661 Service
information re sighting in Almadena |
5-4- Apensos V-
Volume IV, Page 661 |
apenso5_vol_4_p661 |
Service Information
Date: 2007-05-11
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Anabela Ruivo
Subject: Communication relating the disappearance of a child
from P da L, Lagos
I inform you that today at about 07.30 I received a call from
the PSP Central saying that they had a person on the line who
said they had seen the missing girl in the Algarve.
(The rest is
handwritten. I cant make all of it out. This is the part I can:
According to information from A**** T***** S**** resident in Rua
do Rossio, Almadena, on Friday at about 18.05 he saw an
individual driving a jeep, Suzuki, number plate BO-F2-101 with a
girl on his lap.
Individual was aged about 30-40. He was on the EN 125 road
between kilometres 15 and 16 heading in the direction of
Almadena. |
663 to
664 Statement re sighting in Marrakesh Care de Spice market |
Thanks to Skeptical |
V, Vol 4, Pages 663 and 664
Marrakesh |
apenso5_vol_4_p663 |
apenso5_vol_4_p664 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 5-6)....Pages 663 to 664?"Statement re sighting
in Marrakesh Care de Spice market"
Page 663 (Page 1 of 2)
Incident Message
M1925 Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 4th June 2007 Time : 1710 Priority : HIGH
Type : Phone In
Message From/To : From
Title/Rank/ID Number : Mrs
Surname : THOMPSON
Froename(s) : J
Sex : Female
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 12 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, and which overwrites some of this report)
Page 664 (Page 2 of 2)
Report then continues thus :
Rec By : TPHONE Serial : 628 Ident : BC09 - 1103 1710 4th June
1714 1103 - BC09 Incident confirmed
1717 1103 - BC09 With a young white girl with dirty blonde hair,
unwashed appearance wearing a brown a line(sic) dress, pulling
her by the hand. She appeared to be terrified of the male. He
was passing her food but there was no interaction between them
at all.
The male was taking photos of the girl, but there was no
smiling, just fear on her face. The male was talking to the
owner of the cafe in a foreign language but caller could not say
if it was Arabic.
1718 1103 - BC09 Cafe De Spice is the only cafe in the spice
market square.
1719 1103 - BC09 The male left after 45 minutes having grabbed
the girl by her arm and pulled her out. Having returned to the
UK they became aware of the enquiry, but the photograph in
today's Daily Mail is the spitting image of the girl caller saw
in Marrakech.
1719 1103 - BC09 No reply to Inc Room.
1719 1103 - BC09 Incident linked to 57 4th May 2007
1720 1103 - BC09 Incident Result OOM : Message only : Not
Incident Related : Qualifier not Required.
1720 1103 - BC09 Incident closed
Receivers Instructions :
Raise Action : TI/TST Thomson
Scan to Portugal - Priority 1
14th June 2007 DS48 Baraclough
Person receiving/sending : Receiving Title/Rank/ID Number : 1103
Forename(s) : JR Surname : BREACKER |
666 Email from DC Hughes re Brasil sighting |
05-04 Apensos
V, Vol 4, Page 666 |
apenso5_vol_4_p666 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 7)....Page 666?"Email from DC Hughes re
Brazil sighting"
Page 666 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 3
Task Portugal
From : Hughes John (DC) (john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
To : "Task Portugal" (Task.Portugal@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 27th June 2007 10.40
Attach : Leics enquiry form A1651.doc
Subject : Interpol enq. priority 3 sighting Brazil
For info, enq sent re poss sighting Brazil.
Dc John Hughes
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 27th June 2007 10.38
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk'
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Brazil enquiry
Can we ask Authorities in Brazil to assist with this please.
Dc John Hughes
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 7 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 27th June 2007, and which indicates
that a sighting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has been reported) |
667 SOCA information re Brasil sighting |
V, Vol 4, Page 667 |
apenso5_vol_4_p667 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 8 ).... Page 667?"SOCA information re
Brazil sighting"
Page 667 (Page 1 of 1)
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email - london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Head of NCB : Brian Minihane
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Brazil
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc.
A call has been received by CrimeStoppers UK from a person in
Brazil giving the name Mark and a phnoe number of
The caller has reported a possible sighting on 11th May 2007, in
reports seeing a girl looking like Madeleine McCann with a white
woman buying books at the fair. The girl was speaking English
and the woman Portuguese.
Can the local Authorities contact this caller for any more
information in relation to this sighting and for any local
enquiries that may be possible to verify or eliminate this
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
668 Email re sighting in sighting in Saskatchewan, Canada |
05-04 Apensos
V, Vol 4, Page 668 |
apenso5_vol_4_p668 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 9)....Page 668?"Email re sighting in
sighting in Saskatchewan, Canada"
Page 668 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 3
Task Portugal
From : "Task" (task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
To : "Task Portugal" (Task.Portugal@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 27th June 2007 09.30
Attach : CBL657962007-Leicestershire - OP TASK - Madeleine
Subject : FW : CrimeStoppers Information Log. Please do not
reply. CBL/65796/2007 poss sighting in Canada priority 3
From : csbureau@btconnect.com
Sent : 26th June 2007 23.43
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : CrimeStoppers Information Log. Please do not reply.
Please see attached information Log from the CrimeStoppers
If you have any enquiries or would like to feedback results,
please contact Julie Black on 01883 731 300 or by email :
Please do not reply to this email.
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 10 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
27th June 2007, which indicates a reported sighting in a
'McDonalds', Albert Street, (?) Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada) |
671 Incident message re sighting in Charlesroi airport |
V, Vol 4, Page 671 |
apenso5_vol_4_p671 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 10)....Page 671?"Incident message re sighting
in Charlesroi Airport"
Page 671 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2
Incident Message
Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 21st May 2007 Time : 1712 Priority : L
Type : Phone In
Code : MADE Description : Madeleine Beth McCANN to include
possible sightings
Message From/To : FROM
Surname : LEE
Forename(s) : PETER
Sex : MALE
Telephone Number(s) : HOME : 014195xxxxx
Address : HOME : xx, DUxxxxx STxxxx, Balfron,
Sterlingshire(sic), England(sic), Gxx, 0Px.
(Note : ?? Balfron, Stirlingshire, Scotland??)
Brussels took the 07.15 bus from Brussels - Gare du Midi - to
Charlesroi Airport and there was a man with a young child - 11th
May - she resembled Madeleine. There for a business meeting
returning home.
Person receiving/sending : Receiving Title/Rank/ID Number :
Forename(s) : Surname : CHERRETT
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 4 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
2nd July 2007) |
673 - Email re sighting in
Switzerland |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol IV Page 673 |
apenso5_vol_4_p673 |
From: DIC Portimao
Sent: 11th May 2007, 14:37
To: Ana Filipa Conducta Luz
Subject: FW: Medeleine (sic).
From: Luciana Rocha
Sent: 11th May 2007 14:30
To: DIC Portimao
Subject: Medeleine (sic)
My name is Luciana and I live in Switzerland, I am writing you
this email upon the request of my mother who also lives in
Switzerland (Zurich) and who claims to have seen a dark hired
person with two fair children near to where she lives, the girl
who was with him looked very much like Medeleine (sic) Beth
McCann, my mother found it strange but did not yet know about
the disappearance of Medeleine, only finding out hours later
from the news. Maybe this has nothing to do with Medeleine but
we just want to have a calm conscience in terms of trying to
help in some way.
We hope that she will soon be free again and happy with her
family. |
- Service information re
sighting near/on Guadiana |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol IV Page 678 |
apenso5_vol_4_p678 |
Portimao GNR
Radio Central
Service Information
14th May,
18:30 a telephone call via 112 was received from a Spanish
couple, surname Rodriguez, resident in Huelva.
The couple
refused to give their phone number, with the excuse that they
were staying in the Algarve at the house of some friends and
preferred not to give their number, expressing some fear.
The Spanish
man reports an event of 11th May 2007, last Friday.
When crossing
the Guadiana River by the Ayamonte ferry, his wife saw two men
aged about 20, apparently Arabs and a couple who appeared
Portuguese with a girl similar to the missing girl, but whose
hair had been cut. They were travelling in an old red Fiat, with
a number plate that was probably Portuguese.
individuals took the ferry in the St Antonio/Ayamonte direction.
Station, 14th May 2007
Operator Da
Silva Lourenco |
680 to 683 Statement re sighting in Hertfordshire |
05-04 Apensos
V, Vol 4, Pages 680-683 |
apenso5_vol_4_p680 |
apenso5_vol_4_p681 |
apenso5_vol_4_p682 |
apenso5_vol_4_p683 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 17-20)....Pages 680 to 683?"Statement re
sighting in Hertfordshire"
Page 680 (Page 1 of 4)
Priority 4
Hertfordshire Police
Reported By : 9 999 Call 077376xxxxx
Brief Incident Details :
Just seen a girl that looked like missing person Maddie. She was
with an Asian male.
Location of Incident :
Street : Whippendell Road
Area : WATFORD, HERTFORDSHIRE Postcode : WDxx 7xx
Beat : CIF OSGR 509182195959 Location Ref : 146/1/98
Caller : WITNESS
House : xx, Street : MIxxxxx AVxxxx Area : WATFORD
Tel. No : 077376xxxxx Ex.Dir.
Further Incident Details :
Time and Date of Incident : 1920 11th May 2007
Classification : Administration Advice matter only
Graded Response : HIGH
Resources Dealing with this Incident :
2063 C4G4 Waylett PC
1162 C0S5 Mitchell PS
2009 C0Y1 Ashby PC
2289 C0Y1 Thomson PC
312 C1G2 Cox PC
Page 681 (Page 2 of 4)
1924 Incident routed to Radio Operators
" The girl was put into a black or dark coloured jeep
" Index : VXxx xxT
" This has just happened
" -
" The girl was about the same age - Had the same facial and same
" -
1925 Inft states there was one child and she was with one Asian
male, they came out of an Indian " " Shop and got into a vehicle
" Incident transfer accepted by terminal HX36
1926 PNC - #Ve VXxxxxT
" *** PNC screen captured - 1 to Log
" Vehicle had blackened out windows - Unsure what type of jeep
it was.
" Automatic Resource Enquiry
1930 Email sent to Leicestershire Police with info and URN.
" C4G4 Dispatched
" C4G4 - Attending the R/O's address
1939 C4G4 - Arrived at xx, RIxxx LAxx - No one at the address
1945 FM C4G4 No Reply
" C4G4 Redeployed to incident 1105 11/05/07
2045 C0S5 Allocated to incident
2105 C4G4 - Have gone past the address again - Address still in
2119 Noted above - For Unit to continue to try at the property
and speak with the R/O
2220 Overdue Time Reached
" Noted
2221 Passed to Night Turn
" C0S5 Dealt with incident
" 19 can only deal with the incident if the last state was
2245 C0Y1 Allocated to Incident
" C0Y1 Tasked with checking address
2246 Defer to HX36 Date 12/05/07 Time 0300
0300 Saturday 12th May 2007
" Defer Time Reached
" Incident Deferral accepted by terminal HX36
0400 Overdue Time Reached
0416 Overdue Time Reached
Page 682 (Page 3 of 4)
0452 Overdue Time Reached
0500 Overdue Time Reached
0502 C0Y1 Tasked and checking regularly
0521 Defer to HX36 Date 12/05/07 Time 0650
0622 Deferral Removed
" C0Y1 Dealt with Incident
" No trace of vehicle at address throughout night
" Defer to HX36 Date 12/05/07 Time 0730
" For futher checks ?
0704 Location amended from Whippendell Road, Watford,
0705 Job 1 : - Change LOC back to Whippendell Road
0730 Defer Time Reached
0738 Incident deferral accepted by terminal HX36
0823 Liaised with PS Seddon, All Officers made aware of this and
will pay attention for vehicle
" C1G2 Allocated to Incident
" C1G2 Tasked to check address for vehicle
0924 Overdue Time Reached
" Units Checking
0945 C1G2 Arrived at Incident
" C1G2 - Vehicle not on driveway, going to try to speak to
0950 C1G2 - Spoken to a female at the address, they do not own
" that vehicle. Her husband is an Asian male and they
0951 do have a 3 yr old BOY with blond hair who the
" female does state could look a little like the
" missing child.
