Police report re sighting on
Florence highway |
Thanks to
Skeptical |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Page 2358 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2358 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
11)....(PDF Page 4 )....Page 2358?"Police report re reported
sighting at the Florence Highway Toll Station, Italy, (Mid-July
Page 2358 (Page 1 of 1 )
17th July 2007 15:25 FAX
ID of the Report : S10RRFO
SEF - NSIS Portugal
Restricted Distribution
Date: 2007-07-17 14:28
Page: 1 of 1
Received : Form
Form : M Other Information
Date : 2007-07-17 11:38
Number: 335223
Items :
Information : CSI3 : Information SIRENE (Italy)
Surname : MCCANN
Forename(s) : MADELEINE BETH
Date of Birth : 12th May 2003
Sex : Female
Nationality : British
Information :
We kindly inform you that the A/M..(Note :
abovementioned)...minor is supposed to be seen on board of a
Vehicle, (Type SW Grey Colour), bearing Belgian Plates No. :
'xxxxxx'- The said Vehicle was travelling along the Highway of
Florence and it was seen at the Toll Station of Florence.
Please make the appropriate checks in order to inform us of any
details concerning the said Vehicle.
We thank you in advance for your co-operation.
To SIRENE Portugal for Info.
(Note :
Here, is a handwritten entry of 5 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 17th July 2007, which refers to a report by
SIRENE, ITALY, regarding a reported sighting at the Florence
HighwayToll Station, together with Vehicle Registration Plate
Number. The actual date of the reported sighting is not
indicated) |
Fax cover page |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Page 2361 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2361 |
able of Contents :
APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
11)....(PDF Page 6 )....Page 2361?"Fax cover page re reported
sighting in Croydon, Surrey, England, (17th July 2007"
Page 2361 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 4
17th July 2007 21:44 : No. 643
Croydon Borough (Police)
Facsimile Sheet
To : Leicestershire Constabulary
From : ZD IBO, South Norwood Police Station,
(11 Oliver Grove, Croydon, Surrey, SE25 6ED, United Kingdom)
Phone : Met Line 31335
Fax : Met Line 31274
Date 17th July 2007
Comments :
FAO Leicestershire C. P. O. |
2362 to 2369
-Report of sighting near
Croydon |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Pages 2362-2369 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2362 |
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Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
11)....(PDF Pages 7-13 )....Pages 2362-2369?"Incident Report of
reported sighting near Croydon, Surrey, England, 17th July 2007"
(Note :
Page 2365 is a "Missing or Misplaced" page)
Page 2362 (Page 1 of 7 )
17th July 2007 21:44 No.643
Single Incident Printout
Incident No. 4542 : 17Jul07
Incident No. 4542 entered at 12:41/17Jul07 by 056816/L2890 in
Rec By : ? (emergency)
Phone : 077293xxxxx/BL
Location : COOMBE LODGE, CROYDON : S/10mins *** RVP - COOMBE
FARM ***
Type : 70 (assistance requested/rendered)
Response : I (immediate)
Map : Page 220, Grid Reference 534625, 164375
Sector : 2X (DIVISION : ZD)
Caller : LAURA DELACROIX : H/A : xxx, Gxxxxxx Rxxx, Croydon * At
Gazetteer Comments :(May have existed or amended since Incident
Creation - Use MSS SMF : SpecArchive)
Location Based Comments :
Coombe Lodge, Croydon
Coombe La/Conduit La
Remarks :
12:41 17Jul07 056816 12890 (pre 1st routing)
IC1 Female Blonde hair wearing what looked like life jacket.
Unknown what else.
She was standing by a tree with 21C1F children. One looked like
Madaline(sic) who was wearing black hat and black jacket.
Inft was cross-country running with her school, St Mary's High.
She did inform teacher.
Inft said girl looked like Madaline. Looked scared.
Page 2363 (Page 2 of 7 )
Inft in changing rooms at the moment
Unit to take a look when able
Please call Inft back and see if there is any better location
ZS24ZD - There is no trace at location
Phoned Inft , Unable to connect
Location please due to these Rems, LLOYDS PARK needs searching
We are struggling to narrow down location
Please contact St Mary's School to speak with Inft asap
We need to narrow location down location
We will attend the School now
Noted : Awaits update
Tried to contact Inft....Gone straight to Voicemail...It has not
been possible to connect your call...Please call back
later....Unable to leave an urgent message....
We have a MXL Unit - In Coombe Lodge. They have searched
Restaurant and the Car Park Grounds
ZS24Z are in Coombe Farm checking with family at location
MXL Unit looking in the playing fields that Coombe Lodge bank
Royal Russell School will also be checked
On scene at the School
On scene at St Mary's School
Page 2364 (Page 3 of 7 )
3 European families resident here. They have a blonde haired
child. 2nd family door N.R.R.K. Just checking 3rd room now
MXL407 : We are on scene Playing Fields and Pavilion
Teacher does not work at the Junior School. Checking the High
School now
Zd3E : I want to set up a RVP and would like Teacher to RVP
ZD : Any updates please ?
ZS24E : Rooms 4, 5, and 8 have been checked. No reply.
Z7E : Checked Royal Russell School. No trace
125ZD : On scene High School
553ZD : MOP have pointed out a family having a picnic in Lloyd
Going there now
139ZD : ******************RVP - COOMBE FARM******************
139ZD : Possible sighting at rear of Coombe Farm is a NEGATIVE.
It was a little boy with his grandfather
ZD : I have tried calling Inft again....The message states that
it has not been possible to connect call
ASU : Sorry...I99 Off-line due to Engineering
399TL : Spoken to dog handler from ZD Council. Description will
be circulated over PR
13:42 : ZD : ZS24E Advised re ASU
PY : ZD for circulation please
BSP : ZD, Please Inform Surrey just in case
Page 2365
Note : This is a "Missing or Misplaced" page within the Files
Page 2366 (Page 4 of 7 )
276ZD : Description for lady with the two children. IC1F, Blond
shoulder length hair, pink top, light blue jeans, 5' 11", slim
build, late 30's. 1 of the children was IC1, large build, pink
jacket, short blond hair, AA5....The child that looked like
'Maddie' was IC1F, slim build, black jacket and hat, blue eyes,
shoulder length blond hair
PO Advised of above, Thanks
ZDO Incall : ZD1L asked for ETA of SOCO : Advised...I have
advised..No answer on ZD Phone...Tried calling Channel 1...No
ZDO : SOCO called at ZD...Phone engaged
ZDO : SOCO Phone Number still engaged
139ZD : Coombe Farm searched...No trace. Will be passed to
ZD3E : After an extensive search on foot, by dog van and house
to house enquiries..No Trace. SOCO will attend scene to take
prints from concrete post where child was seen.
ZD3E : Crimint by 553ZD
(Note : From here onwards is an abbreviated printout of
"Previous Actions" re this Incident. This list is comprised
mostly of...(unknown to me)...acronyms etc. They commence, on
this page, at 12:46 through to 13:01)
Page 2367 (Page 5 of 7 )
(Note :
This page is a continuation list of the abbreviated printout of
"Previous Actions" re this Incident. They commence, on this
page, at 13:01 through to 13:22)
Page 2368 (Page 6 of 7 )
(Note :
This page is a continuation list of the abbreviated printout of
"Previous Actions" re this Incident. They commence, on this
page, at 13:22 through to 14:22)
Page 2369 (Page 7 of 7 )
(Note :
This page is a continuation list of the abbreviated printout of
"Previous Actions" re this Incident. They commence, on this
page, at 14:22 through to 15:35) |
Email re sighting in Tarra
Gona, Spain |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Page 2382 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2382 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Page 26 )....Page 2382?"Email re
reported, (by a Koos van Rensburg, based in Pretoria, South
Africa), location near Tarra Gona(sic), Spain, (18th July 2007)"
Page 2382 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 1
Task Portugal
Sent : 18th July 2007 13:10
Attach : image001.gif
Point 087 - Image enclosed.
From : Koos van Rensburg (
Sent : Wednesday, July 18th, 2007 1:10pm
To : 'Newton Martin'
Cc : 'task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : RE : MADELEINE McCANNE(sic)
Importance : High
Detective Constable Martin Newton,
My client advises that, at 13:00 (S.A. time)...(Note : S.A. time
= South African time)... today, 18th July 2007, the subject was
near Tarra Gona(sic), Spain, at the following co-ordinates :
Point 087 (Deg, Min, Sec) :
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 10 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 18th July 2007, which refers to a
reported location near "(?)Terragena"(sic), Spain, together with
the following co-ordinates - Point 087-N40 43 32 54-Cos(?) 52 19
90. This entry appears to have obscured part of this report)
The report then continues thus :
Detective Constable Martin Newton,
18/07/2007 |
2387 to 2398
Emails re reported
locations, by Koos van
Rensburg (from South
Africa), in Spain and off
Spanish Coast (On various
dates during early-mid July
07) |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Pages 2387-2398 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2387 |
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apenso5_vol_11_p2392 |
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apenso5_vol_11_p2397 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2398 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Pages 31-42 ).... Pages 2387 to
2398?"Emails re reported locations, by Koos van Rensburg (from
South Africa), in Spain and off Spanish Coast, (On various dates
during early-mid July 2007)"
Page 2387 (Page 1 of 12 )
Priority 1
Task Portugal
From : "Newton Martin" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 18th July 2007 12:49
Attach : ATT00323.emi ; 087.jpg
Subject : FW : MADELEINE McCANNE(sic) Renburg tracking info
priority 1
From : Koos van Rensburg (
Sent : 18th July 2007 12:12
To : 'Newton Martin'
Cc : 'task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : RE : MADELEINE McCANNE(sic)
(Note : Here, is a reproduced, but very unclear image, which
appears to indicate grid reference points, associated with the
sender's reported location of Maddie)
Page 2388 (Page 2 of 12 )
Priority 1
Task Portugal
From : "Newton Martin" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 16th July 2007 13:04
Attach : image001.gif
Subject : FW : MADELEINE McCANNE(sic) Renburg tracking info
priority 1
From : Koos van Rensburg (
Sent : 16th July 2007 11:49
To : 'Newton Martin'
Cc : 'task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : RE : MADELEINE McCANNE(sic)
Importance : High
Detective Constable Martin Newton,
My client advises that the subject is (at 12:15, S.A. time) in
motion in a southerly direction (point 075). (By Boat)
The co-ordinates at Point 075 (Deg, Min, Sec) are :
N 42 : 15 : 10.70
E 03 : 17 : 05.89
Koos van Rensburg
From : Koos van Rensburg (
Sent : Monday, July 16, 2007 9:32am
To : 'Newton Martin'
Cc : 'task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : RE : MADELEINE McCANNE(sic)
Importance : High
Page 2389 (Page 3 of 12 )
Detective Constable Martin Newton,
My client informs that, at 09:00 (South African time) on 16th
July 2007, the subjects were still stationary at point no. 074
in the Spanish town, Cadaques, where they have been since
Thursday, 12th July 2007.
