PALMERAS, in Spain. Mil
Palmeras is approximately 60 km south of Alicante. On Sunday
27th May 2007 he went to an English pub there. He got talking to
an English couple there who had a little girl with them. While
they are talking, LH notices that the girl is very quiet and
appears to be very shy. He is not allowed to speak to her. She
sits quietly on a chair in a corner the whole time.
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 2 lines, in English,
dated 31st May 2007, which states, "E-mail to Task Portugal,
with also a reference to DC John Hughes)
Page 1323 (Page 2 of 2 )
The man, approximately 170-180 cm tall, has a 'common' dialect.
He has blond hair and is about 40 years old. The woman is about
20 years old, approximately 170 cm tall and has a nice, slim
figure. LH does not think that she has carried a child.
LH thinks they are an odd couple, and they are nasty to each
other. The man is loud, as if he grew up in a pub. The woman is
only half his age, and does not 'suit' the man. The man does not
act as if he is the father of the child, and LH has a feeling
that he does not like her.
The little girl speaks English and is about 4 years old. She is
very pretty and is dressed in a long, pink dress. LH never
catches her eyes. She appears to be afraid.
After some time, LH accompanies the couple to their
apartment/house. They claim to have stayed there for 2 weeks. LH
notices that the beds are not made, and it looks like they have
just arrived.
LH does not know the exact address, but he himself stayed in
Playa 23, about a minute's walk away. It is close to the Olympic
Pool area.
The couple claimed to have arrived at Murcia Airport. LH is not
sure if Murcia has an Airport. They say that they are going away
for a couple of days, but are keeping the apartment/house until
Sunday 27th May 2007." |
1325 Email re Spanish sighting
1326 Statement re sighting
in English pub in Mil Palmeras, Spain |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1325 and 1326 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1325 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1326 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 139-140
)....Pages 1325 to 1326?"Email re
Spanish, (Mil Palmeras), sighting"
Page 1322 (Page 1 of 2 )
Hughes John (DC)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 31st May 2007 15.48
To :
Subject : 4H-2395710-07 : Madeleine
Importance : High
Attachments : Captured Image.tif ;
Leics enquiry form D598.doc
As discussed with Jane Whiting, can
we ask the Spanish to look into this
Dc John Hughes
From : Newton Martin On Behalf Of
Sent : 31st May 2007 14.42
To : Hughes John (DC)
Subject : FW : 4H-2395710-07 :
Madeleine McCANN
Importance : High
From : jane.whiting@soca.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 31st May 2007 14.37
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : 4H-2395710-07 : Madeleine
Importance : High
Attachments : Captured Image.tif
STOP : Please reply to :
To : Operation Task
Your ref : -
Our ref : 4H-2395710-07
Concerning : Madeleine McCann
Please note the attached message
from Interpol Stockholm (Translation
of the 2nd Page is below).
The number of the caller Lukas
HERMANSSON is 00457350xxxxx.
Jane Whiting
Intelligence Officer
SOCA - International Division
Multilateral Operations
Page 1326 (Page 2 of 2 )
From : Desk,Nordic
Sent : 31st May 2007 14.12
To : Whiting, Jane
Subject : Madeleine McCANN
Our ref : 131/07-S
We have just received the following
information from IP-Stockholm, who
have received it from the Police in
"Lukas HERMANSSON (LH) has been to
MIL PALMERAS, in Spain. Mil Palmeras
is approximately 60 km south of
Alicante. On Sunday 27th May 2007 he
went to an English pub there. He got
talking to an English couple there
who had a little girl with them.
While they are talking, LH notices
that the girl is very quiet and
appears to be very shy. He is not
allowed to speak to her. She sits
quietly on a chair in a corner the
whole time.
The man, approximately 170-180 cm
tall, has a 'common' dialect. He has
blond hair and is about 40 years
old. The woman is about 20 years
old, approximately 170 cm tall and
has a nice, slim figure. LH does not
think that she has carried a child.
LH thinks they are an odd couple,
and they are nasty to each other.
The man is loud, as if he grew up in
a pub. The woman is only half his
age, and does not 'suit' the man.
The man does not act as if he is the
father of the child, and LH has a
feeling that he does not like her.
The little girl speaks English and
is about 4 years old. She is very
pretty and is dressed in a long,
pink dress. LH never catches her
eyes. She appears to be afraid.
After some time, LH accompanies the
couple to their apartment/house.
They claim to have stayed there for
2 weeks. LH notices that the beds
are not made, and it looks like they
have just arrived.
LH does not know the exact address,
but he himself stayed in Playa 23,
about a minute's walk away. It is
close to the Olympic Pool area.
The couple claimed to have arrived
at Murcia Airport. LH is not sure if
Murcia has an Airport. They say that
they are going away for a couple of
days, but are keeping the
apartment/house until Sunday 27th
May 2007."