" C1G2 Left Incident
0952 PS Seddon Aware
" Location amended from xx, RIxxx, LAxx, Watford, Hertfordshire
" Job No. 1 Completed
0959 Email sent to Leicestershire Operation TASK
1001 Incident flagged for closure HX36
" Result Details changed from : -
" Result : -
" Final Type : -
" Free Text : -
1022 Flag for closure accepted by HX30
" Incident Closed by Terminal HX30
Page 683 (Page 4 of 4)
VXxxxxT Prev VRM : 4Bxx MJP Associates
Land Rover Reg : xxxxx Redwood
RangeRover V8 SC Auto CC : 4197 xx, RIxxx LAxx
Black Watford, Herts, WDxx xTA
C/F : Saxxxxx36A2xxxxx
E : 130405B23573xxxxx Keeper since 12/6/06
Ins : Held MOT Expiry : Not Held
Cherished Transfer |
686 to 688
- Email re photos taken
in Valencia airport plus
Valenica photos (poor quality) |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol IV Pages 686 to 688 |
From: DIC
Sent: 4th
June 2007, 12:18
To: Ana
Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject: FW:
Sent: 2nd
June 2007, 19:28
I am sending
you the photos taken on 11th May at Valencia airport (Spain)
where there is a girl who looks a lot like Madeleine, I don’t
know if it could be her or not.
Many thanks. |
apenso5_vol_4_p686 |
apenso5_vol_4_p687 |
apenso5_vol_4_p688 |
From: DIC
Sent: 4th
June 2007, 12:18
To: Ana
Filipa |
692 to 693 - Service
information re sighting in Funchal |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol IV Pages 692 to 693 |
apenso5_vol_4_p692 |
apenso5_vol_4_p693 |
To: The
Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Inspector Rui Figueira
I inform you
that today at about 20.30 this PJ station was informed by
Assistant Chief Helena of Funchal PSP that a few moments earlier
the Machico police station had received telephone information
about the possible whereabouts of Madeleine McCann, missing from
Praia da Luz in the Algarve.
According to
the PSP officer, a girl very similar to Madeleine McCann was
seen near to the Engenho bus station in Machico, accompanied by
a woman, the driver of a green Renault Clio, with number plate
01-79-OR, registered in the name of Cristina Abreu Sousa,
resident of Santa Cruz.
Upon superior
orders inquiries were immediately made to clarify the situation.
However, at
about 21.15, Assistant Chief Helena informed us that the PSP had
in the meantime located the vehicle in question as well as Mrs
Sousa, who was indeed the owner and driver. It was possible to
confirm the presence of the woman in Machico, accompanied by a
girl, who was identified as her daughter.
The situation
having been clarified and found to have nothing to do with the
missing English girl, the immediate demobilisation of the
officers was ordered.
Inspector |
698 - Service information re
sighting in Albuferia
camping park |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol IV Page 698 |
apenso5_vol_4_p698 |
To: The
Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Inspector Sofía Costa
Information about Madeleine McCann
On this date,
at about 10.50, this police station received a phone call from a
woman who identified herself as Margaret Keiwr, speaking in
English and who said that she had seen today, two men with a
girl at the Albufeira camping site, in a car, number plate 8473
BE, stating that she had noticed some similarities to the
missing girl.
Costa |
700 - Service information re
sighting in camping park in Quarteira |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V,
Vol IV Page 700 |
apenso5_vol_4_p700 |
To: The
Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Inspector Joaquim Serra
Telephone communication about disappearance
I bring to
your knowledge that today at about 19:50 a phone call was
received from a male individual saying that today at the
Quarteira camping site, various different individuals were seen
with a young girl, similar to Madeleine.
I present
this information via fax, for superior determination.
Serra |
705 Statement of Samantha Elizabeth Preston (English) |
05-04 Apensos
V, Vol 4, Page 705 |
apenso5_vol_4_p705 |
apenso5_vol_4_p706 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 39)....Page 705?"Statement of Samantha
Elizabeth Preston (English)"
Page 705 (Page 1 of 1)
Statement : Number S344
Surname : PRESTON
Forename(s) : Samantha Elizabeth
Statement Date : 15th June 2007
I am the above named person and I live at the address given on
page '00' of this statement.
On Thursday 7th June 2007 I went to Portugal for a short holiday
with a party of girls. It was a hen party for my friend Julie
SMITH and 9 of us went initially. We were joined by another girl
on Saturday 9th June. We all stayed at a private apartment block
called Vivenda Paraiso, Entrada Vale Navio, CP 65NZ, Albufeira,
8200393. The block is owned by Jim and Aggie LAYLAND who live in
the basement area. Their contact Tel. No. is 003512895xxxxx. The
block consists of 3 apartments, the largest being a first floor
apartment with veranda that overlooks the main road which is
about 100 yards away. The two other apartments are in a separate
block at the back of the first apartment. Between Thursday and
Saturday I stayed in one of the rear apartments with Suzy and
Louise. When Jessical arrived on Saturday she took my place and
I moved into the front apartment with Sheila, Julie and Lucy..
About 10pm on Monday 11th June 2007 we all took a ride to a
nearby harbour which was about 15 minutes away. We did some
shopping and had a walk around the marina. We were approached by
two guys who started chatting to us and wanted to buy us a
drink. I mentioned that some of us were from Leicester and the
first guy mentioned the missing girl Madeleine. I said to him
that I was beginning to doubt whether or not she would ever be
found. He replied by saying that there is a possibility that she
could be alive but added that the parents should never have left
the children alone. He said something to the second guy who then
raised an eyebrow. I would describe the two guys as :
(Note : A
following part of this statement, Page 706, appears to be a
"Missing or Misplaced" page, and then the statement continues on
Page 707. It would seem that a substantial part of the statement
may have been contained on Page 706. The remainder of the
statement will be posted in the following, "Page
707?Continuation of Preston's statement", (as referenced in the
Table of Contents list). This is merely to allow the separate
linking of these report pages into the Table of Contents File to
be maintained as per usual) |
707 Continuation of Prestons statement |
05-04 Apensos
V, Vol 4, Page 707 |
apenso5_vol_4_p707 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 40)....Page 707?"Continuation of Preston's
Page 707 (Page 1 of 1)
(Continuation of Samantha Elizabeth PRESTON's Statement. The
previous page (Page 706, and which must have contained the
mid-section, and possibly a substantial, part of Ms Preston's
statement, is a "Missing or Misplaced" page)
...........and who were introduced to by Jim and Aggie. About 10
minutes after we left our apartment we were travelling along
along a busy main road when I saw to the right hand side another
male who looked very similar to the first guy from Monday night
and the guy that I saw twice on the Tuesday. I remember that all
3 males had the same bald head with grey back and sides. The
male was walking away from a very small derelict building that
was set back off the road. He was alone and walking towards a
four wheel drive type vehicle that was light grey/blue in
colour. He was about 2 hundred yards from the road.
I was not happy with the sighting of what could have been the
same man close to derelict buildings, especially with him acting
suspiciously and also being in company with a child. About 3pm
on Wednesday 13th June I reported my suspicions to Officer's at
Keyham Police Station, Leicester. |
708 Officers report re Samantha Elizabeth Preston |
05-04 Apensos
V, Vol 4, Page 708 |
apenso5_vol_4_p708 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 41)....Page 708?"Officer?s report re Samantha
Elizabeth Preston"
Page 708 (Page 1 of 1)
Officer's Report : Number R77
To : MIR
Stn/Dept : OP TASK
From : DC1578 GIERC
Date : 26th June 2007
Subject : A1811 - TI/TST Samantha PRESTON (N1796)
About 15.10hrs on 21st June 2007, I received a call from
Samantha PRESTON (N1796)
In addition to the content of her earlier statement, dated 15th
June 2007, she now recalls that about 05.00hrs on Saturday 9th
June 2007, she returned to her apartment in a very drunken
state. When she alighted from the taxi she vomited at the front
of the apartment. It was still dark and she noticed that lights
were on in the basement area, where the owner's, Jim and Aggie
LEYLAND lived, and decided to knock at the fron door to tell
them that she would clean up the mess in the morning. As she
went to knock on the door she stumbled and fell on the doorstep,
the door opened. She looked up and saw a child's head suddenly
turn over the arm of the settee and look at her. The child had
dark hair, biggish cheeks and a tiny mouth. She thought she
heard the word 'nish' or 'neesh' spoken. Samantha was approached
by Aggie and she told her about the mess but Aggie said
something like, "Don't worry about it". Samantha then said to
her, "What are you doing up at 5am in the morning ?". Aggie's
face changed and nothing more was said.
Samantha never saw the child again for the remainder of the
holiday. She did see Aggie again but nothing was said about the
incident. Samantha never saw the owner's use the front door of
the basement area during the entire holiday.
Respectfully submitted for your attention/consideration.
Andy GIERC |
709 Statement of sighting by Gail Ward in Tenerife |
05-04 Apensos
V, Vol 4, Page 709 |
apenso5_vol_4_p709 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 04)....(PDF Page
42)....Page 709?"Statement of
sighting by Gail Ward in Tenerife"
Page 709 (Page 1 of )
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry
of 8 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 4th July 2007, which
has overwritten part of this
statement. The entry does indicate
that the statement is from a Gail
WARD, and indicates a date re
statement being first given on 17th
May 2007)
Visible part of statement continues
thus :
Forename(s) : GAIL
Tel No. : HOME : 079835xxxxx
Address : HOME : xx, BOxxxxxxxx
CLxxx, Bulwell, Nottingham, NGx xxU
I was in TENERIFE in a hotel called
Oasis Marquee in Los Christianos,
it's on the beachfront. I was
leaving the hotel on Friday 11th May
about 6.30pm when I saw a little
girl resembling Madeleine at the
pool on her own. When I came down
into the reception area the little
girl came and pulled my hair. She
wouldn't speak but did smile. There
was a woman in the hairdresser's in
th ehotel having foil streaks done.
Big woman, jet black hair. She came
out of the hairdresser's called
child Madeleine, but with a foreign
accent and pulled the child back
into the hairdresser's.
Child in light summer dress. Hair
like Madeleine McCann's. Aged about
Person receiving/sending : Receiving
Title/Rank/ID Number
Forename(s) : Janet Surname :
710 to 714 Email re result of negative sighting |
V, Vol 4, Pages 710-714 |
apenso5_vol_4_p710 |
apenso5_vol_4_p711 |
apenso5_vol_4_p712 |
apenso5_vol_4_p713 |
apenso5_vol_4_p714 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages
43-47)....Pages 710 to 714?"Email re
result of negative sighting"
Page 710 (Page 1 of 5)
From : "Hughes John" (DC) (john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
To : "Task Portugal" (Task.Portugal@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 13th June 2007 10.05
Subject : Interpol result re
sighting-priority 5 (Murat)
Item '3)' on this report is the
negative result for a possible
sighting of Madeleine and Murat in a
Malaga cafe on 11th May 2007. This
has been traced to a father and
Dc John Hughes
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry
- 'Original reference is Doc.278')
From : Jane Whiting (jane.whiting@soca.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 12th June 2007 13.38
To : (Note : Here, two lines of type
which are illegible)
Subject : A450, M53-4H-2395710/07
STOP - Please reply to : <
Classification : Not protectively
To : Operation Task
Your Ref : A450, M53
Our Ref : 4H-2395710-07
Please see the attached message from
Interpol, Madrid.
(Note :
Here, is a handwritten entry of 4
lines, in the Portuguese Language)
Page 711 (Page 2 of 5)
From : Shaw, Neil
Sent : 12th June 2007 11.50
To : 4H
Cc : Shaw, Neil
Subject : Madeleine Beth McCann
4H-2395710-07 From Madrid
NS Translation McCann
12th June 2007 Time Shown 10.55
Madrid to London
Your ref 4H-2395710-07 concerning
the disappearance in Portugal of
Madeleine Beth McCann, born 12th May
2003. We wish to inform you of the
following :
1) Contact has been made with
CHURCHILL, forename : Christopher,
who stated that.......
Page 712 (Page 3 of 5)
.....the train on which he thought
he saw the child on 10th May 2007
was going from Malaga to Fuengirola.
When it arrived at Los Boliches, a
woman and a girl got on. The woman
was 1.70 metres tall with shoulder
length coppery red hair. She was
very thin and had high cheekbones.