Tel : +27 (12) 36x xxxx
FAX : +27 (12) 36x xxxx
DIRECT FAX : +27 86 51x xxxx
From : Koos van Rensburg (
Sent : Saturday, July 14, 2007 1:14pm
To : 'Newton Martin'
Cc : 'task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : RE : MADELEINE McCANNE(sic)
Page 2390 (Page 4 of 12 )
Importance : High
Detective Constable Martin Newton,
My client informs that, as at 13:00 today, 14th July 2007, the
subjects are still at point no. 074 in the Bay of the Spanish
town, Cadaques.
Koos van Rensburg
From : Koos van Rensburg (
Sent : Friday, July 13, 2007 11:09am
To : 'Newton Martin'
Cc : 'task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : RE : MADELEINE McCANNE(sic)
Importance : High
Martin Newton Det Con 550,
My client advised at 09:00 S.A. time today, 13th July 2007, that
the subject is still stationary at point 074.
Koos van Rensburg
From : Koos van Rensburg (
Sent : Friday, July 13, 2007 8:23am
To : 'Newton Martin'
Cc : 'task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : RE : MADELEINE McCANNE(sic)
Importance : High
Martin Newton Det Con 550,
My client advises that the subject was stationary at Point 074
at 16:00
Page 2391 (Page 5 of 12 )
(S.A.time) on 12.07.2007
The co-ordinates at Point 074 (Deg, Min, Sec) are :
N 42 : 16 : 39.10
E 03 : 17 : 08.61
Kind regards,
Tel : +27 (12) 36x xxxx
FAX : +27 (12) 36x xxxx
DIRECT FAX : +27 86 51x xxxx
From : Koos van Rensburg (
Sent : Thursday, July 12, 2007 11:40am
To : 'Newton Martin'
Page 2392 (Page 6 of 12 )
Cc : 'task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : RE : MADELEINE McCANNE(sic)
Martin Newton Det Con 550,
Since my e-mail of yesterday, my client informs that the
subjects have moved. Below is a description of the happenings on
the night of 11.07.2007 and the morning of 12.07.2007 :
- Left Point 069 (Lamothe Airport) some time after 20:00 on the
night of 11.07.2007
- Stopped at Salvaza Airport (possibloy to refuel the aircraft)
at approximately 21:36
- Continued travelling to Perpignan la Salanque Airport ( Freq
- Boarded a boat at Port Barcares at approximately 22:45 (Port
is located next to Airport)
- Travelled by boat south towards the current position at point
074 (at 11:00 S.A. time on 12.07.2007) - Spanish town called
Co-ordinates at Point 074 (Deg, Min, Sec)
N 42 : 16 : 39.10
E 3 : 17 : 08.61
Kind regards,
Koos van Rensburg
From : Newton Martin (
Sent : Thursday, July 12, 2007 9.55am
To : 'Koos van Rensburg'
Subject : RE : -
Page 2393 (Page 7 of 12 )
Koos Van Rensburg,
Confirmation of receipt of all e-mails,
Martin Newton Det Con 550
Op Task
From : -
Sent : None
Subject : -
Detective Constable Newton,
My client informs that, at 08:45 this morning, 10 July, 2007,
the subject was still stationary at Point 058 ( as advised
earlier). The co-ordinates remain the same.
You will recall that we provided you with a brief summary
regarding this technology on 3rd July 2007. We now attach a
document describing the broad trustworthiness of the new
technology used to track the subject, which we trust you will
find interesting reading material.
Kind regards,
Koos van Rensburg
From : Koos van Rensburg (
Sent : Tuesday, July 10, 2007 8:28am
To : 'Newton Martin'
Cc : 'task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : RE : MADELEINE McCANNE(sic)
Importance : High
Page 2394 (Page 8 of 12)
Detective Constable Newton,
I refer to my e-mail below and advise that my cleint informs us
that, at 16:20 yesterday, 9th July 2007, the subjects were
indicated at Point 058 on the enclosed image. They have
travelled north on a minor road from Point 057 to Point 058 and
are currently in a village called Crezian.
The co-ordinates are (Deg, Min, Sec) :
N : 42 : 52 : 12.6
E : 00 : 21 : 04.27
Kind regards,
Tel : +27 (12) 36x xxxx
FAX : +27 (12) 36x xxxx
DIRECT FAX : +27 86 51x xxxx
Page 2395 (Page 9 of 12 )
From : Koos van Rensburg (
Sent : Sunday, July 08, 2007 11:49am
To : 'Newton Martin'
Subject : FW : Point 056
New location at 17h20 on 07.07.2007 until 12:00 noon today. This
location appears to be at Saint Lary-Soulan.
N : 42 : 49 : 21.90
E : 00 : 19 : 23.70
Tel : +27 (12) 36x xxxx
FAX : +27 (12) 36x xxxx
DIRECT FAX : +27 86 51x xxxx
Page 2396 (Page 10 of 12 )
From : John Dann (
Sent : Saturday, July 07, 2007 6:06pm
To : 'Koos van Rensburg'
Subject : FW : Point 056
New location at 17h20 on 07.07.2007
N : 42 : 49 : 21.90
E : 00 : 19 : 23.70
Page 2397 (Page 11 of 12 )
Page 2398 (Page 12 of 12 )
Priority 1
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 17th July 2007 12:42
Attach : image001.gif
Subject : FW : MADELEINE McCANNE(sic) Renburg tracking info
priority 1
From : Koos van Rensburg (
Sent : 17th July 2007 12:18
To : 'Koos van Rensburg' ; 'Newton Martin'
Cc : 'task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : RE : MADELEINE McCANNE(sic)
Importance : High
Detective Constable Martin Newton,
I have been advised by my cleint that at 13:00 (S.A. time)
today, 17th July 2007, the subject was on a boat approximately
60 km northeast of Barcelona, Spain.
C0-ordinates at Point 077 (Deg, Min, Sec) are :
N : 41 : 27 : 41.06
E : 2 : 49 : 52.45
Koos van Rensburg
From : Koos van Rensburg (
Sent : Monday, July 16, 2007 12:49pm
To : 'Newton Martin'
Cc : 'task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : RE : MADELEINE McCANNE(sic)
Importance : High
18/07/2007 |
- Email re reported sighting
at a Farm Camping Site in
Holland, (19th July 2007) |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Page 2399 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2399 |
able of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Page 45 )....Page 2399?"Email re
reported sighting at a Farm Camping Site in Holland, (19th July
Page 2399 (Page 1 of 1 )
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Sent : 27th August 2007 14:39
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Dutch
From : Hughes John (DC) (
Sent : 22nd August 2007 11:23
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Cc : Dic.Portimao
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Dutch enquiry.
Can we ask the Dutch Authorities to look at this possible
sighting please.
Dc John Hughes
Thank you for your co-operation.
Leicestershire Constabulary.
22/08/2007 |
SOCA enquiry form re
sighting in Holland camping
site |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Page 2400 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2400 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Page 46 )....Page 2400?"SOCA Enquiry
Form re reported sighting at a Farm Camping Site in Holland,
(19th July 2007)"
Page 2400 (Page 1 of 1 )
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 -
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Netherlands
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc. :
We have had reported a possible sighting of Madeleine McCann at
a farm camping site in Holland. A resident of New Zealand was
there and saw a family move into another property on the farm on
19th July 2007. The farm is at....(Note : The farm address has
been "whitened" out on this report). A written statement has
been taken from the caller, Mrs. Winfield, and may assist with
the exact location of the house the people involved were in.
We request enquiries be made at the campsite to identify the
child and family referred to by Mrs. Winfield.
Statement of Mrs. Melanie Winfield
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
Statement by Mrs. Melanie
Winfield re reported
sighting at De Boderie Farm
Camp Site in Holland, (19th
July 2007)" |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Page 2403 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2403 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
11)....(PDF Page 47 )....Page 2403?"Statement by Mrs. Melanie
Winfield re reported sighting at De Boderie Farm Camp Site in
Holland, (19th July 2007)"
Page 2403 (Page 1 of 1 )
Continuation of Statement....M. Winfield......(Page No. 3 of 4 )
(Note : The
previous 2 Pages, Pages 2401 and 2402, and the following Page,
Page 2404, are "Missing or Misplaced" pages within the Files)
(Note :
This is a handwritten Statement with some spaces in the body of
it. These "spaces" may have been text which has been
........and suddenly I realised the girl I had seen at De
Boderie was Madeleine. We did not have papers at home.....
......... (?f)or me... ..... look at, but.... ......
report this at the Police Station. Later that day I looked on
the internet and saw images that confirmed my thoughts.
I have brought a crimestoppers leaflet with me, 'MEJW/1'. This
is the girl I saw in Holland.
Whilst we were in Holland we spent a lot of time visiting
relatives and the other family did quite a few....
("Blank" or possibly "whitened-out" line here)
........ ..... closest we got to the ........
Witnessed by :
(No signature
indicated here). |
- Report re sighting in
Salerno-Cavi e dei Tirreni |
11 05 Apensos V, Vol XI Page 2409 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2409a |
apenso5_vol_11_p2409 |
(In Spanish)
Very Urgent
Disappearance of the child Madeleine McCann, born 12-05-2007 in
Leicester (UK) of English nationality, disappeared on 03-05-2007
in Praia da Luz (Portugal)
In relation
to previous correspondence concerning the disappearance of the
child indicated in the reference, we inform you that our
services in Nocera have received information according to which
the child was seen on 19-07-2007 on board a bus which was
travelling between the cities of Salerno and Cava dei Tirreni.
According to
this information the child seen was on board a bus in the
company of three persons aged about 35 of English nationality,
two men and one woman. The person who saw the girl took some
photographs and filmed her with their mobile phone and noted
that the girl had an irregularity in the pupil of her right eye
like the missing girl.
We are
sending you the photographs and the film taken of the girl (we
are sorry about the quality of the material sent) and we ask you
to inform us urgently if this could effectively be the missing
We would like
to add that urgent investigations are being made in the area
where the sighting took place and the results will be sent to
you as quickly as possible.