1327 SOCA International enquiry form re Mil Palmeras sighting |
V, Vol 6, Page 1327 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1327 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 141 )....Page 1327?"SOCA International
enquiry form re Mil Palmeras, Spain, sighting"
Page 1327 (Page 1 of 1 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Spain
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc. :
Regarding Information given to Stockholm re a possible sighting
of Madeleine McCann in the resort of Mil Palmeras.
Can enquiries be made by Police in Mil Palmeras to trace the
child mentioned. Can any CCTV in the bar be preserved.
Original E-mails from Stockholm and London.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
Email/statement re sighting in Porto
1335 Continuation of page 1334 |
05-06 Apensos
V, Vol 6, Pages 1334 and 1335 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1334 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1335 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 148-149
)....Pages 1334 to
1335?"Email/statement re sighting in
Page 1334 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 1
Task Portugal
From : "Eaton Karen" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 17th June 2007 09.32
Subject : FW : Possible sighting
From : gerry mccann (
Sent : 16th June 2007 18.54
To : karen.eaton@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
; robert.small@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : FW : Possible sighting
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry
of 10 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, which refers to a reported
sighting in Porto and also to a Tel.
No. 3549613xxxxx. This entry appears
to have obscured part of this
Report then continues thus :
His English is broken, but largely
understandable. He
claims that "20 days ago" he saw a
child in what he
thinks was a blue pushchair (he
called it a "little
car") being pushed by a man of
possibly Muslim
appearance, with what he called a
black beard. He says
he was walking behind the girl and
the man for about
100 metres. At the time nothing
unusual registered
with him.
He says he particularly noticed the
girl's eyes and
Page 1335 (Page 2 of 2 )
that she smiled at him, catching his
gaze for a few
Days later, it was only when he saw
a clearer picture
of Madeleine in a recent edition of
Lux Magazine that
he suddenly realised she was the
girl he had seen.
He says he phoned the Police several
times, both in
Oporto and in the Algarve, but, he
claims, they
'laughed' at his information. He
says he felt very
surprised and found it incredible
they did not at
least listen to him.
He says he is as certain as he could
be that the girl
he saw was madeleine, particularly
based on the eyes
he saw. He says he just wants to
help now as "it is
his duty". He was apologetic that it
has taken him so
long to come forward, but he kept
stressing it was
only when he saw the recent magazine
picture that he
realised who he had probably seen.
He doesn't sound like he has an axe
to grind or an
agenda and sounds remarkably
coherent for a pensioner.
He says he is perfectly happy to
give his story to
both the British Police and the PJ
if they are
interested, despite the earlier
ridicule by local
Sousa, (Note : Witnesses' surname),
admits Porto is some 600 km north of
Praia da
Luz, so it may well be completely
off beam, but, as
discussed, I pass it on in case it
is of value.
Talk soon.
1339 to 1340 Email re Crimestoppers log |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1339 and 1340 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1339 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1340 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 150-151
)....Pages 1339 to 1340?"Email re
CrimeStoppers Log re possible
sighting in Amsterdam"
Page 1339 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
To : "Task Portugal" (Task.Portugal@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 31st May 2007 11.05
Attach : 1465-07.rtf
Subject : FW : CrimeStoppers Log
1465-07 poss sighting Amsterdam
priority 2
From :
Sent : 30th May 2007 21.09
To :
Cc :
Subject : CrimeStoppers Log 1465-07
Please receive the above
CrimeStoppers Log.
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry
of 6 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 30th May 2007, which
refers to a reported sighting in
Amsterdam, on the 28th May 2007.
This entry may have overwritten part
of this report)
Thereafter follows only a statement
re policy of South Wales Police
regarding E-mails, together with
warnings re viruses etc.
Page 1340 (Page 2 of 2 )
: Here, is just a continuation of
the statement re policy of South
Wales Police regarding E-mails,
together with warnings re viruses
etc. With the Welsh Language version
also included)
1341 Statement from South Wales Police re sighting |
V, Vol 6, Page 1341 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1341 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 152 )....Page 1341?"Statement from South
Wales Police re sighting, (at Shipol Airport, Amsterdam)"
Page 1341 (Page 1 of 1 )
South Wales Police
Force Intelligence Bureau
Central Police Station
CF10 3NN
For Action Intelligence Only
CrimeStoppers Ref : 01455/07 URN : 25922 Xref : N/A
Crime Type : Other Crime : Receiving Officer : 50067 Johnathon
Date Received : 30th May 2007 : Time Received : 20:48 : Eval :
Police Force : Other
Information :
Regarding the Madeleine McCann Investigation .
At 9.30am on Monday, 28th May 2007, I was at the 'Panorama
Restaurant' at SHIPOL AIRPORT, Amsterdam when I saw a little
girl sitting and crying on her own. She looked the same age &
size of Madeleine and had her hair tied back in a ponytail. A
white male did go up to her but he didn't appear to be very
close to the little girl.
No further description/information.
Action Taken :
Cat. D LOG.