She had a thin face and looked
rather gaunt. From her appearance he
did not think she was Spanish but
rather North European. She was very
tanned and wore a red dress.
He was surprised that neither of the
2 of them spoke during the journey.
The girl was not happy. They got off
the train at Fuengirola. He did not
know where they went. We have been
unable to make enquiries to confirm
or refute the possible link between
the girl who was seen with the
missing girl.
2) With regard to the sighting at
Lanzarote Airport, gate 2 bound for
Gatwick, we have obtained the CCTV
footage for the Airport and we are
going to forward it by post.
3) In relation to the sighting of
ROBERT MURAT in a Malaga cafe on
11th May 2007, making a call from
95228xxxx, we would advise that this
telephone is installed at Portal 2
(door 2), 21 Calle Esquilo, Malaga
and corresponds to Maria ROxxxxxxx
MUxxx, who does not live there but
her daughter does, who has no
information on the case. However,
our services in Malaga received a
telephone call in which the caller
told a similar story to the
informant for telephone number
95228xxxx, indicating that a girl
looking very similar to Madeleine
was in a cafe in Malaga with a man.
Further enquiries found them to be
father and daughter.
Page 713 (Page 4 of 5)
From : OCN MADRID G5 (ocn.madrid.grupo5@es.iges.int)
Sent : 12th June 2007 10.33
Subject : EXP
From : O.C.N. Interpol Spain
To : Interpol London
Our Reference : EXP
Your Reference : 4H-2395710-07
Text :
(Note : Here is entered the Spanish
Language original of the above
report, and only the Part 1) of that
report is on this page)
Page 714 (Page 5 of 5)
: Here is entered the continuation
of the Spanish Language original of
the above report, and Part 2), and
Part 3), of that report is on this
716 Statement of William Frazer Leitch re France sighting |
V, Vol 4, Page 716 |
apenso5_vol_4_p716 |
apenso5_vol_4_p717 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 50)....Page 716?"Statement of William Frazer
Leitch re France sighting"
Page 716 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2
Number S297
Surname : LEITCH
Forename(s) : William Frazer
Age : Over 18
Date of Birth : 17th September 1958
Address : xx, TYxxxxx ROxx, Bradford, BDx 8xx
Occupation : HGV Driver
Telephone No. : Home : 012746xxxxx : Mobile : 077395xxxxx
Statement Date : 25th June 2007
I am the above named person and I live at the address overleaf.
I am a HGV driver. My truck is a DAF, registration xxxx xxx and
is a 44 tonne artick(sic), with 'BURBANK PRODUCE' written on the
side. The company is Burbank and I collect fruit and vegetables
from Paris and bring it back to Bradford. I do the journey twice
a week with one of the journeys on a Saturday. On my way back I
came along the A1 road from PARIS to LEILLE in FRANCE.
I can not recall what date it was but it was a Saturday a week
after Madeleine McCann went missing. I was on my own driving
about 2 hours into my journey so it will have been around 11am.
I was driving at about 56 mph which is my limit when an old
style left hand drive Volvo drove past me on my lefthand side.
Due to it being France I was driving on the right of the road
and my truck is a lefthand drive. The car although a lefthand
drive looked to have an English registration plate on it but I
can not remember what it was. The car overtook me on my left and
pulled back in front of me and slowed down somewhat. Due to this
I pulled out to the next lane to overtake it but the car then
sped up and went off. Again it was an old style Volvo either a
dull bronze or a gold colour with a big boot. It was not a
modern car. I think the car had a brown interior.
I did not take much notice of the car as it passed me but then
it pulled back in front of me and slowed down so I pulled out to
overtake it so it was on my right. The car had 2 males in the
front and a female in the back. I will describe these later. As
I came up to the car to overtake it as I got parallel to the
boot the female in the rear of the car turned to her left and
looked over her left shoulder straight at me. I could see there
was a child also in the rear of the car with her sat to her
left. As the female looked at me she pulled a pink.......
(Note :
Here, the statement ends abruptly. The following page, Page 717,
is a "Missing or Misplaced" page, so it is probable that the
statement was completed on that "Missing or Misplaced" page) |
724 Email re results of German enquiries |
V, Vol 4, Page 724 |
apenso5_vol_4_p724 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 57)....Page
724 - "Email re results of German
Page 724 (Page 1 of 1)
From : "Hughes John (DC) (John.Hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
To "Task Portugal" (Task.Portugal@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 13th July 2007 12.15
Attach : Leics enquiry form German
enqs 13.7.7.doc
Subject : FW : Case ref 4H2395710/07
Operation Task-German enquiries.
FYI re enqs requested in Germany re
actions 1680, 2476, 2796
Dc John Hughes.
From Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 13th July 2007 12.13
To :
Subject : Case ref 4H2395710/07
Operation Task-German enquiries
Can we ask the German Authorities to
look into these matters please.
Dc John Hughes
: Here, is a handwritten entry of 10
lines, in the Portuguese Language,
dated 13th July 2007, and headed
with "Policia Inglese < SOCA)
725 SOCA information re German sightings |
05-04 Apensos
V, Vol 4, Page 725 |
apenso5_vol_4_p725 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 58)....Page 725? "SOCA information re
German sightings"
Page 725 (Page 1 of 1)
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email - london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Head of NCB : Brian Minihane
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
German enqs 13/7/7.
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Brazil
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc.
In relation to Madeleine McCann, we have three links of enquiry
we request assistance from the German Authorities with :
1. A man with a child looking like Madeleine was seen with a man
on a flight from Frankfurt to Boston, USA on 12th May 2007. The
flight number was 420, Airline not known. They sat in row 40,
seats G and H.
2. An Italian national named Bruno VALLE lives in Germany. His
phone number is 004916080xxxxx. He has reported a possible
sighting of Madeleine at TEMPELHOF Airport, BERLIN. He
apparently spoke to the child.
3. Somebody has called UK CrimeStoppers from a number of
004921115xxxxx. The caller claims he has seen Madeleine alive in
DUSSELDORF. He is prepared to speak to the Police.
We request that enquiries be made with the Airlines for
passenger details and Airport in respect of any CCTV for
sighting 1. , and that the callers from reports 2. and 3., are
spoken with and any relevant enquiries are completed regarding
the information they give.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
726 Statement re anonymous call received by Scottish
Crimestopper |
V, Vol 4, Page 726 |
apenso5_vol_4_p726 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 59)....Page 726? "Statement re anonymous
call received by Scottish CrimeStoppers"
Page 726 (Page 1 of 1)
FAX : 01162485473
Leicestershire Constabulary
Connection Tel : 003512824xxxxx
Newton Martin
From Service Desk (Service.Desk@spsa.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 12th May 2007 01.51
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : CrimeStoppers Log 169335 Madeleine McCann enquiry
Hello, we received this anonymous call to Scottish CrimeStoppers
in connection with the abduction of Madeleine McCann,
Information provides that a villa located in LAGOS may be
getting used to hide Madeleine McCann or be used in other child
trafficking activities.
The villa's address is :
Rua Regimento De Artilharia, x lote xxx, Lagos
Caller advised that in the basement of the villa are 10 bunk
beds all equipped with Child's blankets and bed covers.
The rental company who manages the villa are called CAxxx Dx
No further details provided.
Jim McVittie
SPSA Service Desk
0141 585 8333 |
727 to 728 - External
diligence re sighting in
Lagos |
V, Vol 4, Page 727 to 728 |
with thanks to Ines |
apenso5_vol_4_p727 |
apenso5_vol_4_p728 |
Inquiry Report
Place: Lagos
officer: Chief Inspector Tavares de Almeida
officers: Inspectors Marques Bom and Luis Miranda
and Result of Inquiry:
As a result
of the attached fax, we went to Lagos, to Rua Regimento do
Infantario n| 4 and not to Artilharia 4, specified in the fax as
that address does not exist.
Upon our
arrival we located the building, situated at lot 124, an urban
residential site, composed of a ground floor, first floor and
underground garage.
When we
approached the house nobody appeared at the door and we later
found out from neighbours that the house was the property of a
Swiss citizen, a resident of Estoril, Lisbon, named Cristiano
and married to D. Manuela, a couple who adopted an orphaned girl
several years ago and who was now aged 14.
individual who is retired and aged about 60 rents the house out
through an estate agency during the summer period.
The house is
composed of 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, 2 WC, living room, garage and
swimming pool and is fully furnished.
With regard
to the occupation of the house during the months of April and
May of this year, we were told that the house was closed and had
been unoccupied and no use of the house for personal or criminal
purposes was reported.
See also for
attached fax above 05-04-Apensos V, Vol 4, Page 726 |
729 to 731 Email from DC Hughes re negative sightings |
V, Vol 4, Page 729 - 730 |
apenso5_vol_4_p729 |
apenso5_vol_4_p730 |
apenso5_vol_4_p731 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 62-63)....Pages 729 to 731?"Email from
DC Hughes re negative sightings"
(Note : Page 731 seems to
be a "Missing or Misplaced" page)
Page 729 (Page 1 of 2)
Priority 5
Op Task
From "Hughes John (DC)" (john.hughes433@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
To : "Task Portugal" (Task.Portugal@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 25th June 2007 16.26
Subject : Interpol results-priority 5.
You can ignore most of this, it is a negative update sightings,
but the bit at 3. re VERSCHELDEN means nothing to us here, or
Interpol London and we wonder if it is something that was meant
for Portugal. Can you bring it to their attention.
Dc John Hughes
From : john.davis@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Sent : 22nd June 2007 16.47
To : john.hughes433@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
; task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
; robert.waddington@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : 4H-2395710-07 : INTERPOL MADRID REPLY - Hotel del mar
& Mojacar & Vera Playa & Margateta VERSCHELDEN
Importance : HIGH
Your Reference : ACTION NRs : M706 (Hotel del Mar) ; D292 (The
Playa, Mojacar, Almeria, black Peugeot car, part registration
778) ; D633 (Possible sighting in VERA, 10th May. Vehicle
abandoned nearby) ;
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 5 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
27th June 2007, and headed by "Policia Inglese", which may have
overwritten the lower part of this report)
Page 730 (Page 2 of 2)
1. With regards to your message advising that Interpol London
had received information that in Playa de Mojacar/Almeria at
1500 hours on 13th May 2007, an individuak ( unidentified by IP
London) saw a couple with two children, one of whom looked like
Madeleine. The individuals got out of a black Peugeot with a
Spanish VRM, part of which read '...778'. Enquiries to locate
these vehicles have been unsuccessful. Furthermore, the
description of those accompanying Madeleine did not provide any
information which could have helped to locate them.
2. Interpol London advised us that they had received information
that approximately 5 days after Madeleine's disappearance, a
grey Renault with Portuguese VRM xxx-x1-01 was seen (by
unidentified individual) on Calle Juan Sebastian el Cano on the
outskirts of VERA, Calle Juan Sebastian el Cano is in Vera
Playa, and we have not been able to locate any Renault with
Portuguese VRM there. However, we found a dark grey Renault 19
with Portuguese VRM xx-xx-88 parked on a street at right angles
to Calle Juan Sebastian el Cano, Calle Nunez de Balboa, next to
Urb. La Medina. This vehicle does not appear to be abandoned.
Similarly, with regards to point 1. , please be advised that a
black Peugeot 307 with VRM xxx2-xxR was parked near the
abovementioned vehicle. This vehicle belongs to the Hert Hire
Company and was hired at Almeria Airport by British national
Alex TAxx (Passport number : 30-0x-xxxxx). The vehicle was hired
on 10th June until 13th June. The vehicle was parked outside
apartment 15xx, a property marked as 'Casa ALxxxxx', in Urb. Las
Medinas de Vera Playa. However, in view of the fact that neither
of the VRM's match up, or even resemble those of the vehicles
sighted, we do not believe that either vehicle has any
connection to the case.
3. With regards to the information from Puesto de Garrucha which
our Unit was informed about yesterday, and which stated that an
individual named, Margateta VERSCHELDEN, had seen a girl who may
have been Madeleine at around 1300 hours on 23rd May in GARRUCHA
: please be advised that yesterday afternoon we interviewed
Margateta and she accompanied Officer's from our Force to the
exact place where she had seen the girl, describing where she
was going to. We asked to see footage from the CCTV of the Post
Office and of the Calle Mayor in Garrucha where the individuals
with Madeleine were walking. However, the Post Office does not
keep CCTV recordings for very long and so unfortunately the
footage could not be viewed.