Thank you for
your collaboration.
Interpol Rome |
2411 to 2412
Crimestoppers report re
sighting in Corinthia Palace
Hotel, Malta |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Pages 2411 and 2412 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2411 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2412 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Pages 53-54 )....Pages 2411 and
2412?"Crimestoppers Report re reported sighting in Corinthia
Palace Hotel, Malta, (19th and 20th July 2007"
Page 2411 (Page 1 of 2 )
Priority 2
CrimeStoppers Bureau
Actionable Information Report
Information Log Ref : CBL/70024/2007
Date : 26th July 2007 15:58
Force : Leicestershire - OP TASk
Recipient Office : Leicestershire - Madeleine McCann
Recipient E-mail :
Text :
Operation Task (Madeleine McCann) - Leicestershire Police
A little girl matching Madeleine's description was seen on
Thursday, 19th July, in the Corinthia Palace Hotel in Malta. She
was seen with an unidentified male and female.
They were staying in the room directly opposite 138.
On Friday, 20th July, at midnight, the little girl was seen
screaming in the hallway. The couple with her were becoming more
and more anxious as guests left their rooms to watch the
The little girl was seen from a distance of 2ft. Caller unsure
what CCTV surrounds the area.
The unidentified male is described as 38yrs old, White male, 6ft
tall, heavy build and bald headed.
The unidentified female is described as 35yrs old, White female,
5ft 8" tall, stocky build with long brown hair.
Both spoke with Scottish accents.
Caller willing to remove anonymity.
Brionny Fagon can be contacted on 077457xxxxx
Page 2412 (Page 2 of 2 )
Evaluation :
Source : E - Untested Source
Intelligence : 4 - Cannot be judged
Handling : 1 - May be disseminated to other Law Enforcement and
Prosecuting Agencies, including Law Enforcement Agencies within
the EEA and EU compatible (no special conditions).
Rebecca Lowne. |
Email re sighting in Dubrovnik, Croatia |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Page 2414 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2413 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2414 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Page 55 )....Page 2414?"Email re
reported sighting in Dubrovnik, Croatia, (18th or 19th July
2007, (or possibly both dates))"
Page 2414 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 1st August 2007 10:37
Attach : CBL706162007-Leicestershire-OP TASK-Madeleine
Subject : FW : CrimeStoppers Information Log. Please do not
reply. -CBL/706162007-Croatia priority 3
________Original Message___________
From : csbureau@btconnect.com
Sent : 31st July 2007 17:08
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : CrimeStoppers Information Log. Please do not reply.
-CBL/706162007-Croatia priority 3
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 5 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
31st July 2007, which refers to a reported sighting in
Dubrovnik, Croatia, on the 18th or 19th July 2007, (or possibly
on both dates). There is also a numbered reference to Page 2413,
which is a "Missing or Misplaced" page within the Files. This
entry has been inserted diagonally across this Page and has thus
obscured part of this Report)
01/08/2007 |
- Letter re sighting in
Salerno |
Apensos V, Vol XI Page 2417 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2417 |
Interpol Cabinet
Very Urgent
Lisbon – London
Madeleine McCann – Abducted in Portugal
With regard
to our message 123-B2-2-2007 and with the aim of reinforcing the
ongoing investigations relating to the girl who resembles the
child in question and who was seen in Salerno on 19-07-07 at
17.00 we request you to inform us as soon as possible, whether
the photos and video clip that were sent to you yesterday have
been presented to Madeleine’s parents and please let us know the
results of the comparison.
IP Roma
23-07-2007 |
Email re crimestoppers report |
05 11 pensos V,
Vol 11, Page 2418
apenso5_vol_11_p2418 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Page 57 )....Page 2418?"E-mail re
Crimestoppers Information Log Report"
Page 2418 (Page 1 of 1 )
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Sent : 27th July 2007 16:56
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : CrimeStoppers Information Log. Please do not
reply. CBL/70024/2007
______Original Message_____
From : Watts Gary (Sgt) (
On behalf of Task
Sent : 27th July 2007 15:59
To : Dic.Portimao
Cc : Task Portugal
Subject : CrimeStoppers Information Log. Please do not reply.
______Original Message_____
From : csbureau@btconnect.com
Sent : 26th July 2007 22:01
To :
Subject : CrimeStoppers Information Log. Please do not reply.
Please see attached Information Log from the CrimeStoppers
If you have any enquiries or would like to feedback results,
please contact Julie Black on 01883 731 300 or by e-mail :
Please do not reply to this e-mail.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Leicestershire Constabulary. |
2421 to 2422
Email re sighting on flight from Amsterdam to Cape Town |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Pages 2421 and 2422 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2421 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2422 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Pages 59-60 )....Pages 2421 to
2422?"Email re reported sighting on flight from Amsterdam to
Cape Town. (Possibly during the 1st week in August 2007)
Page 2421 (Page 1 of 2 )
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Sent : 14th August 2007 10:23
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : 4H-2395710-07
________Original Message______
From : Hughes John (DC) (
Sent : 14th August 2007 10:04
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : FW : 4H-2395710-07
This is a possible sighting on a flight from Amsterdam to Cape
Town. The seat details are given.
No further action has been completed or requested.
Dc John Hughes
__________Original Message_______
From :
Sent : 8th August 2007 11:21
To :
Subject : 4H-2395710-07
STOP - Please reply to :
To : Operation Task
Your ref : -
Our ref : 4H-2395710-07
Concerning : Madeleine McCann
Please note the attached message from Pretoria - Statement of
Norma VENTER, new sighting.
Jane Whiting
Intelligence Officer
SOCA - International Division
Multilateral Operations
Tel : 020 7238 8115
E-mail : london@SOCA.x.gsi.gov.uk
- (Please use in your reply)
Page 2422 (Page 2 of 2 )
________Original Message_______
From : Pretoria (
Sent : 7th August 2007 12:23
To : London \ Untited Kingdom
Cc : (Gs) IP General Secretariat
Subject : 47/08/07gr
Importance : High
Y/REF : 4H-2395710-07
M/REF : 47/08/07gr
CASE OFFICER : Superintendent G.J.W. Rogers
Tel : +27 (0) 12 - 3093090
Attached, please find a copy of a statement obtained from a
person who believes that she saw the subject on the aircraft in
which they were travelling.
We have no idea who the people and the child are, but this could
be established from KLM as the man with the child sat in seat
number 34C.
We cannot understand why none of the alleged sightings which we
have sent to you were not reported immediately.
We hope we are not burdening you with all these messages and
hope that they may be useful to your Authorities in some or
other way.
24hr Ans/Serv : +27 (0) 12 - 3093005
E-mail :
interpol@saps.org.za |
Email re
statement in Nissaki, Corfu |
05 02 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Page 2430 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2430 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
11)....(PDF Page 61 )....Page 2430?"Email re Statement of a
reported sighting by a Jessica van Tuinen, in a Restaurant in
Laugres, France, (27th July 2007), and another reported sighting
by a Mr and Mrs Powell, at a beach hotel in Nissaki, Corfu,
Greece, (21st July 2007)"
(Note : A
rather confusing report as it contains reference to two
differing reported sightings in two different locations. (( See
summarised Portuguese language Translation, by Ines, below.)
Page 2430 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 9 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 21th July 2007, 22:15, which states :
(Note : Summarised Translation provided by Ines) :
"Mr and Mrs Powell informed that they saw a girl who was very
similar to Madeleine near to a swimming pool at on the 21st July
2007, at a beach hotel in Nissaki, Corfu, Greece. The girl was
with a couple who spoke English. They gave a description of the
couple. A contact tel. no., '013048xxxx', has also been
included, together with a numbered Page reference to Page 2429,
which is a "Missing or Misplaced" page within the Files. This
entry has obscured part of this report)
The report then continues thus :
(Note : Which is a differing report re another sighting by a
Jessica van Tuinen, but indicates that it was in a Restaurant in
Laugres, France, (27th July 2007), (as is indicated in the
following Report, on Page 2431)
...........?............saw a girl who looks
............?...........know for sure she was Madeleine. I'm in
Spain at the Hotel Rosa Nautica until August 8th. You can call
me for more information at the number : '00349376xxxxx' (Room
202). My cellphone number is '00316462xxxxx'.
We made a picture of the Restaurant and we saw there were
cameras so I hope you can use this information.
Yours sincerely,
Jessica van Tuinen
Hxxxxxxxxxxx 41,
8925 GN
05/08/2007 |
sighting by a Jessica van Tuinen, in a Restaurant in Laugres,
France, (27th July 2007) |
05 02 11, Page
2431 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2431 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
11)....(PDF Page 62 )....Page 2431?"Portuguese Language
reference Report re reported sighting by a Jessica van Tuinen,
in a Restaurant in Laugres, France, (27th July 2007)"
Page 2431 (Page 1 of 1 )
(Note :
This page contains 6 lines of a Portuguese Language reference to
a reported sighting. Dated 3rd August 2007, timed 13:05. ((
Summarised Translation provided by Ines))
"Reported sighting by a Jessica van Tuinen, from Holland, on the
27th July 2007, she saw a girl resembling Madeleine at a
restaurant in the north of France in Laugres, together with
information that Ms van Tuinen can now be contacted at the Rosa
Nautica Hotel, Spain, up to 8th August 2007" |
Email re sighting in Vietnam |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Page 2442 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2442 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Page 63 )....Page 2442?"E-Mail re
reported sighting in Vietnam.(Actual date of reported sighting
appears to be not referenced in this report)"
Page 2442 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 3
Task Portugal
From : Hughes John (DC) (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Se(?nt) : ..........................................
...................................................is a possible
searches and can't
a number which is
no Interpol
(Note : Here, is a brief
handwritten entry of 3 lines, in the Portuguese Language, which
refer to a reported sighting in Vietnam. There is also a
numbered reference to Page 2441, which is a "Missing or
Misplaced" page within the Files. This entry has obscured part
of this report)
A further handwritten entry, of 3 short lines, in the English
Language is also included :
Action needs (A1829)
reviewing by
Portuguese Police.
21/07/2007 |
- Service information
re sighting in Croatia |
Translation by Ines |
Apensos V, Volume XI Page 2444 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2444 |
Policia Judiciaria
Service Information
Date: 2007-08-05
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Luis Vilaca
Subject: Communication about Madeleine McCann
I inform you that today at about 22.00 a phone call was received
from number 003852*** from a male individual, who just
identified himself as SLOBODAN and who claimed to phoning from
Croatia, speaking in English.