Log E-mailed to 'Operation Task' & copy to Leicestershire
CrimeStoppers ( For their Info)
Result of Action : This Log must be entered in the B3 Book and
notification passed to CrimeStoppers in 28 days. |
1347 to 1348 Statement re sighting in Alcocebre |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1347 and 1348 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1347 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1348 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 06)....(PDF Pages
156-157 )....Pages 1347 to
1348?"Statement re sighting in
Alcocebre, Spain"
Page 1347 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
Incident Message : M1545 : Security
Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 1st June 2007 : Time : 1300 :
Priority : M
Type : Phone In
Code : MADE : Description :
Madeleine Beth McCANN to include
possible sightings
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry
of 10 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 4th June 2007, which
refers to a reported sighting in
ALCOCEBRE, Spain, on 28th May 2007.
This entry has obscured most of this
The report then continues thus :
on in a volkswagen
van. I took a couple of photographs
and the registration of the vehicle
which is 'xxxxxxx' German
How long was the child under
observation ?
About 15 minutes.
At what distance and in what
lighting ?
Normal daylight sunshine.
Was the observation impeded ?
Girl walked straight past me and
observation was unobstructed.
(Note : On the righthand margin are
4 entries, A 1353, A1356, A1561 and
A1365, which are Case Action
Allocation reference numbers)
Page 1348 (Page 2 of 2 )
Has the witness seen the adult or
child before and in what
circumstances ?
What is the time gap between the
sighting and the contact with us ?
4 days.
Are you aware of any CCTV cameras in
the area of the sighting or do you
have any relevant photographic
evidence in relation to it ?
Possibly, not sure.
Any other information the witness
has that makes them now believe the
child was or was not Madeleine ?
Does the call-taker have any
comments in relation to the person
passing the information ?
Person receiving/sending :
Title/Rank/Id Number : DC 802
Forename(s) : Tony
Surname : WALDREN
1349 SOCA International enquiry form re Alcocebre, Spain
sighting |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1349 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1349 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 158 )....Page 1349?"SOCA International
enquiry form re Alcocebre, Spain, sighting"
Page 1349 (Page 1 of 1 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email - london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Spain and Germany
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc. :
A caller has reported a possible sighting of Madeleine McCann,
11am, 28th May 2007. Location given as a restaurant called
'TUNNELS', in an old castle at an area called Cap Y Corp,
Alcossebra, Spain.
She was seen to leave with a man in a Volkswagen van, registered
number 'xxxxxxx'.
We request the Spanish Police check the location for any CCTV or
We request the German vehicle keeper details.
Can the vehicle be circulated for a stop and search to be
carried out if seen (SIRENE circulation please.)
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
1350 Email from DC Hughes re sighting |
V, Vol 6, Page 1350 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1350 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 06)....(PDF Page 159
)....Page 1350?"Email from DC Hughes
re sighting, Spain"
Page 1350 (Page 1 of 1 )
Hughes John (DC)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 4th June 2007 10.29
To :
Subject : Leics enquiry form A1356
Attachments : Leics enquiry form
Can we ask for Spanish local
enquiries and German vehicle keeper
details for this enquiry please.
Dc John Hughes
1351 to 1352 Blank document/report |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1351 and 1352 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1351 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1352 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 160-161 )....Pages 1351 to 1352?"Blank
(Note :
Page 1351 does have some information upon it. Page 1352 is
mainly an unfilled Form)
Page 1351 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
Allocate Action
Action No : A1356 : Priority : H
Text :
HP - E-mail content of message M1545 to Interpol re Volkswagen
van with German plate 'xxxxxxx' seen 28th May 2007, Cap Y Corp,
Alcocebre, Spain.
Allocated To : HUGHES DC443
Originating Document No. : M1545
Page 1352 (Page 2 of 2 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A1356 (Cont)
Note :
Other than the above, this Form is unfilled. |
1353 Copy of page 1349 |
V, Vol 6, Page 1353 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1353 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 162 )....Page 1353?"Copy of page 1349"
Page 1353 (Page 1 of 1 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email - london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Spain and Germany
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc. :
A caller has reported a possible sighting of Madeleine McCann,
11am, 28th May 2007. Location given as a restaurant called
'TUNNELS', in an old castle at an area called Cap Y Corp,
Alcossebra, Spain.
She was seen to leave with a man in a Volkswagen van, registered
number 'xxxxxxx'.
We request the Spanish Police check the location for any CCTV or
We request the German vehicle keeper details.
Can the vehicle be circulated for a stop and search to be
carried out if seen (SIRENE circulation please.)
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
1354 Copy of page 1350 |
V, Vol 6, Page 1354 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1354 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 163 )....Page 1354?"Copy of page 1350"
Page 1354 (Page 1 of 1 )
Hughes John (DC)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 4th June 2007 10.29
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk'
Subject : Leics enquiry form A1356
Attachments : Leics enquiry form A1356.doc
Can we ask for Spanish local enquiries and German vehicle keeper
details for this enquiry please.