(Note : This report seems
to have ended rather abruptly here. However the following page,
Page 731 is a "Missing or Misplaced" page, and the report may
well have continued on it) |
734 to 735 Email re negative sighting in Guatemala City |
V, Vol 4, Page 734 and 735 |
apenso5_vol_4_p734 |
apenso5_vol_4_p735 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 65-66)....Pages 734 to 735?"Email re
negative sighting in Guatemala City"
Page 734 (Page 1 of 2)
FW : Mistaken sighting of Madeleine McCann : GUATEMALA CITY
Bill Henderson
From : Liz.Dow@fco.gov.uk
Sent : 15th June 2007 08.08
To : Bill.Henderson@mail.telepac.pt
Subject : FW : Mistaken sighting of Madeleine McCann : GUATEMALA
Please pass a copy to Bob Small. I spoke to him about this last
night. Thanks.
______________Original Message________________
From : Gary Middlemas - Guatemala City UBS
Sent : 14th June 2007 23.18
To : Adele Taylor ; Liz Dow *Lisbon-UBS ; Emma Harber ;
Cc : Neil Hulbert ; Christopher Tannasee ; Carl Malin
*-Guatemala City (USB) ; Ian Hughes *-Guatemala City (USB) ;
Karen Miller * (Guatemala City) - CONF ; Lourdes Taylor -
Guatemala City (UBS) ; FCO Response Centre ; Richard Crowder
PINKY CONF ; Tony Hennessy.
Subject : RE : Mistaken sighting of Madeleine McCann : GUATEMALA
Thank you. many apologies to all for raising hopes from here. It
did indeed appear a credible sighting highlighted by the need
for the Guatemalan Police / HM Consul to approach the girl and
gentleman to ascertain identities.
We will liaise with Consular Directorate / Press Office
overnight on handling any local reaction detailed below.
Gary Middlemas
Consul/ Management Officer ( Temp : 12th June - 31st July 2007)
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 2 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, which indicates re negative result of
sighting in Guatemala. This entry may have overwritten the lower
part of this report)
Page 735 (Page 2 of 2)
Report on Page 734 continues thus :
.............police and Emma Harber, all of whom were informed
earlier of this possible sighting. Sorry to have set hares
running - but then you never know !
Adele Taylor
Duty Manager
FCO Response Centre |
737 Statement re sighting in Costa De Sol |
05-04 Apensos
V, Vol 4, Page 737 |
apenso5_vol_4_p737 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 04)....(PDF Page
67)....Page 737?"Statement re
sighting in Costa De Sol"
Page 737 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2 Scanned and E-mailed to
Type : Full Incident
Date/Time : 13th May 2007 10.49
Rec By : TPHONE Serial : 886 Ident :
BC28 1909 12th May 2007
Location : COSTA DE SOL : Out of
Force Area
Origin : BARBARA : Witness
Text :
Caller has called once today
already, (Can't find Inci), re
Maddy. She was in a supermarket when
she saw a lady with a small child
that looked like Maddy. She has
taken a photo of one of the women
who was with her. She has also taken
a photo of the number plate which
the girl got in.
Title : Info re Maddy
Inc Type : Admin Grade : 4 Occ Time
: 1909 Date : 12th May 2007 Sect :
OIC : 8798 : CIV : J P : MEREDITH BC
: : Call Management
1912 8798 - BC28 Incident confirmed
1913 " - " She took these photos
into the Police Station. They
checked the index and found that it
was hired out. Caller wishes to
speak with English Officer's. She
feels the Spanish Police are too
laid back. Caller extremely
1915 8798 - BC28 Informed OP Task of
the above. As this is the second
call from this lady.
1916 " - " Incident Result OOM :
Message only : Not Incident Related
" " - " Incident linked to : 57 4th
May 2007
" " - " Incident closed
1950 550 - HE353 Full Incident
Printed : Printed for 550 : Printed
all pages to WNP2
Note : Here, is a handwritten entry
of 6 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 12th May 2007)
738 SOC form re Spanish sightings |
V, Vol 4, Page 738 |
apenso5_vol_4_p738 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 68)....Page 738?"SOCA form re Spanish
Page 738 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email - london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Head of NCB : Brian Minihane
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
Spanish enqs 27/6/7.
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Spain
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc.
We have several possible sightings of the missing child
Madeleine McCann in Spain and it's Islands.
Request :
We request that enquiries be made to verify or eliminate these
possible sightings with local witnesses or CCTV where possible.
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 12 lines, in the Portuguese Language,
(headed by 'Policia Inglese / Interpol UK, and dated 2nd July
2007), with possible sighting dates in Spain of 12th May, 20th
May, 26th May, 6th June, 9th June, and 15th June, indicated) |
739 Leicestershire constabulary request for Spanish assistance |
V, Vol 4, Page 739 |
apenso5_vol_4_p739 |
apenso5_vol_4_p740 |
apenso5_vol_4_p741 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 04)....(PDF Page
69)....Page 739?"Leicestershire
constabulary request for Spanish
Page 739 (Page 1 of 1)
Leicestershire Constabulary
From : Dc443 J.N.Hughes
Area /LPJ/Dept : Major Crime Unit
Ref : Operation Task
Date : 27th June 2007
To : Interpol London
Subject : Multiple Spanish enquiries
The reports we ask for assistance
with from the Spanish Authorities on
this occasion are as follows :
Ref A2472
An anonymous CrimeStoppers report
has been received stating the
following : At 0.600hrs on Saturday
9th June 2007, the caller was in the
car park of apartments called
CALAHONDA DEL SOL, which is on the
main road called Contra De Cadiz
196.5, between Malaga and Marbella.
They saw a black Ford Focus, with EU
plates xxxxxxx. The caller reports
seeing the male driver carry a child
into the apartments.
It is requested CCTV to be checked
for this sighting, and that vehicle
owner enquiries are carried out to
trace and interview the vehicle
Ref A2483
A possible sighting has been
reported to an English 'Missing
Persons' Website. The caller gives
the phone number of 00346498xxxxx.
The report is dated 15th June 2007,
and the caller suggests they have
vehicle details and possibly a photo
from a possible sighting.
It is requested that the caller be
contacted and seen for further
details to be obtained.
Ref A618
A possible sighting has been
reported at Lanzarote Airport on
20th May 2007, between 0930hrs and
1300hrs. A white woman with blond
hair was seen with a girl at the
departure area.
It is requested that CCTV be checked
for this sighting.
Ref A1758
A possible sighting has been
reported at 10.30hrs on 26th May
2007, at a cafe bar called 'The
Oyster Catcher', Los Christianos,
TENERIFE. The girl was with a dark
haired tanned couple and a dark
haired tanned young boy, the were
eating in the cafe.
It is requested that CCTV be checked
for this sighting.
Ref A1772
A report has been made of a possible
sighting in a hotel called Sol
Guadalupe, Crta La Porossa, MAGALUF,
Mallorca. The hotel phone number is
349711xxxxx. On 6th June 2007, a
male was seen in a first floor room
overlooking the pool. He had a child
staying with him who looked like
Madeleine McCann. The man is
described as early 40's age, heavy
build and balding. He was wearing a
red football shirt. He was described
as suspicious as he seemed........
(Note : Here, the report ends
abruptly. The immediately following
2 pages, Page 740 and Page 741, are
"Missing or Misplaced" pages. The
report may well well have continued
on one or both of these "Missing or
Misplaced" pages)
742 to 743 Email re sighting outside Seville bull ring |
V, Vol 4, Pages 742 and 743 |
apenso5_vol_4_p742 |
apenso5_vol_4_p743 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 70-71 )....Pages 742 to 743?"Email re
sighting outside Seville bull ring"
Page 742 (Page 1 of 2)
From : Dic.Portimao
Date : 14th May 2007 12.20
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Maddie
From : Michael Shaw (Michael@xxxxxxxxxx.com)
Date : 14th May 2007 11.55
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : Maddie
We were in SEVILLE on Saturday 12th May. I was stood outside the
bull-ring near the entrance to the museum (you can see the
entrance to the museum on the attached picture, it is painted
orange). A little girl was standing outside the entrance and
didn't seem to want to go inside the building with the adult she
was with. She seemed very sad, so I took this photograph.
I doubt that someone who abducted Maddie on the Thursday would
be visiting a bull-ring on the Saturday so I suspect this photo
will not help you, but I thought it was better to send it
anyway, and let you have a look at it.
You can contact me on this e-mail address or on my UK mobile
number which is 079682xxxxx.
Michael Shaw
Page 743 (Page 2 of 2)
(Note : Here, is the
scanned photograph which Mr Shaw refers to in his e-mail. Very
poor quality reproduction. Nil else entered upon this page) |
745 Email re sighting in Warsaw |
V, Vol 4, Page 745 |
apenso5_vol_4_p745 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 73)....Page 745? "Email re sighting in
Page 745 (Page 1 of )
Luis Antonio Numes Neves
From : dccbanditismo
Date : 14th May 2007 09.57
To : Luis Antonio Numes Neves ; Alfredo Manuel Silva Esberard
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann
Importance : High
____________Original Message______________
From : gaute gutenman (gutenman@xxxxxxx.com)
Date : 12th May 2007 17.07
To : dccbanditismo
Subject : Madeleine McCann
I am a medical student in Poland, Wroclaw.
This is a long shot, but I wanted to report a suspicious car
with a man and young girl I saw a few days ago.
Audi S8 silver with taxi stickers on side showing 1100x or some
numbers with 11 on doors. Inside in back seat without seatbelt a
young girl with white head band that could be looking like
Madeleine. In front a 50+ tough looking man smoking.
The car left from parked outside U1. (Note : could be Ul.) Prusa
in Wroclaw going east I think, I was going other direction
around 8 - 9am.
My reason for concern is that I know there are many hore(sic)
houses here, and criminal people that deal with girls. Further,
no normal taxi driver can afford a luxury car like Audi S8 here.
I though I wouldn't report this, but it stuck in my head, so I
just felt like reporting this. It might not be important.
Gaute anonym Gutenman |
- External diligence re
sighting in Aljezur garden |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol IV Page 746 |
apenso5_vol_4_p746 |
Inquiry Report
Place: Praia
da Luz, Lagos
Officers: Inspectors Pedro David, Arménio Pontes and Hugo
and Results of Inquiry:
With the aim
of checking the veracity of information received today by DIC
Portimao at 15.00, which raised the possibility that Madeleine
was at a farm in Aljezur, owned by a German couple, we contacted
Nelson Gil Domingues, the “informant” in question and went to
the farm.
We noted that
indeed a young girl was living there but that she is the
daughter of P. and R. Kress, owners of the property. The entire
property known as Casa do Tramelo, was searched, nothing
abnormal having been found.
Signed. |
770 Statement re sighting in Malaga airport |
05-04 Apensos
V, Vol 4, Page 770 |
apenso5_vol_4_p770 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 97)....Page 770?"Statement re sighting in
Malaga airport"
Page 770 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2 : Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal : Enq sent to
Incident Message : M816 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 22nd May 2007 Time : 1744 Priority : H
Type : Phone In : Code : MADE : Description : MADELEINE Beth
McCANN to include possible sightings
Message From/To : FROM
Surname : LEACH
Forename(s) : Colin Entwistle
Sex : Male
Telephone Number(s) : HOME : 012545xxxxx
Address : HOME : x, FAxxxxx Kxx, Blackburn, United Kingdom, DBx
Information :
On 12th May 2007 I was at MALAGA Airport approx 1145am-1220pm in
area C.
I was sitting waiting for my flight when a young girl ran
towards me, screaming and crying, shaking her arms.
A lady ran up behind her and grabbed her and picked her up and
took her back to where they were sitting which was out of my
view. When I entered area C, I walked past a bank of monitors
and then sat in front of the next bank of monitors, facing the
way I had just walked.
The young girl looked approx 3 yrs, fair waxy hair possibly
crimped. She was very upset. I didn't hear her speak.