During this call, the individual said that on the 22nd July
2007, his two daughters who were on holiday with him in Belgium,
specifically in Liège, near a TOTAL petrol station, had seen a
girl with very similar physical features to those of Madeleine
McCann, the girl was accompanied by a couple who were travelling
in a dark coloured vehicle (dark blue) with number plate
He said that he is prepared to collaborate with police
authorities, in the sense of providing any element that could be
useful to the investigation, he can be contacted on the number
mentioned earlier.
These are the facts that I bring to your attention.
Inspector Vilaca |
- Service information
re sighting in Benidorm |
Translation by Ines |
Apensos V, Volume XI Page 2445 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2445 |
Policia Judiciaria
Service Information
Date: 29-08-2007
To: Chief Inspector Tavares de Almeida
From: Carla Esteves, Translation Section
Subject: Information about Sighting of Madeleine McCann
On the 29-08-2007 I received a telephone call, having spoken to
Mrs Jule Taylor who, very upset and anguished said that this was
not the first time she had contacted the PJ and that she had
also contacted Crimestoppers (from Benidorm) and Task Portugal
in Leicestershire about the following: She saw a girl in
Benidorm, whom she thinks was Madeleine, at an ATM cashpoint
machine outside Banco Banesto, Av Mediterraneo 43. She appeared
to be about 4 years old, very white skin, fine lips (which
caught her attention) and wearing child’s sunglasses. The girl
looked at Mrs Taylor, but they did not speak, because she was
accompanied by a white man and a Filipino girl. The man withdrew
money, using his card, from the ATM next to Mrs Taylor at 11.46-
11.47 on the 22-07-2007.
Mrs Taylor is not claiming any type of reward, however, she
requests the PJ to contact the Spanish police in Benidorm, in
order to obtain the recordings of the operations made that day
at the ATM cashpoint machine, in order to identify the subject.
Mrs Taylor herself attempted to establish contact with the
Banesto bank in Benidorm but nobody spoke English.
She referred various times to the insistent contacts that she
had made because she is convinced that the girl was indeed
Madeleine McCann.
Carla Esteves |
Email re sighting in Florida |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Page 2446 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2446 |
able of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Page 70 )....Page 2446?"Email re
reported sighting in Florida, USA, (In late July, 2007"
Page 2446 (Page 1 of 1 )
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Sent : 4th September 2007 14:20
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Possible sighting Florida
From : Hughes John (DC) (
Sent : 4th September 2007 14:06
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : Possible sighting Florida
For assessment and action as necessary.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Leicestershire Constabulary.
2447 to 2452
Police report re sighting in
Walt Disney World
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Pages 2447-2452 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2447 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2448 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2449 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2450 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2451 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2452 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
11)....(PDF Pages 71-76 )....Pages 2447 to 2452?"Police Report
re reported sighting in Walt Disney World, Florida, USA, (In
late July 2007) "
Page 2447 (Page 1 of 6 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A3220 : Priority : L
Text :
Instigate Interpol enquiries Disney World, Florida re MCCANN N1
and the possibility of her presence there.
UPDATED on 31/08/2007
CLAPSON N4056 resides : x, Cxxxxxx Vxxxxx, Mxxx Rxxx,
Gainsborough, Lincolnshire.
Home telephone number : 016526xxxxx
Allocated To : Hughes DC 443
Originating Document No. : A3069
Result of Action (Please write clearly) :
As policy, this action scanned and E-mailed to Portugal for
action as required.
Resulted A3069 and M2103 also sent.
Operation Task - MFH MCCANN
Page 2448 (Page 2 of 6 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A3220 (Cont)
Reporting Officer(s)
(Show Rank, Name and Number) :
DC443 Hughes
Date Returned : 4/9/07 : Time : 2pm
Operation Task - MFH MCCANN
Page 2449 (Page 3 of 6 )
Action Record Print
Action No. : A3069 : Priority : M
Text :
MP - Telephone CLAPSON N4056 re his possible sighting at Walt
Disney World. Get any further information re dates and times. If
further information known consider Interpol enquiries.
Home Telephone Number : 016526xxxxx
Home address : x, Cxxxxxx Vxxxxx, Mxxx Rxxx, Gainsborough,
Please note : N4056 works nights. Please ring after 1500hrs.
Allocated To : BURROWS DC 4186
Originating Document No. : M2103
Result of Action (Please write clearly) :
Resulted on 31/08/2007
30/08/07 9am C Burrows DC 4186
Contacted Anthony Stanley CLAPSON, dob 12/1/55, of Cxxxxxx
Vxxxxx, Mxxx Rxxx, Redbourne, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DNxx
Mr Clapson was on holiday at the Old Key West Resort, Disney
World, in Florida, between 22/7/07 and 05/08/07.
Towards the ned of the first week, (exact date not known), he
was on a Disney bus at approximately 3.00pm - mid afternoon,
travelling between MGM Studios and Saratoga Springs.
He saw a small girl with a male, and he believes the girl looked
like Madeleine.
Description : - 3-4yrs, shoulder length blonde hair, pink
summery type dress. She was carrying a Disney plastic carrier
bag and had a photograph of herself with "Bella" from "Beauty
and the Beast".
Male described as : - white, mid 50's, 5' 9". - No other
He thought the interaction between the girl and the male was
strange in that she just sat there, and the man never spoke to
her at all. Mr Clapson was sitting 3-4 feet away and on seeing
further photographs of Madeleine on the news he thought the
child was her. He did not see any defect on her eye however. He
believes they got off at Saratoga and were possibly staying at
the resort.
Receivers Instructions :
Fully result action.
RA Instigate Interpol enquiries - Disney World, Florida.
SE 4031 31/8/07
Operation Task - MFH MCCANN
Page 2450 (Page 4 of 6 )
Action Record Print
Action No. : A3069 (Cont)
Incident Message : M2103 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 07/08/2007 : Time : 21:39 : Priority : LOW
Type : Phone In
Code : Misc : Description : Miscellaneous
Message From/To : FROM
Title/Rank/Number : PC
Surname : KENT
Forename(s) : -
Sex : Unknown
Address : Humberside Police
Information :
Rec By : TPHONE : Ident : BC25 - 7570 2139 07/08/07
Origin : PC KENT, Humberside Police - Mr ANTHONY CHALPSON(sic) -
Third PTY
Text : Reporting that whilst on holiday in Walt Disney World,
sighting of Madeleine McCann last week - cannot be sure of date
- he believes he saw Madeleine on a coach between MGA(sic)
Studios and Saratoga Resort - She was with a white male age mid
50's, 5' 9", medium build, grey short hair, clean shaven, no
Title : Possible sighting
Inc type : Admin : Grade 4 : Occ Time : 21:39 : Date : 07/08/07
: Sect : DK
OIC : 7570 : CIV : JE : COOLEY : BC : : : Call Management
Operation Task - MFH MCCANN
Page 2451 (Page 5 of 6 )
Action Record Print
Action No. : A3069 (Cont)
21:43 7570 - BC25 Incident confirmed
21:44 7570 - BC25 - Both sat on the bus, they did not speak, the
young girl seemed to be holding photo of herself taken of Bella
the Disney Character. These photos would have been taken by an
employee. These photos are kept on system for 30 days.
21:45 7570 - BC25 Incident linked to 209 26/06/07
21:46 7570 - BC25 Incident Result ODI : Admin Duplicate Incident
21:46 7570 - BC25 Incident closed
Receiver Instructions :
Sighting N1 in Disneyland, Florida
(R/A) Tel contact Anthony Chalpson(sic). Any further info
Times/Dates. If further details known consider Interpol
Eddie GRAY 9514
Cont'd - Rang 10/08/07. Incorrect Details. Should be Anthony
CLAPSON, x, Cxxxxxx Vxxxxx, Mxxx Rxxx, Redbourne, Gainsborough,
Lincolnshire. Ring after 3.00pm as Mr Clapson works nights.
Eddie GRAY 9514
Person receiving/sending : Receiving
Title/Rank/ID Number : 7570
Forename(s) : JANE
Surname : COOLEY
Operation Task - MFH MCCANN
Page 2452 (Page 6 of 6 )
Incident Room
Action Log Print
Action No. : A3069 Queue State : Resulted
Action Resume : MP - Telephone Clapson N4056 re his possible
sighting at Walt Disney W(?orld)
10/08/2007 1351 LLL7809 Raised from : M2103
13/08/2007 0851 SE4031 Allocated to : Burrows DC 4186
31/08/2007 1052 SE4031 Completed
31/08/2007 1130 BF JA7659 Resulted : 30/08/2007 9am C Burrows DC
Contacted Anthony Stanley CLAPSON, dob 12/1/55, of Cxxxxxx
Vxxxxx, Mxxx Rxxx, Redbourne, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DNxx
Mr Clapson was on holiday at the Old Key West Resort, Disney
World, in Florida, between 22/7/07 and 05/08/07.
Towards the ned of the first week, (exact date not known), he
was on a Disney bus at approximately 3.00pm - mid afternoon,
travelling between MGM Studios and Saratoga Springs.
He saw a small girl with a male, and he believes the girl looked
like Madeleine.
Description : - 3-4yrs, shoulder length blonde hair, pink
summery type dress. She was carrying a Disney plastic carrier
bag and had a photograph of herself with "Bella" from "Beauty
and the Beast".
Male described as : - white, mid 50's, 5' 9". - No other
He thought the interaction between the girl and the male was
strange in that she just sat there, and the man never spoke to
her at all. Mr Clapson was sitting 3-4 feet away and on seeing
further photographs of Madeleine on the news he thought the
child was her. He did not see any defect on her eye however. He
believes they got off at Saratoga and were possibly staying at
the resort.
Receivers Instructions :
Fully result action.
RA Instigate Interpol enquiries - Disney World, Florida.
SE 4031 31/8/07
31/08/2007 1130 BFJA7659 Recorded by : Burrows DC 4186
Operation Task - MFH MCCANN |
Letter re sighting
in/near Gotthard Tunnel |
Apensos V, Volume XI Page 2453 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2453 |
Policia Judiciaria
National Interpol Cabinet
IP Lisbon – IP London
Subject: Information that Madeleine McCann has allegedly been
Upon the request of the regional Zeeland police force, we inform
you of the following:
The following sighting was communicated to Zeeland police, the
person who reported the sighting stated that he did not know the
telephone number of the Swiss police and that is why he directly
contacted the Dutch police.
The statement was made by M. Warrens from Hulst.