Dc John Hughes |
1355 Statement re Alcocebre, Spain sighting |
V, Vol 6, Page 1355 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1355 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 164 )....Page 1355?"Statement re
Alcocebre, Spain, sighting"
Page 1355 (Page 1 of 1 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A1361 : Priority : H
Text :
HP - Secure CCTV 'TUNNELS RESTAURANT', Cap Y Corp, Alcocebre,
Spain, via Interpol re possible sighting N1, (Note : N1 =
Madeleine McCann), with German? male using Volkswagen van with
German plate 'xxxxxxx'.
Updated on 4th June 2007
Date of sighting : 28th May 2007, about 1100, by Weeks N1194.
Allocated To : HUGHES DC443
Originating Document No. : M1545
Linked Actions : A1353, A1356, A1365 |
1357 Copy of page 1349 |
V, Vol 6, Page 1357 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1357 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 166 )....Page 1357?"Copy of Pages 1349
and 1353"
Page 1357 (Page 1 of 1 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email - london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Spain and Germany
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc. :
A caller has reported a possible sighting of Madeleine McCann,
11am, 28th May 2007. Location given as a restaurant called
'TUNNELS', in an old castle at an area called Cap Y Corp,
Alcossebra, Spain.
She was seen to leave with a man in a Volkswagen van, registered
number 'xxxxxxx'.
We request the Spanish Police check the location for any CCTV or
We request the German vehicle keeper details.
Can the vehicle be circulated for a stop and search to be
carried out if seen (SIRENE circulation please.)
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
1358 Email from DC Hughes (copy) |
V, Vol 6, Page 1358 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1358 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 166 )....Page 1358?"Copy of Email from DC
Hughes, (as per Pages 1350 and 1354)"
Page 1358 (Page 1 of 1 )
Hughes John (DC)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 4th June 2007 10.29
To :
Subject : Leics enquiry form A1356
Attachments : Leics enquiry form A1356.doc
Can we ask for Spanish local enquiries and German vehicle keeper
details for this enquiry please.
Dc John Hughes |
1359 to 1360
- Service information re sighting in hotel in Andorra
'sighting' at two Irish ladies (C McKenzie and
GR) and a young girl (Dunne).
- Fax re Andorra
- Confirmation of fax
- Fax
re Andorra sighting
- Copy
of child - s passport
1365 to 1366
- Copy of adult passports |
Apenso V - Vol 6 - pp1359 to 1366
False 'sighting' at Hotel President in
Andorra found to be two Irish ladies (Colette McKenzie and
Geraldine Marie Rooney)
and a young girl (E.N.
Dunne). It was confirmed with the girl's
father, Bryan, by phone, that
McKenzie was her Grandmother.
apenso5_vol_6_p1359 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1360 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1361 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1362 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1363 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1364 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1365 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1366 |
1385 Email from psychic re vision of Madeleine on cargo of ship? |
V, Vol 6, Page 1385 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1385 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 194 )....Page
1385?"Email from psychic re vision
of Madeleine on cargo ship?"
Page 1385 (Page 1 of 1 )
29th May 2007 : 10:50 : FAX Sec >
289802296 : NUM379
Antonio Sousa
From : Michelle Rogers (
Sent : 28th May 2007 22.47
To : Leixoes
Subject : URGENT M.S. Andrea URGENT,
check before unloading
Importance : High
I know this will sound very strange
and I'm sure it will be a great
inconvenience, but I urge you to
ensure that the ship is checked
thoroughly before anyone or anything
is removed, even in particular any
crates in cargo. A little British
girl went missing whilst on holiday
in Praia da Luz on 3rd May,
Madeleine McCann, and I have strong
reason to believe she had been taken
on this ship, and in some way she is
due to disembark at 8am tomorrow
I appreciate anything that you can
do within your power to eliminate
this suggestion, or to find this
beautiful little girl safe.
God bless you and thank you.
Kind regards,
1386 to 1389 M/V nationality Breakdown (Oporto) 2007.05.29 |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1386-1389 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1386 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1387 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1388 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1389 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 06)....(PDF Pages
195-198 )....Pages 1386 to 1389?"M/V
Andrea, Nationality Breakdown
(Oporto) 2007.05.29"
Page 1386 (Page 1 of 4 )
29th May 2007 : 10:50 : FAX Sec >
289802296 : NUM379
Port : Oporto, Portugal
Date : 29th May 2007
Nationality Breakdown
British : 39
France : 1
Ireland : 2
USA : 11
Total : 53
Captain Denis RADA
Page 1387 (Page 2 of 4 )
(Note : Here, is a List, headed :
IMO Passenger List, MS ANDREA,
LIBERIA, Date of arrival/Departure
29.05.07. This List contains details
of 27 passengers, i.e. Nationality,
Date and Place of Birth, Port of
Embarkation and Port of
Page 1388 (Page 3 of 4 )
: Here, is a further List. This List
contains details of a further 26
passengers, i.e. Nationality, Date
and Place of Birth, Port of
Embarkation and Port of
Page 1389 (Page 4 of 4 )
(Note : Here, is a further List,
headed : IMO Crew List, MS ANDREA,
LIBERIA, Date of arrival/Departure
29.05.07. This List contains details
of 25 Crew Members, i.e. Occupation,
Nationality, Date and Place of
Birth, and registration number's.