Person receiving/sending : Receiving: Title/Rank/Id Number:
Forename(s) : Lynne Surname : GOLDER |
772 - Service information re
sighting in Sabugal |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol IV Page 772 |
apenso5_vol_4_p772 |
Policia Judiciaria
Service Information
Date: 2007-05-15
To: The Police Station Coordinator
From: Inspector B. Correia
Subject: Information about the disappearance of Madeleine.
I inform you that today at about 12.45 a phone call was received
from France from someone who identified himself as José Cruz
Ramos, saying the following:
Last Saturday, 12-05-2007 at about 12.00, when he was in the Rio
Coa Leisure Park in Sabugal, he saw a male individual, white and
“quite sunburnt”, aged apparently 40, 1.70m in height, with a 3
day beard, accompanied by a girl, in all aspects “identical” to
the photos published of Madeleine.
He added that the girl appeared to be happy and relaxed, whilst
the man took photos with his mobile, they spent about 15 minutes
there, after which he lost sight of them.
These facts were communicated to Sabugal GNR, which made
Signed |
773 - Service information re
sighting near pool in
Vilamoura |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Volume IV Page 773 |
apenso5_vol_4_p773 |
Policia Judiciaria
Date: 2007-05-12
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Leonor Madeira
Subject: Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
I inform you that today at about 14.25 a phone call was received
made by a female person, who remained anonymous, telling us of
the following situation:
At that moment, at a tennis court at the Vilamoura Tennis
Academy, near the pool, there was a young woman with blond hair,
apparently of British nationality, accompanied by a small girl,
very similar to Madeleine.
There was another couple with this woman, also apparently
British, who proceeded to reserve a tennis court using the
surname Ward, until 15.00.
This situation was immediately reported to the Portimao PJ.
Faro, 10th May 2007
Signed. |
778 Statement re sighting in Vale de Lobo |
V, Vol 4, Page 778 |
apenso5_vol_4_p778 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 103)....Page 778? "Statement re sighting in
Vale de Lobo"
Page 778 (Page 1 of )
Here, is a handwritten entry of 8 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 4th July 2007, which has overwritten the Header
of this Incident Report. Also indicates statement initially
given by Mr Howlett on 15th May 2007)
Report continues thus :
Message From/To : FROM
Surname : HOWLETT
Forename(s) : Mark
Sex : Male
Telephone Number(s) : MOBILE : 0797040xxxxx
Address : HOME : x, THxxxxxxx CLxxx, Cardiff South, Glamorgan,
CFxx xxT
Information :
Just come back from a golfing holiday in Portugal, played at VAL
DE LOBO, not sure of the area, on 12th May, when they finished
playing there the coach collected them at 1800 hrs, parked
opposite club and boarded coach. Looking over the top of a hedge
to adjacent villa, approx 30 yards from entrance to golf club on
the opposite side. Saw a young girl sat with her back against
the side of the villa, fitting Madeleine's description, sobbing
uncontrollably. Woman trying to console her from a distance,
tried to give her a mobile phone, offered her a tissue. Woman :
30's, black hair, 5'5" - 5'6" tall. Thought it was strange that
the woman was trying to comfort her from a distance, and not
cuddling her.
Person receiving/sending : Receiving: Title/Rank/ID Number:
Forename(s) : Sharon Surname : PEARSON |
782 to 783 Email re sighting in Faro |
V, Vol 4, Pages 782 and 783 |
apenso5_vol_4_p782 |
apenso5_vol_4_p783 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 107-108)....Pages 782 to 783? "Email re
sighting in Faro"
Page 782 (Page 1 of 2)
From : El Yakoubi. N. (Nadia) (
Date : 7th June 2007 15.05
To : Bruno Eurico Santos Palhinhas
Subject : Missing Madeleine McCann
Hello Bruno,
I was called today by a Dutch woman about the missing girl.
The woman told me that on 12th May 2007 she was in the Airport
of FARO. The woman had stayed with the family for three nights
in Filla Mora. The flight back to Holland was at p.m. 07.00.
On the airport (near customs) she saw a baby girl with a (man
and woman) couple. The couple were European people between 20
and 30 years old.
They had a girl with them with thin blond hair and with a blue
teat in her mouth. The girl was sitting in a so-called McLaren
buggy. She didn't hear them speaking with each other or with the
girl. The woman lift up the girl and the girl reacted normally.
The Dutch woman had seen a copy of the photo of the missing
Madeleine while she was going through the customs. The woman
thinks she saw Madeleine.
The man was dressed sporty. It was a tall man.
The woman was also sporty dressed. The woman made a frightened
The Dutch woman I soke with is Caroline PEYSIR.
Date of birth is 5th July 1958.
Tel : +316425xxxxx
For questions I'm available for you of course.
Best regards,
Nadia el Yakoubi
KLPD/National Crime Squad
Unit Randstad-North team 3.
Page 783 (page 2 of 2)
Nothing on this page apart
from this message :
"Agency (KLPD) disclaims any liability arising from electronic
mailing". |
789 Emails re sighting |
V, Vol 4, Page 789 |
apenso5_vol_4_p789 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 115)....Page 789 ? "Emails re sighting"
Page 789 (Page 1 of 1)
From : Dic.Portimao
Date : 17th May 2007 15.55
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann - P/1G00000186619/0000/1
Importance : High
From : Directoria.Faro
Date : 17th May 2007 14.24
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann - P/1G00000186619/0000/1
Importance : High
Date : 17th May 2007 11.46
To : Directoria.Faro
Subject : FW : Madeleine McCann - P/1G00000186619/0000/1
Importance : High
From : BMI-II-BK-SIRENE@bmi.gv.at
Date : 16th May 2007 12.58
Subject : Madeleine McCann - P/1G00000186619/0000/1
Importance : High
Concerning our form 'M' recently sent see enclosed the photo and
the report of the "Landeskriminalamt Steiermark" concerning
Madeleine McCann - Art 97 SDU - P/1G00000186619/0000/1.
We did not contact IP London in this case.
Regards, SAT, Brunner
Gerhard BRUNNER, K1 |
790 to 792 Statement re sighting in Graz-Strassgang |
05-04 Apensos
V, Vol 4, Page 790 -792 |
apenso5_vol_4_p790 |
apenso5_vol_4_p791 |
apenso5_vol_4_p792 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 04)....(PDF Pages
116-118)....Pages 790 to 792 ?
"Statement re sighting in
Page 790 (Page 1 of 3)
On 13th May 2007, Mario VOLAR, (DoB
: 8th March 1986), reported to the
Police Station of Graz Eggenberg
that he saw something suspicious
around 13.15 at the OMV petrol
station at GRAZ-STRASSGANG with
regard to the child abduction in
Portugal (4th May 2007) - Madeleine
McCann - 3 year old girl). In a VW
Kombi (see enclosure) bearing
British licence plates ( photo I/p
P-870FQJ) he saw a male person,
approx. 35 years, 180 cm, slim
build, and a female person with
black long hair. On the back seat he
also saw a child's seat, however,
because of the dark panes he could
not see whether there was indeed a
child in the car.
Since he cannot rule out what he saw
is connected to the media coverage
of the child abduction in Portugal,
he made a report to the Police.
Please find enclosed a photo of the
VW-Kombi provided by the petrol
station owner.
(Note : Here, is entered the
original German text of the above,
translated to English, report)
Page 791 (Page 2 of 3)
(Note : Here, is a reproduction of
the scanned photo of the car
mentioned in the previous page of
the report. Poor quality
Page 792 (Page 3 of 3)
(Note : Here, is a fully
blackened-out page)
793 Email re crimestoppers information log |
V, Vol 4, Page 793 |
apenso5_vol_4_p793 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 119)....Page 793?"Email re crimestoppers
information log"
Page 793 (Page 1 of 1)
Newton Martin
From : CrimeStoppers
Sent : 14th May 2007 10.12
To : Task
Subject : FW : CrimeStoppers Information Log. Please do not
reply. CBL/59278/2007
Attachments : CBL/59278/2007 - Leicestershire.rtf
For your Info.
Debbie Robinson
Leicestershire CrimeStoppers
Ext : 4992 |
- Service information re
sighting in Montechouro,
Albufeira |
With thanks to Ines |
Apensos V, Vol IV Page 799 |
apenso5_vol_4_p799 |
Policia Judiciaria
Date: 2007-05-13
Service Information
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
From: Inspector Joao Correia
Subject: Phone call to the police about Madeleine’s
I inform you that today at about 21.50, I received a phone call
at this police station, from an English individual, who
identified himself as Mark, who can be reached on *****, if any
clarification is necessary.
He said that while he was on holiday in Portugal, specifically
in Montechuro – Albufeira, he said that today he saw a female
arrive in a blue Fiat Punto, number plate 43-72-XD with a girl
identical to missing Madeleine.
The woman in question parked the car next to the Vilarinhos
tourist resort in Montechouro, close to the Montechuro hotel,
and carrying the girl she entered another vehicle of the same
make, but grey in colour, with number plate 40-89-¿H, he not
manage to note the first letter of the number plate.
Inspector Correia |
801 SOCA information re Spain sighting |
05-04 Apensos
V, Vol 4, Page 801 |
apenso5_vol_4_p801 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 124)....Page 801?"SOCA information re
Spain sighting"
Page 801 (Page 1 of 1)
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email - london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
Head of NCB : Brian Minihane
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Spain
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc.
Possible sighting at The Playa, Mojacar, Almeria, Spain,
1500hrs, with a man and a woman with a black Peugeot car, part
registration 778.
Request :
Can the local Police please check for any local CCTV, and is
there anything that can be done on local searches of the part
registration number.
ORIGINAL CrimeStoppers report.
Criminality & Role of the above Subjects.
This Section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5x
Intelligence System. The request will be rejected otherwise.
802 Email re Spanish sighting in Almeria |
V, Vol 4, Page 802 |
apenso5_vol_4_p802 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 125)....Page 802?"Email re Spanish sighting in
Page 802 (Page 1 of 1)
Hughes John (DC)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 29th May 2007 16.07
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk'
Subject : Possible sighting-Spain
Attachments : Leics enquiry form D292.doc ; D292.pdf
Can we ask the Spanish Police to look into this possible
sighting in Almeria.
Dc John Hughes |
810 Statement of sighting near Luz Bay Hotel |
V, Vol 4, Page 810 |
apenso5_vol_4_p810 |
apenso5_vol_4_p811 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 131)....Page 810?"Statement of sighting near
Luz Bay Hotel"
Page 810 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2
Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal
Incident Message : M780 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 22nd May 2007 Time : 1405 Priority : M
Type : Phone In : Code : MADE : Description : Madeleine Beth
McCANN to include possible sightings
Message From/To : FROM
Surname : ALLEN
Forename(s) : Maggie
Sex : Female
Telephone Number(s) : HOME : 014222xxxxx
Address : xx, STxxxxx GRxxx, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HXx xxE
Information :
I was in Praia de Luz on Monday 7th - 21st May. I was staying in
Luz Bay Hotel. Whilst I was there I was drawn to this track in
the road, not far from Robert Murat's villa. I went down there
on 13th May. After returning from this track, I was near the
supermarket road and walked on the righthand side as Murat's
villa on the left. Past the McCann's apartment and saw some
trellis. Just beyond this were two men and a little girl with
darker hair than Maddy. The car was black, not a little car. One
of the men wore sunglasses.
I saw Neal Sears, the Daily mail reporter, but he was on his
Didn't do anything about it as thought it may be nothing.
17th Daily Mail the arch(sic), (?architect?), who built Murat's
villa had a concealed room. I saw picture of Russian chap
(Sergey) who was possibly driving the car I saw, maybe a
Citreon. Did go to the Police on that day.