At about 14.00 yesterday (22-7-2007) the family was driving in
Switzerland, near to the Gotthard tunnel, heading for Holland,
as the traffic was slow, for an hour they were stuck behind an
blue/grey Alfa Romeo with number plate ZH615-467 ( a Swiss car).
The car was driven by a white man, with long hair in a pony
tail, aged 30-40, wearing Bermudas and a white T-shirt.
When the cars stopped, the man left the vehicle several times,
in a very nervous state, trying to lock the car in the back of
which was a small girl.
The man tried to get out of the traffic jam, but didn’t manage.
When he did manage, he left at great speed.
He was very nervous, the girl on the back seat, was wrapped in a
towel and appeared to about 4 years old, with fair hair in a
straight cut.
With compliments,
IP The Hague
23-06-2007 |
Email re Malta sighting |
05-11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Page 2457 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2457 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Page 83 )....Page 2457?"Email re
reported Malta sighting, ( date of sighting ???)"
Page 2457 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 24th July 2007 16:47
Subject : A2889-for review.
Can the Incident Room see this action, a Malta sighting. We have
not asked for any work on it.
Dc John Hughes
(Note : Here, is a short
entry of 1 line, handwritten in the English Language)
Action needs viewing
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 3 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
24th July 2007, which refers to a reported sighting in Malta. No
indication of any other location details or the actual date of
25/07/2007 |
2458 - Statement re sighting
in Catholic Church in
Adelaide |
Apensos V, Vol XI Page 2458 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2458 |
Policia Judiciaria
National Interpol Cabinet
Interpol Lisbon London Information for IP Lyon GS.
Subject: Madeleine McCann supposed sighting after a TV programme
in Adelaide.
We inform you that a person states having seen Madeleine in the
Catholic church Francisco Xavier. The information was received
after a TV programme in Adelaide, in the south of Australia. No
information was provided about the girl’s whereabouts.
Here is a copy of the information:
Beginning of quote:
On 8th August 2007 at 19.21, the AFP service employee, Luke
Nation, received a telephone call from Lucy Safrazian.
Lucy claims to have seen the missing girl from the Algarve,
Madeleine McCann about two weeks ago in the Francisco Xavier
Catholic church, Wakefield Street, Adelaide. Madeleine was
wearing a grey man’s shirt, Lucy decided to phone the police
after having seen news about Madeleine McCann. Her number is ***
Comments/measures taken:
Madeleine McCann born 12-05-2003 is the English girl missing
from Portugal. Searches identified Lucy Safrazian as being a
resident of Klemzig, Sout Australia.
The Francisco Xavier cathedral is situated at 33 Wakefield
Street, Adelaide, South Australia,
End of quote.
With compliments
IP Camberra
Email re Spain sighting |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Page 2459 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2459 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Page 86 )....Page 2459?"Email re
Spain sighting, (Date of sighting ???)"
Page 2459 (Page 1 of 1 )
Poss sighting Spain-for review
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Sent : 4th September 2007 11:56
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Poss sighting Spain-for review
From : Hughes John (DC) (
Sent : 4th September 2007 11:05
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : FW : Poss sighting Spain-for review.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Leicestershire Constabulary.
04-09-2007 |
2460 to 2461
Police report re sighting in Torre Vieja |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Pages 2460 to 2461 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2460 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2461 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
11)....(PDF Pages 87-88 )....Pages 2460 to 2461?"Police Report
re reported sightings in Playa Flamenca Complex, Torrevieja,
Spain.(29th and 31st July 2007)"
Page 2460 (Page 1 of 2 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A3032 : Priority : L
Text :
Arrange Interpol enquiries re possible sighting of N1 at a bar
in Playa Flamenco(sic), Spain, on 29th July 2007, between 2100
and 2200 hrs. Name of bar not known but was next door to
Horatio's Bar. Street name not known but around the corner from
holiday home of caller of 12, Al Ancalus, Playa Flamenca, Spain.
Updated on 13th August 2007
Bar was in the Playa Flameca(sic) Complex, Torreveija. Caller
saw again 31st July 2007 in same Complex - ID Female with child
who caller thinks works in Bar or Supermarket in Complex.
Allocated To : HUGHES DC 443
Originating Document No. : D3097
Associated Documents : D3258
Listed Actions : A3033
Previous Results :
PENDED to 15th September 2007
Pend awaiting TST action
Operation Task - MFH MCCANN
Page 2461 (Page 2 of 2 )
Allocate Action
Action No. : A3032 (Cont)
Operation Task - MFH MCCANN
(Note : Other than the above, this is an unfilled Form Format
Document) |
- Intelligence
report from Kent Police re: sighting Spain |
05 11 pensos V,
Vol 11, Page 2462 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2462 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Page 89 )....Page 2462?"E-Mail re
reported sighting in an Indonesian Restaurant in Denia, Costa
Brava, Spain, (25th July 2007)"
Page 2462 (Page 1 of 1 )
Newton Martin
From : Trevor PYNE PSE 54730 (
Sent : 8th August 2007 12:09
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : Madeleine McCann
Attachments : Intelligence Report (Part 1).doc : Part 2
Intelligence Report.doc : Trevor PYNE PSE 54730.vcf
Please find attached a two page Intelligence Report concerning a
possible sighting of Madeleine McCann in Spain on 25th July
Trevor Pyne
North Kent Intel, Dartford
Internal 01 - xxxx
01322 283136
08/08/2007 |
2463 to 2464
"Intelligence report from Kent Police re reported sighting in an
Indonesian Restaurant in Denia, Costa Brava, Spain, (25th July
2007 |
05 11 Apensos V, Vol 11, Pages 2463-2464 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2463 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2464 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Pages 90-91 )....Pages 2463 to
2464?"Intelligence report from Kent Police re reported sighting
in an Indonesian Restaurant in Denia, Costa Brava, Spain, (25th
July 2007) "
Page 2463 (Page 1 of 2 )
Kent Police
Intelligence Report
Organisation-Unit / Area : Kent Police ACMU AZ
Reporting Officer : PSI : 56147 Hammond
Date and Time of Report : 08/08/2007 10:48
Subject : ??? Madeleine McCann
Call received in ACMU from Mrs CUBIT, 014747xxxxx, of xx,
Sxxxxxxxxx, New Barn, (Kent), DAx xxL, at around 10:30hrs today
(08/08/07). Inft states she believes she sighted Madeleine
McCann on 25th July 2007, at around 1930hrs in an Indonesian
Restaurant at Denis, Costa Brava, Spain. Inft states this
Restaurant is called "Indonesian" and is located on a main road.
Inft was with her friend, Mrs Brenda Dallard, 014748xxxxx, of
Ixx Dxxx, Sxxxx Sxxxxx, Wxxxxxx Rxxx, Meopham, (Kent). Inft
states they went to the Restaurant for dinner. Whilst there, a
family came in. There was a woman, man, a young male teenager,
two younger males and a small 4 year old thought to be Maddie.
Inft states the girl did not smile once and she immediately
caught their eye as they were aware of the Madeleine McCann
case. They did not say anything at the time as they thought it
might be that she just looked similar to pictures in the paper
and they did not want to make a scene. Also, none of the waiters
in the Restaurant spoke English. Inft stated the child looked
uneasy and called the man and woman 'mum' and 'dad' in pure
English. She was pale with blonde hair while the rest of the
family she was with had dark hair and were all very tanned. The
woman passed her a book of English fairytales to look at. Inft
did not know if the rest of the family spoke English and they
were very hushed. Inft also thought it was quite strange that
the young girl looked around 4 or 5 years old but was wearing a
pull-up nappy. Inft stated she looked as if she could have been
ill. Inft spoke to a friend when she returned to England, who
stated she should have spoken to Police. Inft then saw pictures
of Maddie on the news last night, one of the pictures showed her
looking uneasy as the girl had looked in the Restaurant. Inft is
sure this is the same girl.
Dissemination To : Leicestershire Police.
Intel Unit : North Kent.
Page 2484 (Page 2 of 2 )
Kent Police
Intelligence Report
Organisation-Unit / Area : Kent Police ACMU AZ
Reporting Officer : PSI : 56147 Hammond
Date and Time of Report : 08/08/2007 11:14
Subject : ??? Madeleine McCann
Contacted Brenda Dallard, 014748xxxxx, of Ixx Dxxx, Sxxxx
Sxxxxx, Wxxxxxx Rxxx, Meopham, (Kent), DAxx xxJ. Inft
corroborated information passed on to me originally by her
friend, Mrs Cubit, (014747xxxxx). Inft stated that on 25th july
2007 at around 19.30hrs (sic). Inft stated the Restaurant they
went to is called "The Indonesian" and as far as Inft is aware,
it is the only Restaurant in Denia. Inft stated the Restaurant
is on the main sea-side road, not the motorway, and it iis
halfway between Alicante and Valencia, about 3/4 miles outside
the main town of Denia. Inft and her friend noticed who they
thought was Maddie and were stunned at the similarity. Inft
stated the girl in the Restaurant looked slightly younger than
the photos in the paper but otherwise, the spitting image. She
was wearing white and she was pale with blonde hair. She was
sitting with a family who had tanned olive skin and dark hair.
She called the old male and female 'mummy' and 'daddy and they
spoke to her in Spanish, with the odd English word here and
there. Inft thought this strange as Spanish children do not call
their parents mummy and daddy. Inft stated that the young girl
was wearing a pull-up nappy as mentioned by her friend. Inft
could not say anything to the people in the Restaurant as they
were all Dutch and could not speak English. The young girl went
through the woman's bag and pulled out a comfort toy and an
English storybook. There was a teenager with the family who sat
with her and was always cuddling her and kissing her head. Inft
stated this had been playing on her mind ever since.
She did not want to say anything in case she was wasting Police
time and did not know what to do at the time because she could
not speak to the Restaurant staff. Inft is willing to pass on
whatever information would be further required.
Dissemination To : Leicestershire Police.
Intel Unit : North Kent. |
Email re sighting in Latvia
2467 to 2468
Email re sighting
in Riga
Finnish police report re Riga sighting |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Pages 2466 to 2469 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2466 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2467 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2468 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2469 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Pages 92-95 )....Pages 2466 to
2469?"Email, and Finnish Police Report, re reported sighting in
Riga, Latvia, by a Mrs A. M. Bjors, (a Finnish National) (June
16th 2007)"
Page 2466 (Page 1 of 4 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 30th July 2007 17:18
Attach : 150526_063.doc
Subject : Possible sighting, Riga, Latvia.
Please bring the attached to the attention of the Incident Room.