The following page, Page 1390, is a
"Missing or Misplaced" page, and it
is possible that the continuation of
the "Crew List" was on that page)
1391 NIL list from ship log |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1391 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1391 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 199 )....Page 1391?"NIL list from MS
Andrea, Ship Log"
Page 1391 (Page 1 of 1 )
29th May 2007 : 10:50 : FAX Sec > 289802296 : NUM379
AMC Shipping Ltd.
M/S "Andrea"
80 Broad Street
I, Master of M/S "Andrea" herewith declare that there are NO :
* Arms or ammunition on board.
- Animals
- Stowaways
- Cargo
- Passengers
Master :
Capt. Denis RADA
(and signed) |
1399 Copy of page 1385 |
V, Vol 6, Page 1399 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1399 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 207 )....Page 1399?"Copy of page
1385-(i.e. Email from psychic re vision of Madeleine on cargo
Page 1399 (Page 1 of 1 )
29th May 2007 : 10:50 : FAX Sec > 289802296 : NUM379
Antonio Sousa
From : Michelle Rogers (michellerogers@xxxxx.xx.uk)
Sent : 28th May 2007 22.47
To : Leixoes
Subject : URGENT M.S. Andrea URGENT, check before unloading
Importance : High
I know this will sound very strange and I'm sure it will be a
great inconvenience, but I urge you to ensure that the ship is
checked thoroughly before anyone or anything is removed, even in
particular any crates in cargo. A little British girl went
missing whilst on holiday in Praia da Luz on 3rd May, Madeleine
McCann, and I have strong reason to believe she had been taken
on this ship, and in some way she is due to disembark at 8am
tomorrow morning.
I appreciate anything that you can do within your power to
eliminate this suggestion, or to find this beautiful little girl
God bless you and thank you.
Kind regards,
Michelle |
1400 to 1405 Copy of pages 1386 to 1389 and page 1391 |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1400-1405 |
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Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 208-213 )....Pages 1400 to 1405?"Copy of
pages 1386 to 1389 and page 1391"
Page 1400 (Page 1 of 6 )
29th May 2007 : 10:50 : FAX Sec > 289802296 : NUM379
Port : Oporto, Portugal
Date : 29th May 2007
Nationality Breakdown
British : 39
France : 1
Ireland : 2
USA : 11
Total : 53
Captain Denis RADA
Page 1401 (Page 2 of 6 )
(Note :
Here, is a List, headed : IMO Passenger List, MS ANDREA,
LIBERIA, Date of arrival/Departure 29.05.07. This List contains
details of 27 passengers, i.e. Nationality, Date and Place of
Birth, Port of Embarkation and Port of Disembarkation)
Page 1402 (Page 3 of 6 )
(Note :
Here, is a further List. This List contains details of a further
26 passengers, i.e. Nationality, Date and Place of Birth, Port
of Embarkation and Port of Disembarkation)
Page 1403 (Page 4 of 6 )
(Note :
Here, is a further List, headed : IMO Crew List, MS ANDREA,
LIBERIA, Date of arrival/Departure 29.05.07. This List contains
details of 25 Crew Members, i.e. Occupation, Nationality, Date
and Place of Birth, and registration number's)
Page 1404 (Page 5 of 6 )
(Note :
Here, is a further List, headed : IMO Crew List, MS ANDREA,
LIBERIA, Date of arrival/Departure 29.05.07. This List contains
details of a further 21 Crew Members, i.e. Occupation,
Nationality, Date and Place of Birth, and registration number's.
This Page is a copy of the content of the previously "Missing or
Misplaced" page, Page 1390)
Page 1405 (Page 6 of 6 )
29th May 2007 : 10:50 : FAX Sec > 289802296 : NUM379
AMC Shipping Ltd.
M/S "Andrea"
80 Broad Street
I, Master of M/S "Andrea" herewith declare that there are NO :
* Arms or ammunition on board.
- Animals
- Stowaways
- Cargo
- Passengers
Master :
Capt. Denis RADA
(and signed) |
1406 to 1407 Email re Marrakesh lead |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1406 and 1407 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1406 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1407 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 214-215 )....Pages 1406 to 1407?"Email
re Marrakesh lead"
Page 1406 (Page 1 of 2 )
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
To : "Task Portugal" (Task.Portugal@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 29th May 2007 11.10
Subject : FW : Op Task - Information from Gibraltar priority 1
From : Special Branch (rgpsb@gibtelecom.net)
Sent : 29th May 2007 10.23
To : -
Subject : Op Task - Information from Gibraltar
Dear Martin,
We have just received information on the above-mentioned
subject. Three male persons from Gibraltar (TA soldiers from the
Royal Gibraltar Regiment) last week undertook Charity work in
the Ourika Valley in Morocco, Near Marrakesh.