(Note :
Here, statement seems to end abruptly. The immediately following
page, Page 811, is a "Missing or Misplaced" page, as is Page
812. This statement may well have continued on the "Missing or
Misplaced" page, Page 811, (and possibly on Page 812 also)) |
817 to 821 Statement re sighting in Lagos |
05-04Apensos V,
Vol 4, Pages 817-821 |
apenso5_vol_4_p817 |
apenso5_vol_4_p818 |
apenso5_vol_4_p819 |
apenso5_vol_4_p820 |
apenso5_vol_4_p821 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF pages 136-140)....Pages 817-821?"Statement re
sighting in Lagos"
Page 817 (Page 1 of 5)
Task Portugal
Priority 1
From : "Holden Neil" (neil.holden@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
To : "Task Portugal" (Task.Portugal@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 4th July 2007 14.01
Subject : FW : For the attention of Spinney Hill Park LPU
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 13 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 4th July 2007, and which may have
overwritten some of the report on this page)
Then the report continues thus :
_________________Original Message________________
From : website@leices.police.uk
Sent : 3rd July 2007 20.29
To : spinnyhillpark.lpu@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : For the attention of Spinney Hill Park LPU
Page 818 (Page 2 of 5)
A visitor to the Leicestershire Constabulary website left a
Name : Annette de Lange-Doorakkers
Address : De daal x, 5xxx SM Nuenen, Netherlands
Telephone : 040-28xxxxx
E-mail : annette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.nl
Comments :
Last Friday 29th of June I contacted the Dutch Police in
Eindhoven, ( because I didn't who(sic) ((?want or wish?)), to
contact anyone else) after seeing the message on TV on Thursday
night and Friday morning about the arrest of two people, an
Italian man and a Portuguese woman, possibly related to the
missing Madeleine McCann.
I did not hear from the Police since then. Maybe my tip doesn't
lead to anything but I find it important to be sure that the
message is reported to the right persons. That's why I am
sending this e-mail.
Page 819 (Page 3 of 5)
In the week from May 5th til May 19th we were in the Algarve (My
husband, my mother-in-law, my sister-in-law and my(sic)
((?her??)), husband). The first week we stayed in Lagos and the
second week in Santa Barbara de Nexe. We heard about the
disappearing of Madeleine on Wednesday 9th May. There were
pictures everywhere so you couldn't miss it.
In the second week when we stayed in Santa Barbara de Nexe we
drove near the shore towards CARVOEIRO and were making a car
trip. In the little town, Carvoeiro, we went to the beach for a
very short time and when we decided to get something to drink I
was waiting, in front of the beach, with my mother-in-law for my
husband who was still on the beach. At that time, a couple, a
man with dark hair and a woman with dark hair, came from the
beach and they had a little girl with them who had blond hair.
The reason why it took my attention was because the girl was 3 -
4 years old (but I don't have any children and I don't know much
about sizes etc at any age), had blond hair and the parents had
dark hair. The man and woman were speaking English (not with an
accent, at least not that I could hear) and said something to
the girl and called her, at first, Maddy and then Madeleine
because she didn't listen right away. But she didn't react
When I was waiting I watched them walking towards the town and
was doubting to do anything with this. I couldn't imagine if you
have abducted a little child you would go to the beach only 60
km (or something like that) away and call her by her real name.
Maybe if I had seen a Policeman at that time I might
attented(sic) him but the situation to me was not likely.
Page 820 (Page 4 of 5)
When I heard of the arrest of the man and woman this picture
again occurred to me. The news didn't show any photo's of the
people who were arrested (and I believe that the investigation
did point out that they were after tipmoney(sic), (?ransome?),
or something like that). If I would see the pictures I might be
able to tell you if the people they have arrested are the same I
saw on the beach that day (Monday 14th May). It probably is
nothing but you never know.
Well if this information is of any help then you can contact me
by e-mail or phone.
Kind regards, I hope you will find her soon.
Annette de Lange-Doorakkers
Nuenen (Netherlands)
Phone : 040-28xxxxx
Page 821 (Page 5 of 5)
PS : My English isn't that well so I hope the message is still
Leicestershire Constabulary Website |
823 to 831- Sighting logs
from SIRENE |
Thanks to Ines |
V, Vol 4, Page 823 to 831 |
apenso5_vol_4_p824 |
apenso5_vol_4_p825 |
apenso5_vol_4_p826 |
apenso5_vol_4_p827 |
apenso5_vol_4_p828 |
apenso5_vol_4_p829 |
apenso5_vol_4_p830 |
apenso5_vol_4_p831 |
Apensos V, Vol IV Page 823
Security Police (PSP)
From: PSP
Date 14 1930
May 2007
National HQ
Suspicious Vehicle
information told to the police in an anonymous phone call, in
the area of Viseu, a light vehicle was seen, number plate RAO2
NWS, English, Mitsubishi Strakar, grey with a blue cloth top in
which two males were travelling with a girl, suspected to be the
girl who was abducted from the Algarve.
This is
referred to in the statement made by this police force, nº
1398/07 today.
A fax was
immediately sent to the Coimbra PJ to inform them of the
Apensos V, Volume IV Page 824
Form Received
Form: Other
2007-05-14 11.34
Date of
Birth: 2003-05-12
Sex: F
At the police
station in Vocklamarkt a man appeared who stated having certain
capabilities in the field of dowsing using a pendulum. He wanted
to make a statement with regard to the kidnapping case which we
hereby forward to you. According to his statement the girl is
staying in Spain in the village Puebla de Sanabria, at a small
farm. If we had a more detailed map at hand he could have
pinpointed the alleges current location of Madeleine even
more......continued in form
Apensos V, Volume IV Pages 826-827
(In Engish)
Form: Other
2007-05-14 17:13
Date of
Birth: 2003-05-12
hint! A female person called the police in Friedberg and told
them the following: “I am calling because of the kidnapped child
in Portugal. I know it is difficult to explain. You could call
it “clear vision”. It was an “intuition” a “vision”. I was not
in Portugal myself. The child is about 40 kilometres south from
the place where she was abducted in a location called Sagres.
The house where the child is held is located in the “Rua Praya
Mareta”. If you drive along the road toward the south there is a
roundabout. After the roundabout a side street crosses Rua Praya
Mareta. The house is somewhere within a 50 m parameter round
about this crossing. It is a 1 or 2 storied house probably on
the left side. The girl was still alive when I “sensed” her and
in the house but she is poorly.
The caller’s
name is not (!) known but she spoke very clearly and did not
seem to be mentally confused. When asked by the Friedberg police
she was unable to give a more detailed description of the house.
We do not have any further information. Please inform your
competent authorities, advising them that the above information
was “an intuition” or a “vision”!
SIRENE Germany
In German and
Apensos V, Volume IV Pages 828
Form: Other
2007-05-14 16.23
Date of
Birth: 2003-05-12
An Austrian
journalist thought to have recognised the kidnapped McCann
Madeleine during a film shooting in Graz/Styria on 2007 05 06 at
about 15.30 as one of the children being filmed. It is the blond
girl in pink trousers, white shirt and red jacket. We forward
via e-mail photographs for a possible presentation to the
SIRENE Austria
Apensos V,
Vol IV Page 830
(repeated on 831)
(In French)
Received Form
Form: Other Information
Date/Time: 2007-05-14 09.46
Surname: McCann
Name: Madeleine
Date of Birth: 2003-05-12
Sex: F
Nationality: GB
Request for Information: We ask you to give us more information
regarding the physical description of the child: eye colour,
scar, all distinctive marks.
Reply to your message: On 13-05-2007 Mme Sylvie Vonstrat after
having seen the news on television contacted the Colmar
Gendarmerie and claimed to have seen on Friday 11-05-2007 at
bout 19.00 in the Rond Point shop in Logelbach at the check out,
a gypsy couple with a small girl sitting in the trolley who did
not resemble the couple at all and who did not smile. Mme
Vontrat made the link with young Maddie on the basis of the eyes
having a peculiarity in the iris (not shown on television) and
because of the hair style. She thinks there is a 65%
resemblance. Security footage has been seen. Checks have been
made with travellers in Colmar. A photo fit of the couple will
be made.
Regards, SIRENE France. |
838 Email re sighting in Costa Del Sol |
V, Vol 4, Page 838 |
apenso5_vol_4_p838 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 156)....Page 838?"Email re sighting in
Costa Del Sol"
Page 838 (Page 1 of 1)
Op Task
Newton Martin
From : Terry.Boland@met.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 14th May 2007 11.20
To : Task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : Op Task
Following info received on a member of staff answer-phone,
informant unknown, Madeleine was seen over the weekend in a
theme park in TORREMOLINOS, Costa Del Sol, Spain.
DS Terry Boland |
846 Email re sighting in Bangalore, India |
V, Vol 4, Page 846 |
apenso5_vol_4_p846 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 162)....Page 846?"Email re sighting in
Bangalore, India"
Page 846 (Page 1 of 1)
Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
From : Dic.Portimao
Date : 28th May 2007 18.22
To : Ana Filipa Conduto Luz
Subject : FW : Madeleine Beth McCann
From : Lars Kristensen (lars@xxxx.dk)
Date : 28th May 2007 15.12
To : Dic.Portimao
Subject : Madeleine Beth McCann
Dear Sir,
Our friend in India, lars Siefert, should already have sent you
an e-mail around the 18th May. Just to make sure that you have
got it, I would like to mention the incident again.
On the 14th of May, my wife and I were on Brigade Road in
BANGALORE, INDIA. Towards us came an Indian couple, a woman and
a man in the mid-20's. Between them they had a little girl
around 4 years old, caucasian and with light shoulder long hair.
I wondered about it but thought that it could be normal since
all people with money have maids, nannys, cooks and chauffeurs,
so it could likely be a nanny and a chauffeur. Later that
evening we saw on TV that a little girl was missing from
The picture could resemble her, but many children look a little
alike. We told our friends in Delhi about the incident, he is a
UN Security Officer. Coming home to Denmark on the 19th of May,
we saw another picture that was the most recent that was taken
and it resembled the girl we saw a lot more then than the one on
TV. We sent a SMS to our friend in Delhi that we had visited on
the 16th of May, and he replied that he had sent messages to the
Portuguese, English and Danish Police but told us to contact the
Danish Police ourselves. We did so the same evening and
explained what we had seen. I said it was M G road but we have a
receipt from McDonald's on Brigade Road where it happened. M G
road and Brigade road cross each other. This is not to give
anybody false hope, but seeing the picture in Denmark makes me
very annoyed that I didn't take contact to the people to clarify
if anything was wrong.
Yours sincerely,
Lars Kristensen
Phone : 0045461xxxxx
Mobile : 0045261xxxxx |
- Service information re
sighting in Monchique |
Apensos V, Vol IV Page 847 |
apenso5_vol_4_p847 |
Policia Judiciaria
Date: 2007-05-14
Service Information
To: The Police Station Coordinator
From: Inspector Luis Neiva
Subject: Information about “Maddie Case”
I inform you that on this date at about 15.45 a phone call was
received from Faro PSP saying that information had been received
from PSP Officer Carmona saying that a red coloured car with
foreign number plates had been seen in Casais, Monchique where
the missing girl was seen with a tall and slim foreign
Inspector Luis Neiva |
851 to 852 - Service
information re suspicious
vehicle |
Apensos V, Vol IV Pages 851-852 |
apenso5_vol_4_p851 |
apenso5_vol_4_p852 |
To: Chief
Inspector António Martins
Inspector Henrique Magueija
Information relating to the suspicion of a couple in the
abduction of Madeleine McCann
I inform you
that today at about 15.45, I received a phone call from my
colleague, Inspector Raquel Areias, who told me the following:
approximately 14.00 today at the Galp service station in
Monforte-Ermesinde, a couple who are friends of the Inspector,
were approached by a couple with a British accent, aged about
55-60 and travelling in a dark grey Volkswagen Golf with number
plate 72-DD-01 who wanted to know how to join the A3 motorway to
Whilst the
Inspector’s friend explained the best way of joining the A3, her
boyfriend noticed that on the back seat, there was a blonde
girl, perfectly conscious and making drawings, wearing a pink
camisole, aged about 3 or 4, whom appeared to him to be
Madeleine McCann.
When the
couple realised that the girl was being observed, they left
The man is
described as being of strong build, with grey hair brushed
backwards and the woman was blonde with a curly, very voluminous
hair style.
When the SPO
was checked, as shown by the print out attached, this
corresponded to a Yamaha motorbike.
That is all I
have to inform you.