It's a possible sighting in Latvia reported through the Finnish
Police. The account is an attachment on the bottom of the
attachment on this E-mail.
It can take a few seconds to appear.
I have also replied to Interpol that 'Cxxxxx' and 'Bxxxxxxxxx'
are no longer of interest and should be cancelled.
For action as required.
Dc John Hughes
From : jane.whiting@soca.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 25th July 2007 14:38
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
; john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : 4H-2395710-07 : IE150526_063.doc Op Task,
4H-2395710-07, Re : McCann
STOP - Please reply to :
To : Operation Task
Your ref : -
Our ref : 4H-2395710-07
Concerning : Madeleine McCann
Please note the attached message from Europol re sighting in
Riga. There is also a query from the Dutch regarding 'Bxxxxxxxxx'
and 'Cxxxxx'. I thought these two were no longer regarded as
suspects, perhaps you could clarify this.
Jane Whiting
Page 2467 (Page 2 of 4 )
Intelligence Officer
SOCA - International Division
Multilateral Operations
Tel : 020 7238 8115
Fax : 020 7238 8112
E-mail :
From : Liaison Bureau UK
Sent : 25th July 2007 14:12
To : London
Subject : IE150526_063.doc Op Task, 4H-2395710-07, Re : McCann
Op Task, 4H-2395710-07, Re : McCann
Dear Team,
Finland has sent us a witness statement re. a sighting of
Madeleine McCann in Riga by a Finnish woman. The description of
her being 'earth near' should be translated as 'down to earth'.
Can you forward this to the OP Task team.
I have also had a request from the Dutch Police with regard to
whether they can publish details of suspects 'Bxxxxxxxxx' and 'Cxxxxx'
on their Police Internal Website. Please advise.
Kind regards,
Page 2468 (Page 3 of 4 )
Page 2469 (Page 4 of 4 )
Finnish Liaison Office
Europol Information Exchange
Finnish Law Enforcement Authorities
IE : 150526_063 : Refers to IE : 150526_027
ENU ID : RTP/4061/203/H3/07/KDA
Reply From : Finland (FI)
Sent To : United kingdom (GB)
Main Subject : Kidnapping and Hostage Taking
Creation : 2007-07-25 : Time : 14:16 +01:00
Submission : 2007-07-25 : Time : 14:22 +01:00
Dear Colleagues,
The Field Office of the National Bureau of Investigation /
Finland, in the town of Vaasa, recieved on July 24th, 2007, a
tip concerning the missing child McCann, forename : Madeleine.
Mrs. Bjors, First names : Airi Margaretha, reported to the
Police that she had been pondering on an incident that happened
in the Latvian Capital, Riga, on 16th June, 2007. Furthermore,
Mrs Bjors explained that she could not let out of her mind that
she might have seen Madeleine McCann in Riga. Mrs Bjors felt
that she had to report her observation to the Police.
Please find attached, a translated copy of the examination
record with Mrs Bjors concerning her observation in Riga.
Mrs Bjors is described as an 'earth near', (Note : "down to
earth"), sober minded person.
Kind regards,
Jyrki Weckman
Ext. 1102
Finnish Liaison Office. |
2471 to 2476
Email re sighting in Mexico |
05 11 Apensos V, Vol 11, Pages 2471 to
2476 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2471 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2472 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2473 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2474 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2475 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2476 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Pages 96-101 )....Pages
2471-2476?"Emails re Request for a Review re reported sighting
in Mexico City, (25th July 2007)"
(Note : The previous report by this
woman has already been posted "Apensos V, Vol 9,
PAGES 2031 to 2032
Page 2471 (Page 1 of 5 )
Priority 5
Task Portugal
From : "Hughes John (DC)" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Cc :
Sent : 30th July 2007 16:12
Subject : Possible sighting Mexico - review needed.
We are told this possible sighting from Mexico has already been
passed to the Incident Room in Portugal. The Met Police Missing
Persons Bureau, have suggested it should go to Mexico. We have
not done so and will only if the Incident Room request it.
Please advise if needed.
Dc John Hughes.
From :
Sent : 27th July 2007 13:41
To :
Subject : FW : 4H-2395710-07 Urgent - Info re possible abducted
child - please pass to Police in Mexico.
Imprtance : High.
STOP - Please reply to :
To : Operation Task
Your ref : -
Our ref : 4H-2395710-07
Concerning : Madeleine McCann
Please note the attached message from Missing Persons Bureau at
I shall await your advice before actioning this further with
Jane Whiting
Intelligence Officer
SOCA - International Division
Multilateral Operations
Tel : 020 7238 8115
Page 2472 (Page 2 of 5 )
Fax : 020 7238 8112
E-mail :
___________Original Message__________
From :
On behalf of
Sent : 27th July 2007 10:16
To : London
Subject : Urgent - Info re possible abducted child - please pass
to Police in Mexico
Importance : High
Please see below message received by us in relation to the
Madeleine McCann case. We have passed this message to their
Investigative Team in Portugal, however due to the circumstances
of this case it would be appreciated if this Information could
be sent to the Police in Mexico as a matter of urgency to allow
further Investigation to be made.
Thank you,
Alan Blackburn (Intelligence Officer)
UK Police National Missing Persons Bureau (PNMPB)
Room 209
New Scotland Yard
Page 2473 (Page 3 of 5 )
10 Broadway
Tel : +44(0)20-7230 4029
Fax : +44(0)20-7230 2153
E-mail :
Website :
____________Original Message_______
From : Gxxxxxxx G. Bxxxxxxxxx (
Sent : 26th July 2007 19:15
To : pnmpb enquiries - SCD26
Dear sirs,
My English isn't good, but I hope you can understand it.
Yesterday I saw something unusual. I was visiting friends when I
heard a scream asking for help. A little girl was screaming,
"Help me, help me !", from a department in the first floor of an
old building. Two things got my attention : her look (a girl
between 5 and 7 years, she wasn't speaking Spanish and she had
blond hair), in her voice there was fear. I found one Police
Patrol and I said to Policeman what I saw and heard. They asked
help to another Policeman, but they didn't enter the building.
When they were on the street, the child was in silence and we
could see a young man there.
The Policemen didn't do anything. Today in the morning, I asked
a grocery owner who lives in that building. He told me that
there are bad people living there, that they are a band
protected by Mexican Policemen and I shouldn't say nothing about
that because they are dangerous.
Of course, I'm not sure that this little girl could be
Madeleine, but I felt that I have to say you about that.
The address is Union 133, Col. Escand?, Mexico 11800, Mexico,
D.F. This building is on Union Street between Progreso Street
and Jose Marti Street. The apartment is on the first floor.
There aren't windows.
My name is Gxxxxxxx G. Bxxxxxxxxx
My mobile is 52 044 55 13 3 xxxxx
Page 2474
(Note : This is a blank page
within the Files)
Page 2475 (Page 4 of 5 )
Priority 3
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 6th August 2007 14:38
Subject : FW : MADELEINE McCANN - FROM MEXICO CITY susp incident
Mexico priority 3
From :
Sent : 27th July 2007 10:11
To :
Cc :
Please see below e-mail received from a member of the public in
Mexico for your reference.
Alan Blackburn (Intelligence Officer)
UK Police National Missing Persons Bureau (PNMPB)
Room 209
New Scotland Yard
10 Broadway
Tel : +44(0)20-7230 4029
Fax : +44(0)20-7230 2153
E-mail :
Website :
________Original Message_______
From : Gxxxxxxx G. Bxxxxxxxxx (
Sent : 26th July 2007 19:15
To : pnmpb enquiries - SCD26
Page 2476 (Page 5 of 5 )
Dear sirs,
My English isn't good, but I hope you can understand it.
Yesterday I saw something unusual. I was visiting friends when I
heard a scream asking for help. A little girl was screaming,
"Help me, help me !", from a department in the first floor of an
old building. Two things got my attention : her look (a girl
between 5 and 7 years, she wasn't speaking Spanish and she had
blond hair), in her voice there was fear. I found one Police
Patrol and I said to Policeman what I saw and heard. They asked
help to another Policeman, but they didn't enter the building.
When they were on the street, the child was in silence and we
could see a young man there.
The Policemen didn't do anything. Today in the morning, I asked
a grocery owner who lives in that building. He told me that
there are bad people living there, that they are a band
protected by Mexican Policemen and I shouldn't say nothing about
that because they are dangerous.
Of course, I'm not sure that this little girl could be
Madeleine, but I felt that I have to say you about that.
The address is Union 133, Col. Escand?, Mexico 11800, Mexico,
D.F. This building is on Union Street between Progreso Street
and Jose Marti Street. The apartment is on the first floor.
There aren't windows.
My name is Gxxxxxxx G. Bxxxxxxxxx
My mobile is 52 044 55 13 3 xxxxx
06/08/2007 |
Interpol Letter re Finnish
police specialist dogs |
Apensos V, Vol
XI Page 2488 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2488 |
Policia Judiciaria
National Interpol Cabinet
Fax 06, August, 2007
Interpol Lisbon
V/Ref Madeleine McCann and
Robert Murat
According to press reports, your
investigation team is carrying out new searches of Robert
Murat’s property, namely in his garden. Within this context, we
would like to inform you that the Finnish police have dogs
trained to find bodies, parts of human bodies and even very
small organic human remains, even where a body has not been
found. DNA profiles can be made from traces found by a dog
trained for that purpose.
For many years dogs trained to
find bodies have been successfully used in Finland, in order to
examine crime scenes. Some of these dogs have also participated
in missions abroad, mainly to find drowned persons or persons
who died in catastrophes.
We request that you inform us
whether we can provide this type of help to your team of
investigators for the case in question.
With compliments,
IP Helsinki
Hand written note: We would be
grateful for a reply to this offer so that we can inform IP
IP Lisbon |
Email re sighting in Marrakesh |
05 11 Apensos V, Vol 11, Page 2494 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2494 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Page 120 )....Page 2494?"Email re
reported sighting in Marrakesh, Morocco, (27th July 2007)"
Page 2494 (Page 1 of 1 )
Inc 255 26/9/07
From : Huhghes John (DC) (
On behalf of Task (
Sent : 1st October 2007 9:16
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : FW : Inc 255 26/9/07
From : Sivyer, Daniel (
Sent : 27th September 2007 22:07
To :
Cc : Williams, Mark
Subject : Inc 255 26/9/07
Rec By : PHONE : Serial 255 : Ident : WW940 - c5565 1425
Phone : 016665xxxxx Not a TK
Location : MARRAKESH/ Out of Force Area
Origin : Mrs Fiona WHARTON, Lxxxxx Fxxxxx, Cxxxxxxxxx Lxxx,
Tetbury, (Gloucestershire). Third Party.