They used a 4x4 vehicle displaying posters of Madeleine McCann
in English, French and Arabic. During a stop in the centre of
Marrakesh, close to the Royal Mirage Hotel, they were approached
by 2 Moroccan females stating that they knew of a French male
who had shown them a digital photograph of his 'daughter' on a
mobile phone and that it had striking similarities to that of
Madeleine McCann..
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 9 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 29th May 2007, which refers to a
sighting, by 2 Moroccan females, of a digital photograph in
Marrakesh, and reported by 3 TA soldiers. This entry may have
overwritten part of this report)
Page 1407 (Page 2 of 2 )
(Note : Only general
information regarding e-mail security etc, on this page) |
1408 to 1409 Statement re sighting in Torremelinos, Spain |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1408 and 1409 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1408 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1409 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 216-217 )....Pages 1408 to
1409?"Statement re sighting in Torremelinos, Spain"
Page 1408 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
Incident Message : M1950 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 15th June 2007 : Time : 1605 : Priority : Medium
Type : Phone In
Code : MISC : Description : Miscellaneous
Message From/To : FROM
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 11 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, which refers to a reported sighting in
Torremelinos, Spain, on the 29th May 2007, by a 'Joseph
MARSHALL'. This entry has overwritten part of this report)
The report then continues thus :
..onto Portuguese 5 times already ! He said that he was staying
at location and on May 29th 2007 he saw Maddy McCann in the
Hotel. He spoke to the two people who were with her and the male
introduced himself as Dave. Caller said he asked Maddy to
Title : Info Maddy McCann
Inc type : Admin : Grade : 4 : Occ Time : 1605 : Date : 15th
June 2007 : Ras : OFA : Sect : OFA
OIC : 7393 : CIV : VA : JACKSON : BC : : : Call management
Rec By : TPHONE : Serial : 627 : Ident : BC25 - 7393 1605 15th
May 2007
1617 7393 - BC25 Incident confirmed
Page 1409 (Page 2 of 2 )
1619 7393 - BC25 ..........him her eyes and then he said he
covered her head with a towel and said she was not allowed to.
Caller then said that the Hotel were having a competition for
the one with the prettiest eyes - the little girl still kept her
face covered.
Caller states that he reported this to the Police. He said that
the couple were having a drink in the bar the next day and when
they went he saved their drinking glasses and when the Police
visited caller to take a statement he gave the glasses to them.
1624 7393 - BC25 Caller states the couple and the little girl
left the Hotel on Friday 1st June 2007. Caller states that he
thinks the Portuguese Police are too relaxed and wanted
Leicester Police to chase this up. I advised caller that as the
Police had actually taken a statement from him and the glasses
for Forensics to check they were dealing with his concerns.
1624 7393 - BC25 *****CORRECTION : The little girl covered HER
face with a towel. NOT the man she was with********
1625 7393 - BC25 Incident linked to : 57 04/05/07
1626 7393 - BC25 Incident Result OOM : Message only- Not
Incident related
1626 7393 - BC25 Incident closed
Receiver's Instructions :
(M) Register
Scan for the attention of Portugal Enquiry Team
Person receiving/sending : Receiving:
Title/Rank/ID Number : 7393
Forename(s) : Anne
Surname : JACKSON |
1411 Statement re sighting in Aylesbury |
05-06 Apensos
V, Vol 6, Page 1411 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1411 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 218 )....Page 1411?"Statement re sighting
in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England"
Page 1411 (Page 1 of 1 )
Statement : Number : S352
Surname :
Here, is a handwritten entry of 6 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 29th May 2007, and also with a reference to Page
1410, (which is a "Missing or Misplaced" page within the File),
and with further references to a 'd*ck Norman' or 'Norman d*ck'
of Cxxxxxxxx Axxxxx, Aylesbury. And a signature to the statement
by a 'Norman MacDonald'. Relates to a reported sighting on the
14th May 2007. This entry has been inserted diagonally across
the page and this has resulted in the central portion of the
report being obscured)
I..............................................address shown
overleaf. On Monday
1(4?)......................................ed down to the TOTAL
CA.........................................I saw something which
caught my
atte(ntion?)...........................saw a young woman with a
hand.....................................th. I would describe
the woman, as
Europ(ean?).........................(abo?)ut early 30's with
shoulder length
blonde..................................(y?)oung female child
with her who
I would..................................(y?)ears old, of
average height and
of stocky..............................(b?)elow her ears. She
wearing a..............................(h?)ad elasticated cuffs.