853 - Missing page |
854 Email |
05-04 Apensos
V, Vol 4, Page 854 |
apenso5_vol_4_p854 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 168)....Page 854?"Email"
Page (Page 1 of 1)
Task Portugal
Priority 4
From : "Burrows Caroline" (Caroline.Burrows@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk)
Sent : 24th July 2007 16.31
Attach : D2546.pdf
Subject : D2546.pdf
(Note : Here, is a
handwritten entry of 3 lines, in the Portuguese Language, dated
7th July 2007, and which indicates references to a sighting in
Aylesbury, England) |
855 to 865 Statement re sighting in Aylesbury |
V, Vol 4, Page 855-863 |
apenso5_vol_4_p855 |
apenso5_vol_4_p856 |
apenso5_vol_4_p857 |
apenso5_vol_4_p858 |
apenso5_vol_4_p859 |
apenso5_vol_4_p860 |
apenso5_vol_4_p861 |
apenso5_vol_4_p862 |
apenso5_vol_4_p863 |
apenso5_vol_4_p864 |
apenso5_vol_4_p865 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages 169-176)....Pages 855 to 865?Statement
re sighting in Aylesbury"
(Note : Pages 864 and 865
do not seem to be related to the Aylesbury "sighting". Page 864
has only a Portuguese Language entry, dated 17th May 2007,
indicating a report of a sighting in St Tropez, 14th May 2007.
Elsewhere the page is blackened-out. And Page 865 is a "Missing
or Misplaced" Page)
Page 855 (Page 1 of 9)
Leicestershire Constabulary
To : Thames Valley Police, Milton Keynes Control Room
From : Dc4356 Johnson, Major Crime Unit
Tel : 0116 2482605 / 0791 4900788
Specialist Crime Investigation Dept.
Fax : 0116 2312190
Date : 24th May 2007
Message :
In relation to th eabove enquiry a call has been received by
yourselves reporting a potential sighting of Madeleine.
Therefore as a matter of urgency could you please allow an
Officer to visit Camborne Avenue, AYLESBURY, in the vicinity of
the TOTAL Garage and Parade of shops to conduct a CCTV trawl.
The woman and child walked along the path towards the shops on
the Total Garage side of the road at approx 09.30hrs.
The woman is described only as ICI with fair hair, wearing a
dark blue jumper and tight trousers, approx late 20's - 30yrs.
Holding the hand of a small girl with very black hair wearing a
pink elasticated cuffed jacket. The child was nearest to the
Garage forecourt. It was raining at the time.
Unfortunately there is no further description.
Please find attached the standard Enquiry Officer's Checklist
for your information/guidance, along with a copy of the Action &
original message that came into the Incident Room.
Page 856 (Page 2 of 9)
Could you please contact me with the incident/reference number
once created, on 0116 2482605.
Any questions please do not hesitate to contact me,
Many thanks for your assistance in this matter.
New Parks Police Station
St Oswalds Rd
Page 857 (Page 3 of 11)
Task Portugal
From : "Burrows Caroline" (
To : "Task Portugal" (
Sent : 24th July 2007 16.42
Attach : D2547.pdf
Subject : D2547.pdf
Page 858 (Page 4 of 9)
(Note : Here, is only a scanned image. Extremely poor quality)
Page 859 (Page 5 of 9)
Thames Valley Police
Date : 26th May 2007
From : PC Colin Foster
To : DC4356 Johnson
(Note : Here, is a handwritten report, in English, but which is
very faintly reproduced, with many words quite indecipherable. I
will post as much as I can decipher, and indicate those words
which I can't decipher as '?' marks)
?.....?......?.....?.......the.....?....(?premises)....have been
Martin's Newsagents. Their CCTV was....?....working was repaired
16th May 2007....?...?...?....have copied their
CCTV....?....?....have been produced. Statements
(?in)....?...?....?....Unfortunately I don't have the facility
to view it.
(??Colin Foster)
Page 860 (Page 6 of 9)
Newton Martin
From : Maszczynska Pamela (
Sent : 25th May 2007 00.30
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : F.A.O. DC4356 JOHNSON
Thames Valley Reference : URN 1132 24.5.07
Poss sighting of Madeleine McCANN on CAMBORNE AVENUE, AYLESBURY
near TOTAL GARAGE on 14th May 2007 at 0930hrs.
Ref the request for statement and CCTV seizure, I have obtained
a statement from Mr Norman d*ck from Cramborne Avenue,
Aylesbury. I have also seized CCTV from the TOTAL Garage and a
local BUDGENS shop nearby. Other shops.......
(Note : From here, the report become totally indecipherable due
to poor scanning reproduction"
Page 861 (Page 7 of 9) ((PDF 175))
Statement of Colin Dennis FOSTER
Age : Over 18
Occupation : Police Officer
This statement (consisting of 1 page(s) each signed by me) is
true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it
knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable
to prosecution if I have wilfully stated anything in it which I
know to be false or do not believe to be true.
(Signed) C Foster
Date : 26th May 2007
(Note : This is a handwritten statement by PC Foster. Only a few
words are difficult to decipher, but I will indicate such words
with a (?), or in the case of not being able to decipher at all,
I will indicate such words with a '?'.)
I am PC Foster, stationed at Aylesbury Police Station. At
10.30hrs on Saturday the 26th of May 2007, I was on duty in
?.....(?Police)....?. At this time (?UWW)..handed exhibit MOA/I
TV/638351/L by Motahir Ahmad, at Lloyd's Chemists, Jansel
Square, Aylesbury, Bucks. This exhibit which was 3xDisks of CCTV
from the shop was returned to Aylesbury Police Station. There I
booked it into the Crime Property Register No. CP/3259/07
refers. It was sealed with seal No. D184965. I then placed it
into the holding store at Aylesbury Police Station.
These are my original notes completed at 11.10am on the 26th of
May 2007.
(signed) PC C Foster
Page 862 (Page 8 of 9)
Statement of : (Signature illegible)
Age : Over 18
Occupation : (Indecipherable, but in statement refers to being a
Date : 26th May 2007
This statement (consisting of 1 page(s) each signed by me) is
true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it
knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable
to prosecution if I have wilfully stated anything in it which I
know to be false or do not believe to be true.
I am the above named person, I live at the address shown
overleaf. I am a Pharmacist, working in Lloyd's Chemists, No. 25
to 27, Jansel Square, Aylesbury, Bucks. The interior of the shop
is covered by a CCTV System, which is recorded on to a
Hard-drive. Following a request from Thames Valley Police on
Friday the 25th May 2007, I have copied the CCTV from Monday the
14th of May 2007, between 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. onto 3x Disks.
These discs I produce as exhibit MOA/I TV638351/L. At 10.30 a.m.
today I handed the discs to PC Colin Foster at Lloyd's Chemists.
(signed) : (illegible)
Signature witnessed by : C Foster PC
Page 863 (Page 9 of 9)
(Note : Here, the upper
part of the page has been obscured and thus name etc, is
The page continues thus :
Home address : x, ALxx ROxx, Chesham, Bucks, xPS xHB
Home telephone number : 014947xxxxx
Work telephone number : 012964xxxxx
Preferred means of contact : WORK No.
Sex : Male Date and place of Birth : 14th January 1975,
Height : 5'6" : Ethnicity Code : IC4 (AZ)
Date of witness non-availability : None Stated.
Witness Care :
a) Is the witness willing and likely to attend court : ('Yes'
b) Does the witness require 'special measures' as a vulnerable
or intimidated witness ? : ('No' indicated)
c) Does the witness have any specific care needs ? : ('No'
Witness Consent (for witness completion)
a) The criminal justice process and Victim Personal Statement
Scheme (victim's only) has been explained to me. ('No'
b) I have been given the leaflet 'Giving a witness statement to
Police-What happens next ? ('No' indicated)
c) I consent to Police having access to my medical records in
relation to this matter : ('N/A' indicated)
d) I consent to my medical records in relation to this matter
being disclosed to the defence : 'N/A' indicated)
e) I consent to the statement being disclosed for any purposes
of civil proceedings, e.g. child care proceedings (if
applicable) : ('N/A' indicated)
Signature of witness : (illegible)
Statement taken by : Colin Foster PC
Station : Aylesbury
Time and place of statement taken : 10.25 a.m. Lloyd's Chemists,
Jansel Square.
Signature of witness : (Illegible) |
870 Statement re sighting in Hawaii |
V, Vol 4, Page 870 |
apenso5_vol_4_p870 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 179)....Page 870? "Statement re sighting in
Page 870 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 3
Incident Message : M1116 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 26th May 2007 : Time : 0931 : Description : Madeleine
Beth McCANN to include possible sightings
Message From/To : FROM
Title/Rank/ID Number : BALL 9794
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 4 lines, in the
Portugues Language, dated 26th May 2007, which refers to
'Policia Inglese' and a sighting in Hawaii - 14th May)
Information :
Jane telephoned from HAWAII to state that whilst having dinner
in a restaurant in th etown of TAHOA on the 14th May and saw a
girl that looked identical to Madeleine walking past with a male
and female. She had blonde hair down to her shoulders and was
wearing a pink dress. The lady followed them for about 5 minutes
because she is so convinced it was her and stated that the girl
kept looking back at her. She has since reported this sighting
to the FBI but stated they weren't interested in this. She has
reported this today because she cannot stop thinking about the
Person receiving/sending : Receiving: Title/Ranl/ID Number;
Forename(s) : - Surname : BALL 9794
(Note :
Here, a further handwritten entry, in English, dated 31st May
2007, indicating ' A425, P3, M, RA, Interpol enquiry re sighting
Hawaii, Scanto Portugal') |
871 SOCA document re USA sightings |
V, Vol 4, Page 871 |
apenso5_vol_4_p871 |
of Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4,
Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 180)....Page
871? "SOCA document re USA
Page 871 (Page 1 of 1)
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National
Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email - london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
This form must be submitted by your
International Liaison Officer
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) :
0116 2312169
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) :
4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR : American
enqs 4/6/7.
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to
life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) :
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing
person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : USA
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles /
Companies etc. :
In relation to the Madeleine McCann
case, we have 4 possible sightings
within the USA.
1. Saturday 26th May 2007. At the
County recycling depot, Halls,
sitting in the rear of a red Honda
station-wagon, registered number xxx
xxx. The car was driven by a white
female, about 30 years old, with
fair hair.
2. 10th May 2007. At unknown
Seen in a white van with Californian
registration, xxxxxxx. This
information was passed to Don Austin
at Thursday's Child Charity, Los
Angeles, tel 001-81886xxxxx, by a
reporter named Susan at the Santa
Cruz Sentinel Newspaper.
3. 18.00hrs Friday 1st June 2007.
The Red Lobster Restaurant, 120 Disk
Seen with blond female and a group
of 7 - 8 maen.
4. 14th May 2007. Seen walking with
a man and woman in the town od
TAHOA, HAWAII. Caller was a Jane
RAINEY and there are no further
details. We request that this
sighting be passed for information
only.....(Note: Remainder of this
piece of text is illegible, (5
words), apart from ending with
'reported in Hawii)
As these enquiries are received by
UK CrimeStoppers' lines, there are
no further details available.
It is requested that enquiries be
made to confirm or eliminate these
sightings. In premises where CCTV is
present it is requested that they be
preserved and checked.
It is requested that vehicle owners
be traced in relation to these
All documents listed are attached
for individual dissemination.