Text : Whilst on a family holiday in Marrakesh her daughter,
aged 20, says that she saw a Berber female holding the hand of a
small child blonde. The woman was dressed in black. Her daughter
cannot be sure that this is Madeleine McCann. Her hair was
shorter than shown in the Press. 27th July 2007.
Inc type : Misc_INC : Grade : 4 : Occ Time 1425 : Date 26/09/07
: Ras : OFA
Result : OFA_INC
OIC : 59999 : PC : Not allocated : SH : UNF : Headquarters
1429 C5565-WW940 Incident confirmed
1436 C5565-WW940 E-mail to
1436 C5565-WW940 OIC updated 59999
1436 C5565-WW940 Incident Result M02 : Other Force Area Incident
1436 C5565-WW940 Incident closed
1339 50745-CJG02 CG22 - Allocated to PC Sivyer to follow up as
per Op Task
1418 51692-CJG20 Full incident primted : Printed for 51692
: Printed all pages to CJREC1
2146 51692-CRG00 PC 1692 Sivyer -
Spoke to the caller who informed me that her daughter, Camila
Wharton, had gone to University in Newcastle, and will not be
back until Christmas. She gave me her address as, xxx, Hxxxx
Axxxxx, Jxxxxxx, Newcastle, NEx XXB. Tel '077407xxxxx'. I spoke
to her on the number given and she stated that on 27th July 2007
she was in Central Square, Marrakesh, Morocco, when she saw a
blonde child aged 2-3 years old, walking hand-in-hand with a
female Berber dressed in black. She was approximately 10 metres
away, visibility was good and nothing was obstructing her view.
However she only glanced in her direction for a split second,
and it was only later that she thought about it. That she
thought it was strange. She only saw the female and the child
from the rear, and cannot say if it was Madeleine. She only
mentioned this to her mum in passing, and cannot say for certain
it was Madeleine. She also stated that her hair was a lot
01-10-2007 |
Email re sighting in Tongeren, Belgium |
05 11 Apensos V, Vol 11, Page 2496 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2496 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11,
Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Page 121
)....Page 2496?"Email re reported sighting in Tongeren, Belgium,
(28th July 2007)"
Page 2496 (Page 1 of 1 )
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Sent : 3rd August 2007 10:25
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann
From : Directoria.Faro
Sent : 3rd August 2007 9:23
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann
From : David Thomas (
Sent : 2nd August 2007 21:48
To :
Cc : Directoria.Faro
Subject : Madeleine McCann
Nxxxxxx Dx Jxxxx - Dutch Paedophile possibly seen with Madeleine
McCann on Saturday in Belgium The apparent sighting was in
Tonergen in Belgium.
Here is a picture of him -
This man bears a huge resemblance to the photofit issued by
Please check it out.
Thanking you,
Alison Thomas
03/08/2007 |
Letter re sighting in Tongeren, Belgium |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Page 2497 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2496 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
11)....(PDF Page 123 )....Page 2497?"Letter re reported sighting
in Tongeren, Belgium, (28th July 2007)"
Page 2497 (Page 1 of 1 )
Date 3rd August 2007 08:03
Details from Leicester Police OIS Ref 701/03/08/07 timed at 1758
Phone call from Rachel Toner of Interpol
Tel 0207 2388 115
Stating has had contact with SOCO Officer in Belgium re sighting
last Saturday in a village called Tongeren. He states that they
have a partial VRM from a Volvo which they are working on to
They have also seized eating utensils from the cafe and are
currently processing the DNA.
They also have an artist's sketch of an IC1 Europeam male
believed to be Dutch which can be sent to Leicester Police.
This Belgium SOCO Officer is Andy French who is contactable on
He is requesting that he be contacted this evening (3.8.07) if
possible although he states that he will not be able to send
through the information until Monday.
(Note :
Here, is a handwritten entry of 12 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, which refers to the above quoted details) |
Email re sighting in Spain |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Page 2498 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2498 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Page 125 )....Page 2498?"Email re
Review Request re reported sighting in Spain, (No indication
herein, re which reported Spanish sighting this refers to)"
Page 2498 (Page 1 of 1 )
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Sent : 4th September 2007 11:55
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Poss sighting Spain - for review
From Hughes John (DC) (
Sent : 4th September 2007 11:46
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : Poss sighting Spain - for review.
Please see attached and arrange action as required.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Leicestershire Constabulary.
04/09/2007 |
2499 to 2501
Email re sighting in Playa Famenco, Spain |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Pages 2499 to 2501 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2499 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2500 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2501 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Pages 126-128 )....Pages 2499 to
2501?"Email re reported sighting in Playa Famenca Complex,
Torrevieja, Spain, (29th July 2007)"
Note: Previous Reference
re this reported sighting is on
2460 to 2461
Page 2499 (Page 1 of 3 )
Newton Martin
From :
Sent : 31st July 2007 17:33
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : **Operation Task**
Attachments : Op task email.doc
Please see attached for full details.
Sarah Botham
Communications Room
South Yorkshire Police
Ext 6xxx
Page 2500 (Page 2 of 3 )
Call from Mrs Dawn Jones of xx, Hxxxxx Lxxx, Sheffield, (South
Caller is currently in Spain at her holiday home - 12, Al
Ancalus, Playa Flamenco(sic), Spain.
On the evening of Sunday 29th July between 2100hrs and 2200hrs
Mrs Jones believes she sighted Madeleine McCann.
She was going to the pub-bar 'Haratios' (street name unknownbut
just around the corner from caller's holiday home). The area was
busy so herself and her husband had parked their car around the
corner and walked past a bar (name unknown but next door to bar
'Haratios') to get to bar 'Haratios'.
In the bar (not 'Haratios') she believes she saw Madeleine at a
table O.S (??outside?) with a female and a small boy.
Female described as adult female, late 40's-early 50's, bleached
blonde hair scraped back. Medium/normal build - No other
Small boy described as approx 7,8,9 yrs, very dark hair. No
other description.
Girl she believed to be Madeleine described as same height, very
slim, same colouring hair and skin. She had a fringe cut. Unable
to see her eyes. Described as looking very sad and unhappy.
They were all at a table O.S (??outside?) this bar next to 'Haratios
- Next to the table was a pink pushchair and some cigarettes and
lighter on the table.
Caller carried on walking to the bar 'Haratios' but then told
her husband that she was sure that the girl was Madeleine so she
turned back. When caller walked back the female, boy and small
girl were not at the table, but cigarettes, lighter and
pushchair were still in situ.
Caller then looked and saw the female sat in a chair across the
road next to an enclosed 'bouncy castle'. The small child she
believes to be Madeleine was stood on a raised platform waiting
to go onto the 'bouncy castle'.
Caller stood looking at the young girl to which she describes
the girl holding her gaze, looking very sad/unhappy.
Caller states she was 20-30 feet away and was stood looking for
a good couple of minutes. The only light was from surrounding
pub and a light that was next to the 'bouncy castle'.
All 3 of the described persons have not been seen before this.
Caller has not seen them since either.
Caller unknown if any CCTV in the area - She will walk around
the area tonight and check - will also go back to same location
to see if she sights them again.
Page 2501 (Page 3 of 3 )
The staff at bar 'Haratios' are all Polish. Caller does not know
anyone else that was in the area at the time.
Caller not sure when they left the area but states that when she
walked back to the car they weren't sat at the bar nor near the
'bouncy castle'.
Caller states she has an uncanny feeling that this is Madeleine.
She has not contacted before now as she wasn't sure what to do.
She didn't see any Spanish Police on the night and cannot
communicate with them. She has spoken with her daughter (back
home in England) and her husband about this.
I believe the call to be a genuine call and I am happy that the
information given by caller is genuine.
Above taken from Incident. Incident number 785 31/07/2007
refers. |
Email re sighting in Spain |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Page 2502 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2502 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Page 129 )....Page 2502?"Email re
reported sighting in Playa Famenca Complex, Torrevieja, Spain,
(29th July 2007) "
Page 2502 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Newton Martin
From : Newton Martin on behalf of Task
Sent : 1st August 2007 10:15
To : Task Portugal
Subject : FW : **Operation Task** Poss sighting Spain priority 2
Attachments : Op task email.doc
From :
Sent : 31st July 2007 17:33
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : **Operation Task**
Please see attached for full details.
Sarah Botham
Communications Room
South Yorkshire Police
Ext 6xxx
01/08/2007 |
Email re crimestoppers report |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Page 2503 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2503 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Page 130 )....Page 2503?"Email re
Crimestoppers Report re reported sighting in Playa Famenca
Complex, Torrevieja, Spain, (29th July 2007)"
Page 2503 (Page 1 of 1 )
Priority 2
Newton Martin
From : Newton Martin on behalf of Task
Sent : 4th August 2007 16:01
To : Task Portugal
Subject : FW : CrimeStoppers Information Log. Please do not
reply. CBL/70823/2007 poss sighting Spain priority 2
Attachments : CBL/70823/2007 - Leicestershire - OP TASK -
Madeleine McCann.rtf
__________Original Message__________
From :
Sent : 1st August 2007 17:04
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : CrimeStoppers Information Log. Please do not reply.
Please see attached Information Log from the CrimeStoppers
If you have any enquiries or would like to feedback results,
please contact Julie Black on 01883 731 300 or by E-mail :
Please do not reply to this E-mail. |
2507 to 2509
"Email and note re reported sighting in Playa Flamenca Complex,
Torrevieja, Spain, (29th July 2007)" |
05 11 Apensos
V, Vol 11, Pages 2507 to 2509 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2507 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2508 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2509 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF Pages 131-133 )....Pages 2507 to
2509?"Email and note re reported sighting in Playa Flamenca
Complex, Torrevieja, Spain, (29th July 2007)"
Page 2507 (Page 1 of 3 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (Task.Portugal@(?leicestershire.pnn.police.uk?)
Sent : 1st August 2007 10:14
Attach : Op task email.doc
Subject : FW : **Operation Task** Poss si(?ghting in Spain?)
From : Sarah.Botham@southyorks.pnn.police
Sent : 31st July 2007 17:33
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : **Operation Task**
Please see attached for full details.