I cannot
remember.............................ing anything and was
the lady's h...........................(d?)idn't seem much of a
relationship..........................speak. As I passed them I
only really sa(w?).................at me. It seemed unusual
as it was raining...................coverage in relation to
Madeleine McCann..............(di?)d look similar to her. I
know there are p.................One) like Madeleine
but I didn't want i.................ags and were walking
in the direction of................(a?)ll what the women
was wearing but I t..............(th?)ey were in my view
for a few seconds, I c.......... The closest I got
was about 10-15 yards..........(fore?)court and they
were on the main footp(ath?) ...Visibility was
good but I only really sa(w?)......(wh?)en she turned to
look at me for a split sec(ond?)...n again. I have lived
in this area since 1969 and...........(ar?)ea so have good local
knowledge of this commun(ity?).....(recog?)nise this pair.
Signed : Norman MacDonald |
1412 Statement re sighting in Malta |
05-Apensos V,
Vol 6, Page 1412 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1412 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 219)....Page 1412?"Statement re sighting
in near Qawtrie, Malta"
Page 1412 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Op Task
From : "Task" (task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
To : "Task Portugal" (Task.Portugal@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 26th June 2007 09.52
Attach : Civilian witness statement John Alan BAKER 24062007.doc
Subject : FW : Civilian witness statement John Alan BAKER
24062007 re possible sighting in MALTA priority 2
From : Kirkpatrick David (David.Kirkpatrick@dg.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 26th June 09.18
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : Civilian witness statement John Alan BAKER 24062007
Please see attached witness statement re sighting of misper in
David Kirkpatrick
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 10 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
27th June 2007, which refers to a reported sighting by a John
Alan Baker, in Malta, on 3rd June 2007) |
1413 to 1414 Statement re sighting in Malta
V, Vol 6, Pages 1413 and 1414 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1413 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1414 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Page 220-221 )....Pages 1413 to
1414?"Statement re sighting near Qawtrie, in Malta"
Page 1413 (Page 1 of 2 )
Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary
Statement of Witness - Civilian
Case URN : PDG0440880607
Surname : BAKER
Forename(s) : John Alan
Title : Mr
Address : xx, Hxxx Sxxxxx, Dalbeattie, Dumfries and Galloway,
Scotland, DGxx xxB
Tel. No. : 015566xxxxx
Division : Galloway
Place and DOB : 23rd August 1957 @ Dalbeattie
Occupation : Salesman
Taken By : PC 198 Fran Grainge
Station/Dept : Dalbeattie Police Office, Carignair Street,
At (time) : 1220 hours On : Sunday 24th June 2007
At (location) : Dalbeattie Police Office
I was alone when the statement was noted. It was signed in my
notebook by the witness
States :
I have seen a lot of pictures of the missing young girl known as
Madeleine McCann or Maddie. The young girl is the high profile
missing person case abroad.
I went on holiday to Malta from 29th May 2007 till 5th June 2007
with my wife, Margaret Baker, and my 21 month old grandson. On
Sunday 3rd June, I was walking in Malta alone heading for the
car museum in Qawtrie. I was about a mile from the museum
heading from Bejeeba when I saw a young girl who I believe is
the missing girl Maddie. I got a good look at the girl and I was
really struck by how much she looked like Maddie although I
didn't get close enough to see the distinctive iris pattern she
has, this would have been about 3pm.
Page 1414 (Page 2 of 2 )
The girl was with a man and woman but I never looked at the
adults she was with. They were all standing looking at a novelty
shop although the girl was about 10 steps from the adults and
was being watched by the woman.
There was no indication anything was wrong, they just looked
normal. The young girl didn't seem anxious or distressed in any
I can't remember any details about her clothing at all or of the
adults she was with. The only thing I would say is the adults
seemed that little bit older to have a young child that age.
I was struck by the similarity at the time but when I got back
to this country I saw a newspaper report saying there had been a
possible sighting in Valetta a few days earlier after I saw the
child and Valetta is only about half an hour from where I'd seen
this child.
In my own mind I'm convinced it's the same child or she has a
twin. I was on the same side of the street so I had a really
good look at the girl for a few minutes. |
1416 to 1417 Statement re sighting in Exmouth Road |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1416 and 1417 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1416 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1417 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 222-223 )....Pages 1416 to
1417?"Statement re sighting in Devonport Park, Exmouth Road,
Devonport, Devon, England"
Page 1416 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 4
National Intelligence Report
DC 5751 MARTIN, Devon and Cornwall Constabulary : Date/Time of
Report : 30th May 2007
Intel Source : B3789 : Report U.R.N. : FIB 5751 472 07
(Note :
Here, is a handwritten entry of 7 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 30th May 2007, which refers to a reported
sighting in Devonport Park, Exmouth Road, Devonport, on the 29th
May 2007. This entry has overwritten part of this report)
The report then continues thus :
On 29th May 2007 at 1530 Officers attended Devonport Park,
Possible sighting of Madeleine Mccann missing from Portugal.
Description of Madeleine : Long hair in a ponytail, small coat,
purple top, denim shirt, flip-flops, in the company of coloured
male 40-50 years old, wearing dark sunglasses, blue jeans and a
white female 30 to 40 years old, of large build wearing blue
coat and jeans, left Devonport Park in the direction of Exmouth
Road. Female was carrying the child over her shoulders.