This section MUST be graded as per
the National 5x5x5 Intelligence
system. The request will be rejected
874 Incident Message regarding another sighting in
Marrakesh |
V, Vol 4, Page 874
Marrakesh |
apenso5_vol_4_p874 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 181)....Page 874? "Incident Message regarding
another sighting in Marrakesh"
Page 874 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2
Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal
Incident Message : M635 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 21st May 2007 : Time : 0952 : Priority : M
Type : Phone In : Code : MADE : Description : Madeleine Beth
McCANN to include possible sightings
Message From/To : FROM
Surname : WARE
Forename(s) : Paul
Sex : Male
Telephone Number(s) : BUSINESS : 019242xxxxx
Address : BUSINESS : West Yorkshire Police, Wakefield, Sth
Yorks, England
Information :
Have received a call from Oliver NORTON of : xx, ANxxxx
CRxxxxxx, Outwood, Wakefield, WFx xxP. He was on holiday in
Marrakesh last week and he and his girlfriend saw a little girl
who matched the description of Madeleine. This would have been
on either 14th or 15th May 2007. At the time didn't think
anything of it but there has been reports of sights at a garage
which was near to where they saw this little girl. They saw the
girl near to where they were staying which was at the
Telephone number for Oliver Norton is : 078436xxxxx
(Note :
Here, is a handwritten entry of 6 lines, in the Portuguese
Language, dated 21st May 2007, indicating a sighting in
Marrakesh) |
875 to 876 (Page numbers mixed up) Statement re sighting in
Albufeira |
05-04 Apensos
V, Vol 4, Pages 875 and 876 |
apenso5_vol_4_p875 |
apenso5_vol_4_p876 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Pages 182-183)....Pages 875 to 876? "Incident
Message regarding another sighting in Albufeira, Portugal"
Page 875 (Page 1 of 2)
Priority 1
Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal
Incident Message : M387 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 18th May 2007 : Time 0728 : Priority : H
Type : Phone In
Message From/To : FROM
Surname : FRANCIS
Forename(s) : Anne Elizabeth
Sex : Female
Telephone Number(s) : -
Address : HOME : xx, VIxxxxx STxxxx, Keynham, Plymouth, Devon,
PLx xxY
Information :
I flew into Faro on the 9th May 2007 and left on the 16th May
2007. I was staying at Albufara(sic) and there is a beach there
which is reached via a tunnel. On the evening of 14th May 2007,
I was returning down the tunnel at approx 1730 local time. The
tunnel often has beggars in it and I noticed a beggar just
outside the tunnel had a blonde haired child with her. Could not
tell the sex of the child, and the child looked distressed as
the beggar (who was a Portuguese woman) was trying to get the
child to sit on her lap. I thought the child looked to be about
4 years old and thought it strange that the child had a nappy on
and blonde hair, was not as long as Madeleine's hair and the
child was wearing red thick tights with holes in them and some
kind of boots, nothing worn on the top.
The woman was quite plump, size 16, dark hair with a very high
forehead, I did not make eye contact with the woman, woman
possibly in her mid-20's early 30's and was wearing black.
Person receiving/sending : Receiving: Title/Rank/ID Number:
Forename(s) : Stephen Surname : MATTHEWS
Page 876 (Page 2 of 2)
(Note :
Nothing on this page apart from a 'From' type 4 line listing of
unanswered headings) |
878 Email |
V, Vol 4, Pages 878 |
apenso5_vol_4_p878 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 185)....Page 878? "Email"
Page 878 (Page 1 of 1)
Newton Martin
From : Brian.Martin@south-wales.pnn.police.uk
Sent : 14th May 2007 09.41
To : task@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Cc : crimestoppers@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Subject : CrimeStoppers Lof 01270/07
Attachments : rptFaxFormALL.rtf
Please see attached
Brian Martin
Assistant Co-ordinator
CrimeStoppers Wales/Cymru |
879 Email re sighting in Marbella shopping center |
V, Vol 4, Pages 879 |
apenso5_vol_4_p879 |
Table of Contents : APENSOS V,
Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and
Locations (FILE 04)....(PDF Page
186)....Page 879? "Email re sighting
in Marbella shopping center"
Page 879 (Page 1 of 1)
South Wales Police
Force Intelligence Bureau
Central Police Station
CF10 3NN
For Action : Intelligence Only
CrimeStoppers Ref : 01270/07 : URN :
25725 : Xref : N/A
Crime Type : Other Crime : Receiving
Officer : 52913 Brian Martin
Date received : 14th May 2007 : Time
received : 09.17 : Eval : E41
Police Force : Other
Information :
Regarding Madeleine McCann who is
missing, between 1300 and 1400 hrs
last Thursday in the LACANADA
a little girl who looked just like
Madeleine , aged about 3 - 4 years,
outside BEN and JERRY's Ice Cream
Shop. She was wearing a white dress
which had pale blue thin stripes
around it. She looked lost. She ran
off behind a woman who had long dark
hair in plaits. The woman was
plumpish and was about 5'2" tall.
They went off away from the food
concourse. Prior to running off the
little girl was being watched by a
white woman, aged in her 50's. This
woman was about 5'6" tall with long
blonde straight hair and was wearing
pale blue linen trousers and a white
blouse. She was accompanied by a man
of the same age. He had black
greying hair and glasses and was
wearing a blue shirt and khaki
Action Taken : Cat.D : Log e-mailed
to Operation Task. Copy to Leicester
Result of Action : This Log must be
entered in the B3 Book and
notification of result passed to
CrimeStoppers in 28 days.
880 SOCA document re Spanish sightings |
V, Vol 4, Page 880 |
apenso5_vol_4_p880 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 187)....Page 880? "SOCA document re Spanish
Page 880 (Page 1 of 1)
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email - london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
1/6/07 Spanish sighting
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Spain
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc. :
Following the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in Portugal,
there have been multiple possible sightings reported in Spain.
We request in all cases that any possible witnesses be traced,
local enquiries be made to trace any further witnesses, and any
CCTV be preserved. Any hotels should be checked for identity of
guests. Vehicle owners should be seen and checked.
We request that the relevant local Spanish Authority look into
each of the following reports :
M1085 : Possible sighting in Salou, 14th or 15th May.
A925 : Possible sighting in hotel in Salou, 8th May.
D475 : Possible sighting in Valencia, 9th May.
D633 : Possible sighting in Vera, 10th May. Vehicle abandoned
D474 : Possible sighting Riviera Del Sol, 5th May.
D490 : Possible sighting Guardamar del Seura, 6th May.
D505 : Possible sighting Marbella, 10th May.
A789 : Possible sighting in Spanish vehicle, Pampaneira,
(vehicle owner enquiry).
A758 : Possible sighting in Spanish vehicle, Huelva, 17th May,
(vehicle owner enquiry).
All documents listed are attached for individual dissemination.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.
881 Email from DC Hughes re Spanish sightings |
V, Vol 4, Page 881 |
apenso5_vol_4_p881 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 188)....Page 881? "Email from DC Hughes
re Spanish sightings"
Page 881 (Page 1 of 1)
From : Hughes John (DC)
Sent : 1st June 2007 18.52
To : 'london@soca.x.gsi.gov.uk'
Subject : Case Ref 4H2395710/07 Operation Task-Multiple
Sightings, Spain.
Attachments : Leics enquiry form Spanish sightings.doc :
M1085.pdf : D474.pdf : D464.pdf : D633.pdf : D475.pdf : A925.pdf
: D490.pdf : D505.pdf : A789.pdf : A758.pdf
I've spoken to Jane Whiting today about the fact that we have
several Spanish sightings to look at, and they are all included
on this one form. All of the documents that support these
sightings are here as individual attachments.
Dc. John Hughes |
882 to 883 Statement re sighting in Australia |
05-04 Apensos
V, Vol 4, Pages 882 and 883 |
apenso5_vol_4_p882 |
apenso5_vol_4_p883 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Pages )....Pages 882 to 883?"Statement re
sighting in Australia"
Page 882 (Page 1 of 2)
Priority 5
Date Received : 15th May 2007
Title : L . 21816
Summary :
E-mail regarding re potential mistaken identity of abducted
Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal.
Instructions :
(signed) (Illegible)
Scan to Portugal.
(Note : Here, is a handwritten entry of 7 lines, in the
Portuguese Language, dated 14th May 2007, which is headed,
'Policia Inglese', and refers to this Transmission indicating a
reference to Australia)
Page 883 (Pgae 2 of 2)
Newton Martin
From : Baxter Rachel on behalf of Corporate Communications
Sent : 15th May 2007 09.40
To : Task
Subject : FW :
_______________Original Message______________
From : Pollard Richard on behalf of Central LPU
Sent : 14th May 2007 14.42
To : Corporate Communications
Subject : FW : For the attention of City Centre LPU - sent to JM
/ JC
Could you direct this to Department dealing.
Thank you,
d*ck Pollard
____________________Original Message_______________
From : website@leics.police.uk
Sent : 14th May 2007 13.38
To : cenrtal.1pu@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
A visitor to the Leicestershire Constabulary website left a
Name : Lisa
Address : Australia
Telephone : 04073xxxxx
E-mail : (Illegible)
Comments :
Re Madeleine McCann. Could this be a case of mistaken identity ?
Madeleine Mxxx from Holland (age 3) was staying at the same
resort complex at the same time Madeleine McCann went missing.
Is she related to Mxxx, Holland, the shipping magnate who's
business specialises in freight to Portugal and Spain (do a
google search) ? This little girl's picture is on Sky News
Website under the McCann story and bears a very similar
resemblance to Madeleine McCann. I don't mean to be a nuisance
and I hope Madeleine is found soon.
Leicestershire Constabulary Website
Subject : For the attention of City Centre LPU |
884 Statement re sighting in Margareta |
V, Vol 4, Page 884 |
apenso5_vol_4_p884 |
Table of Contents
: APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations (FILE
04)....(PDF Page 191 )....Page 884?"Statement re sighting in
Margareta Hotel, SALOU"
Page 884 (Page 1 of 1)
Priority 2
Scanned and E-mailed to Portugal
Interpol enq sent
Incident Message : M1085 : Security Level : 4
Assessor/Receiver's Summary :
Date : 25th May 2007 : Time : 1954 : Priority : L
Code : MADE : Description : Madeleine Beth McCANN to include
possible sightings
Message From/To : From
Surname : WALMSLEY N932
Forename(s) : Anne
Sex : Female
Address : HOME : x, WIxxxxx CLxxx, Prenton, Merseyside, CHxx xxA
Was in SALOU at hotel called MARGARETA from 11th May 2007 to the
18th May 2007 - believe that on the 14th or 15th May 2007 she
was having lunch on the pormenade in Salou at a bar - she states
that while eating a little girl was led past, she was definitely
being led rather than freely walking. States that there were a
lot of posters with Madeleine on them and she states that the
little girl was the spitting image of the poster, however she
could not see her eyes as she was wearing sunglasses. Little
girl was wearing a light coloured top and pink shirts(sic)
(??shorts??). Unsure if it was a male or female leading the
child but she was being led by her left hand and the adult
leading was wearing a red or orange bracelet.
The bar that they were sat outside was in between the Lunatic
Bar on one corner and a place called the Rover's Return on the
other. |
885 SOCA document re Spanish sightings |
V, Vol 4, Page 885 |
apenso5_vol_4_p885 |
Table of
Contents : APENSOS V, Volume 4, Supposed Sightings and Locations
(FILE 04)....(PDF Page 192 )....Page 885?"SOCA document re
Spanish sightings"
Page 885 (Page 1 of 1)
INTERPOL - United Kingdom National Central Bureau (U.K.N.C.B.)
Interpol London
P.O. Box 8000
London. SE11 5EN
Tel : +44(0)207 238 8115
Fax : +44(0)207 238 8112
Email -
This form must be submitted by your International Liaison
Name & Rank : Dc John Hughes
Contact Details : (Tel & Email) : 0116 2312169 john.hughes443@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Interpol Ref : (Where applicable) : 4H-2395710-07 - ACTION NR :
1/6/7 Spanish sighting
Priority : Urgent/Normal : Urgent
Reason for Urgency : Risk to life-Missing person.
Operation Name : (If Applicable) : OPERATION TASK
Crime or Enquiry Type : Missing person - Madeleine McCann
Destination Countries : Spain
Form C Completed : Form C Attached :
SUBJECTS - Persons / Vehicles / Companies etc. :
Following the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in Portugal,
there have been multiple possible sightings reported in Spain.
We request in all cases that any possible witnesses be traced,
local enquiries be made to trace any further witnesses, and any
CCTV be preserved. Any hotels should be checked for identity of
guests. Vehicle owners should be seen and checked.
We request that the relevant local Spanish Authority look into
each of the following reports :
M1085 : Possible sighting in Salou, 14th or 15th May.
A925 : Possible sighting in hotel in Salou, 8th May.
D475 : Possible sighting in Valencia, 9th May.
D633 : Possible sighting in Vera, 10th May. Vehicle abandoned
D474 : Possible sighting Riviera Del Sol, 5th May.
D490 : Possible sighting Guardamar del Seura, 6th May.
D505 : Possible sighting Marbella, 10th May.
A789 : Possible sighting in Spanish vehicle, Pampaneira,
(vehicle owner enquiry).
A758 : Possible sighting in Spanish vehicle, Huelva, 17th May,
(vehicle owner enquiry).
All documents listed are attached for individual dissemination.
This section MUST be graded as per the National 5x5x5
Intelligence system. The request will be rejected otherwise.