Sarah Botham
Communications Room
South Yorkshire Police
Ext 6xxx
(Note : Here is a handwritten entry of 8 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 29th July 2007, which refers to a
reported sighting by Dawn Jones, in Playa Flamenca, Spain. There
is also a numbered page reference to Page 2506, which is a
"Missing or Misplaced" page within the Files. This entry has
slightly obscured part of the Report, (this has been indicated
by the added "?"'s in the affected parts))
Page 2508 (Page 2 of 3 )
(Note : This page, and the following page, (Page 2509), consist
of a copied report from that written on Pages 2500 and 2501,
which were part of the complete Report within Pages 2499-2501
posted earlier on this Thread)
Call from Mrs Dawn Jones of xx, Hxxxxx Lxxx, Sheffield, (South
Caller is currently in Spain at her holiday home - 12, Al
Ancalus, Playa Flamenco(sic), Spain.
On the evening of Sunday 29th July between 2100hrs and 2200hrs
Mrs Jones believes she sighted Madeleine McCann.
She was going to the pub-bar 'Haratios' (street name unknownbut
just around the corner from caller's holiday home). The area was
busy so herself and her husband had parked their car around the
corner and walked past a bar (name unknown but next door to bar
'Haratios') to get to bar 'Haratios'.
In the bar (not 'Haratios') she believes she saw Madeleine at a
table O.S (??outside?) with a female and a small boy.
Female described as adult female, late 40's-early 50's, bleached
blonde hair scraped back. Medium/normal build - No other
Small boy described as approx 7,8,9 yrs, very dark hair. No
other description.
Girl she believed to be Madeleine described as same height, very
slim, same colouring hair and skin. She had a fringe cut. Unable
to see her eyes. Described as looking very sad and unhappy.
They were all at a table O.S (??outside?) this bar next to 'Haratios
- Next to the table was a pink pushchair and some cigarettes and
lighter on the table.
Caller carried on walking to the bar 'Haratios' but then told
her husband that she was sure that the girl was Madeleine so she
turned back. When caller walked back the female, boy and small
girl were not at the table, but cigarettes, lighter and
pushchair were still in situ.
Caller then looked and saw the female sat in a chair across the
road next to an enclosed 'bouncy castle'. The small child she
believes to be Madeleine was stood on a raised platform waiting
to go onto the 'bouncy castle'.
Caller stood looking at the young girl to which she describes
the girl holding her gaze, looking very sad/unhappy.
Caller states she was 20-30 feet away and was stood looking for
a good couple of minutes. The only light was from surrounding
pub and a light that was next to the 'bouncy castle'.
All 3 of the described persons have not been seen before this.
Caller has not seen them since either.
Caller unknown if any CCTV in the area - She will walk around
the area tonight and check - will also go back to same location
to see if she sights them again.
Page 2509 (Page 3 of 3 )
The staff at bar 'Haratios' are all Polish. Caller does not know
anyone else that was in the area at the time.
Caller not sure when they left the area but states that when she
walked back to the car they weren't sat at the bar nor near the
'bouncy castle'.
Caller states she has an uncanny feeling that this is Madeleine.
She has not contacted before now as she wasn't sure what to do.
She didn't see any Spanish Police on the night and cannot
communicate with them. She has spoken with her daughter (back
home in England) and her husband about this.
I believe the call to be a genuine call and I am happy that the
information given by caller is genuine.
Above taken from Incident. Incident number 785 31/07/2007
refers. |
Letter re sighting in Brescia, Italy |
05 11 Apensos V, Vol 11, Page
2511 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2511 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF
Page 135 )....Page 2511?Letter from Interpol Rome, re reported
sighting in Brescia, Italy, (29th July 2007)
Page 2511 (Page 1 of 1 )
ROME, 04.10.2007
Our Ref. MI-123-U-B-2-2-2007 - 4046 / TA
IP Lisbon Ref. Proc. 1806/07 - Min
Subject : McCANN Madeleine Beth, born 12.05.2003 minor
disappeared on 03.05.2007 - Yellow Notice F-131/05-2007.
The reference is made to our message nr. MI-123-U-B-2-2-2007 -
2831 / TA, dated 21st September 2007.
Please find the attached documentation, concerning the sighting
of a child resembling Madeleine Beth McCANN. Happened on 29th
July 2007, in a place named "Rivoltella", Municipality of
Desenzano del Garda (Brescia), in Portuguese Language, provided
to us by the Prosecutor Mr. Giancario Tarquini of the Public
Prosecutor's Office of Brescia.
In order to inform the abovementioned Prosecutor, you are kindly
requested to let us know what the state of the pending Penal
Proceedings, as well as, the Portuguese Judicial Authority in
charge of the case.
Best regards,
Interpol Rome. |
2522 to 2524
Pictures of Madeleine
2525 to 2528
Email re sighting in Hawaii |
05 11 pensos V, Vol 11, Pages
2525 to 2528 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2522 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2523 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2524 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2525 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2526 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2527 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2528 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
11)....(PDF Pages 150-153 )....Pages 2525 to 2528?"Email re
reported sighting on Poipu Beach, Kauai, Hawaii, (July 30th
Page 2525 (Page 1 of 4 )
Priority 3
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 4thAugust 2007 15:58
Attach : photo.jpg ; ATT05624.txt
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann Poss sighting Hawaii
priority 3
__________Original Message___________
From : Sunny Burtness (
Sent : 1st August 2007 20:41
To :
Subject : Madeleine McCann
To All This May Concern,
This e-mail is to make a report about a possible sighting of
My name is Sunny Burtness-Altman. I was on Poipu Beach in
Kauai, Hawaii, on July 30th 2007. A man with two girls
walked up next to me.
He was holding a young girl who had a leg bandaged from her
ankle to her hip with an ace bandage and a plastic bag over
it. He sat her next to me and left her. He never looked back
at her and told her firmly to stay put. I found it to be
I am a teacher and work with children, this girl was talking
to herself and seemed to be distraught. I felt sorry for her
and struck up conversation eith her. I asked her if her
mommy was with her, and she said "No". I then asked her
where her dad went. She told me "to find friends", (which he
didn't). I finally asked her name. She said "Madeleine". She
had a British accent, she never made eye contact with me.
The man came, noticed I was showing interest in the girl and
situation and moved to the other side of the beach.
I was unaware of Madeleine's case. Although a woman sitting
near me was. About 45 minutes later she inquired about the
little girl. She asked if she had a British accent and what
her name was. She then told me about a little girl named
Madeleine McCann missing. I then went down the beach and
looked for the girl. I spotted her and went back to ask the
other woman to take a look and see if it looked like
Madeleine McCann, because I did not know what to look for.
She went and tried to take some photos with a telephoto
lens. I went back and snapped one photo with my phone
(attached to this e-mail).
Page 2526 (Page 2 of 4 )
I also noticed she wasn't wearing the bandage when I saw
her. The man noticed me from before and I was unable to
speak with her.
I snapped a photo from very far away as well. He was around
6' 1", he was thin wearing round eyeglasses and had mousy
brown hair. He was wearing a white ball cap, he was carrying
a navy blue or black duffle bag or backpack. The other girl
was around 9 years old, she had blond thick curly hair, she
had a thicker frame and tanned skin, she had a blue swimsuit
on, she had a boogie board with a face mask in it for
snorkeling. They did not have British accents (that I
noticed), but Madeleine did.
We then called Police and made a report. When we looked
again, they were gone. I looked on the website, and the girl
has a strong resemblance to the photos on the website,
especially the photo of her in the hat. I forwarded the
photo to the Kauai Police and e-mailed it to the
findmadeleine website. I also called the Leicestershire
Police and the Portugal Police. I hope this leads to finding
Madeleine, I wish I had known about her when I had a better
chance of looking at her eyes.
If you need any further information please contact me at :
Sunny Burtness-Altman
Page 2527 (Page 3 of 4 )
(Note : This page's content consists
of a very poor monochrome reproduction of a photograph)
Page 2528 (Page 4 of 4 )
(Note : Here is a handwritten entry of
14 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated 4th August 2007,
which refers to the reported sighting by Sunny Burtness-Altman
on Poipu Beach, Kauai, Hawaii, on July 30th 2007, together
with the contact details etc, as per the statement provided
2532 to 2535 Email re
reported sighting in Amsterdam, (Probably on Sunday 29th July
2007) |
05 11 Apensos V, Vol 11, Pages
2532 to 2535 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2532 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2533 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2534 |
apenso5_vol_11_p2535 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 11, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE 11)....(PDF
Pages 157-160 )....Pages 2532 to 2535?"Email re reported
sighting in Amsterdam, (Probably on Sunday, 29th July 2007)"
Page 2532 (Page 1 of 4 )
Priority 2
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 1st August 2007 14:49
Subject : FW : Madeleine poss sighting Amsterdam priority 2
Fron : John.REILLY@Herts.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 31st July 2007 07:27
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : Madeleine
For your information
Time : 07:12
Date : 31/07/07 Op
Reported by : 9 999Call Glas(gow) 019232xxxxx
Brief Incident Details :
Caller saying that she has just come back from Amsterdam and
thinks she has seen a male with a little girl that she thinks
looks similar to Madeleine McCann.
Location of Incident :
Feature : -
Street : -
Caller Status : THIRD PARTY
Name : Jean HICKMAN
Title : Mrs.
House : 'xxx'
Street : Pxxx Axxxxx
Area : Bushey
Tel No. : Glas(gow) 019232xxxxx
Further Incident Details :
Time and Date of Incident : 07:12 : 31/07/07
Classification : Administration Messages
Graded Response : No Pol Res
Feedback Required : N
Page 2533 (Page 2 of 4 )
Time : 07:12 : Date : 31/07/07 Op
Location : AMSTERDAM
Type : Administration Messages
31/07/07 0712
Detail :
Caller saying that she has just come back from Amsterdam and
thinks she has seen a male with a little girl that she thinks
looks similar to Madeleine McCann.
More :
Caller Mrs Jean HICKMAN, 'xxx', Pxxx Axxxxx, Bushey, Tel
Glas(gow) 019232xxxxx
8627 0717 HC12 Girl described as (??wearing??) beige coat,
sitting on a child-seat on the back of a bike, in the centre of
Amsterdam, seen on Sunday, hair ash blond colour. She says it
did not look natural.
Call to Leicestershire Police and copy of Log for Info.
John Reilly
8627 FCC
Page 2534 (Page 3 of 4 )
(Note : This page consists of references
to general e-mail security issues etc)
Page 2535 (Page 4 of 4 )
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 6
lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated 31st July 2007, which
refers to a reported sighting in Amsterdam, by a Mrs jean
Hickman, together with her Tel No. details) |