Page 1417 (Page 2 of 2 )
(Note : On
this page there is only reference to 11 references to a "Manual
of Standards") |
1419 to 1421 Statement re sighting in Suffolk |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1419 and 1421 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1419 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1420 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1421 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
06)....(PDF Pages 224-226 )....Pages 1419 to 1421?"Statement re
sighting in Sibton, Saxmundham, Suffolk"
Page 1419 (Page 1 of 3 )
Priority 4
FROM : DC 975 Markley
Leicestershire Constabulary
Div/Dept : OP TASK
Date : 6th June 2007
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 8 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
6th June 2007, which refers to a reported sighting in Sibton,
Suffolk, by a 'Christine Thompson', on the 29th May 2007. This
entry has been inserted diagonally across the page and obscures
most of the report)
Page 1420 (Page 2 of 3 )
Leicestershire Constabulary
FROM : DC 975 Markley
Div/Dept : OP TASK
Date : 6th June 2007
To : Suffolk Constabulary
Subject : Madeleine McCann missing from Portugal since 3rd May
Please make an Officer available to visit and take a statement
if appropriate from :
Christine Thompson
Bxxxxxxx Cxxxxxxx
Pxxx Sxxxxx
Tele : 077174xxxxx
The above person has rang in to state that her neighbour was
seen with a little girl whom she believed to be Madeleine. She
described her as being a small blonde girl with big eyes wearing
pink clothing. She stated that she was dressed and looked like
the photographs seen of Madeleine. The sighting of the child was
on the 29th May 2007.
Ms Thompson knows that the neighbours have a child/grandchild
called Jxxxxxx, of about 4 years but this girl was definitely
not Jxxxxxx. The neighbours have been abroad recently which has
aroused her concerns.
She states that she only knows the couple as Mxxxxxx and Txxx.
She also states that she has had problems with her neighbours in
the past. I have checked voters and there is a Mxxxxxx Wxxxxx
living at the address.
Can an Officer make some discreet enquiries (Intel checks etc)
at the address to ascertain who the child was that Christine saw
on 29th May 2007. Christine wishes to remain anonymous so as not
to cause any further problems with her......
Page 1421 (Page 3 of 3 )
....neighbour although she does believe that the girl she saw
was very similar to Madeleine. Christine can be contacted on her
mobile telephone.
Once the enquiry (sic) can the Officer FAX a report, or, if
appropriate, a statement to the following address :
Operation Task
Att Dc Markley
Please forward the original paperwork to :
LE3 6 RJ
Many Thanks
DC 975 Steve Markley |
1423 to 1425 Statement re sighting in Bari, Italy |
V, Vol 6, Pages 1423-1425 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1423 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1424 |
apenso5_vol_6_p1425 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 6, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 06)....(PDF Pages 227-229 )....Pages 1423 to
1425?"Statement re sighting in Bari, Italy"
Page 1423 (Page 1 of 3 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Burrows Caroline" (Caroline.Burrows@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
To "Task Portugal" (Task.Portugal@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
Sent 20th July 2007 17.00
Attach : D2166.pdf
Subject : D2166.pdf
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 3 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
7th July 2007, which refers to a reported sighting by a Richard
Henry ENGLAND, on the 23rd May 2007, in BARI, Italy)
Page 1424 (Page 2 of 3 )
South Wales Police
Simon Davies DC 2357
Criminal Investigations Dept
Police Station
Operation Task
Madeleine McCann
Leicestershire Constabulary
Officer's Report :
On Sunday 17th June 2007, I was on duty and working day shift at
Neath Police Station. At approximately 10am and as a result of
Information received I had cause to attend the Front Office
where I spoke to a person who I know to be Richard Henry
ENGLAND, DOB 4th January 1941, he is currently living with his
son at : xx, Bxxx Txxxxxx, Melyn Court, Neath, Mobile :
The subsequent checks have been carried out on ENGLAND, and
there is a match on the PNC database. The PNC ID Number is
Mr. England is alleging that whilst on holiday in BARI, Southern
Italy which he states is a non-tourist location ; he was parked
up at the side of the road when his attention was drawn to a
large lady who was walking with a young child. The first thing
that he found suspicious was the fact that the lady showed no
affection towards the child. As Mr. England was watching them
the little girl turned around and looked straight at him, the
first thing he noticed was her eyes, and upon seeing this,
Madeleine McCann sprang to mind.
The witness continued to pay close attention on the female and
the little girl, the little girl then said something to the
female, the female then turned and looked at
the witness, she then gripped the little girl on her arm, and
then went quickly back up the road to where they had originally
walked down.
The witness, England, then saw the lady speak to somebody in a
black Renault motor vehicle, registration number 'xx xxx xx',
this vehicle then drove down the street towards the witness and
a male driver then got out of the vehicle, and then tried to
give the impression to the witness that he was looking for
something. The male then got back into his car and then drove
back up the road. |